Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Friday night with friends.

Well it has been a busy week, lots going on at work and of course to end the year I had to catch a cold. Needless to say I did not make it to Starbucks this past week. I wanted to rest and try to get over my cold by New Years. On Friday I was feeling better and not coughing as much so I decided I would go out to the P-Club and spend time with my friends. This week we will be at the P-Club 2 nights in a row as this is where we are going to ring in the New Year so was not sure how many girls would show up Friday night but I knew a few would and that was enough for me to go. Funny not feeling well really slows Susan down getting ready so even though I started getting ready earlier I still left my house later than normal.

When I got there Cassandra, Wilma, Amy and Trish were all there, Trish in boy mode. It was good to See Wilma again as with her working she only makes it out occasionally. It wasn’t long and more girls started to show up, we had our usual Friday night group of Cassandra, Victoria, Cristine, Bobby and myself but Chris couldn’t make it. It turned out we had a good group that showed up about 16 in all, Even Maya was there. She is another one who is working again after a long time looking for a job.

Wilma and I took on Cassandra and Cristine in shuffle board. Again the table was awful and really needs to be cleaned and redone but it is still even because both teams have the same disadvantage. Both games Cassandra and Cristine took the lead but Wilma and I never gave up and stayed calm and in the end we won both. It was a lot of fun.

Later on Jan, Lynn and Brooke showed up. They are always fun and enjoy talking to them. It was great to See Brooke out as she has been going through a rough time lately. The hard part is there is not a lot any of us can do to help other than listen and give support. I think that is one of the greatest blessings of this group is we can all relate to each other in some way or another and all the girls in the group are willing to listen.

The rest of the night was spent talking with each other and just having a fun night out together with friends. Some of the girls danced and some played pool but the important thing was we were with friends. I think it was a little after midnight when we called it an evening which is the earliest we have left in weeks.

Tonight is New Years Eve and I hope we have a great turnout. I am still not sure what to wear, I had planned on wearing my red dress which I love and look great in. I don’t wear it that often because it is a little much for a casual night out with friends but New Years is the perfect time. The problem is it is very skimpy with just thin straps over the shoulders, you know the king you get cold in very easy. now if there is a good crowd at the P-Club it will be hot inside and I would be fine in that dress but if there are not a lot of people there then it will be cool in there and as I am working on getting over my cold the last thing I need is to be cold all night. I will have to give this some thought.

Any way I want to wish each and every one of you a safe and Happy New Years. May the New Year bring you joy, happiness and peace? I am thankful for each and every one of you, those I have met or will meet and those that I only know online, you have all touched my life in one way or another and I look forward to an even better year ahead.

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2011 Posted by | Holiday, P-Club | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The night before the night before Christmas at the P-Club

Well I kind of stole my blog title from a Hallmark Christmas movie I watched the other day about a young boy who wishes his family could have a real family Christmas together. I thought it was fitting as that is what our group had last night; our little family got together and had a wonderful time. Peggy baked Christmas Cookies and brought them for everyone and they were really good, Thanks Peggy. We even did a gift exchange, those who wanted brought a gift value was set at $3 but it wasn’t about the gift or the dollar amount it was the thought and the fun of giving. I think that is what makes Christmas so nice, sharing time with loved ones.

Well I took a little extra time getting ready tonight as for me the getting ready is so relaxing and just as much a part of being who I am. I know that may be hard for some to understand especially woman who have do their makeup every day and have for years but I look forward to the getting ready just as much. I guess it is kind of like an artist, they enjoy the creating of the painting as much as the finished painting. Now I realize if I was living full time and doing this every day I may have a little different look on it but probably not. Any way it was fun as I had the Christmas music playing which is probably why it took a little longer as I kept finding myself singing along.

Well I got to the P-Club about 7:15 and Cassandra, Peggy, Roxy and Chris were already there. It was nice to see Peggy out again. Peggy had spent the day baking Sugar cookies and decorating them. Each one were wrapped in plastic with a bow tied on, she must have spent all day doing this. She brought a big basket to give to all the girls there and had some left over, how sweet was this. What a wonderful gift idea and they were so good.

Well we all wondered how many would show up as it was 2 days before Christmas and people may still be out finishing their last minute Christmas shopping. It was probably about 8:30 when more of our group started to show up; in the end we had a good turnout. I am guessing 20 of us were there, some that come out all the time and some that only get out every once in a while. I off course ordered a salad for dinner again as I am still trying to eat healthier and hopefully lose some weight.

We had a new T-girl (Jennifer) from Northern California stop in, seems she had read my blog about going to the P-Club and since she was in the area she came by. It was nice to meet her and it turns out this was her first time out ever. She seemed pretty relaxed for her first time and she looked really good. I remember my first time out I was scared to death and probably looked like a kind playing with makeup. We all greeted her and had a great time talking with her. Hopefully she will be able to come back again and spend more time with us. It is funny how the internet has made such an impact on our lives; we can literally meet and talk with anyone in the world. As a matter of fact Google has a web page called Google translate and you can type something in and translate to almost any language so you can literally talk with anyone in any language.

It was a good night and I even played shuffle board, Peggy and I played Cassandra and Kathryn and then we played Cassandra and Cristine. We lost both games but had a lot of fun. The shuffle board table really needs to be cleaned and redone as there are spots that are so dry the puck just stops but as much as I would like to blame our losing one the table Cassandra was on a hot streak. She could do nothing wrong last night, I guess every once in a while the stars just line up right and last night was Cassandra’s night. She won every game she played be it shuffle board or pool.

It was now time to do our gift exchange; those who wanted to participate brought a wrapped gift of $3 as it was not the dollar amount but the thought behind it. When this was first brought up I thought how easy it would be to get a gift, maybe a little makeup or something like that but then I started thinking, I know I am blonde and should not think. We have some admirers that are male and might show up and participate so then I figured the gift should be gender neutral, well anyway I found this cute little candle in a glass jar with a little Santa hanging on the front and thought it was just perfect. Anyway we all drew numbers and then picked in order. When it was your turn you could pick a gift or take someone else’s, if you took someone else then they picked another gift. Barb who went first at the end got the choice of keeping hers or trading with someone else. It was so much fun, what a great idea Cassandra had. Everyone had a blast and really enjoyed this.

We had a great time and I got a chance to talk with all my friends a little. What a wonderful night as I got to spend it with my friends. Christmas time can get so busy and it is easy to get caught up in it and lose track of what is important, people. Of all the presents I will get this year and in years past it is the people, friends and loved ones in our lives which are the best presents and greatest blessing in our live and all of you I have met either in person or on line I am thankful for. You are my most treasured present.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, may it be filled with love, joy and happiness.

December 24, 2011 Posted by | Holiday, P-Club | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

At Starbucks 3 nights before Christmas

Well it is December 22nd and Christmas is just 3 days away and I am already for it now. I have all my shopping done and can now sit back and relax which means a little Susan time at Starbucks. For some reason it seems Christmas came quicker this year so I was really rushing around more than normal so much so I didn’t even buy Susan a gift, well I did get this really cute cream color shawl wrap. Jessica let me borrow hers as I thought it was really cute. I was right as I wore it once and then just had to get one for me, thanks Jessica for letting me borrow it. I plan to do some shopping after Christmas for Susan. I also have a free pedicure I won at the Halloween party which I really need to use as my toe nails are looking pretty bad. Roxy one of the girls in our group is going to beauty school and Cassandra gave away some pedicures as prizes to help her out as she needs people to practice on.

I am sitting at Starbucks right now and they busy but a couple tables open which is nice, so much easier to be on my computer at a table. It really is relaxing to just sit here on my computer with a nice warm drink. I really can’t explain it but when I am Susan I just want to be out and about. It is funny as a few years back dressing up at home and just hanging out there was so much fun, I think it was mostly I was scared about going out especially by myself. It is amazing how much I have grown as Susan, even in the last couple years.

Even after I started going out I would usually get to where I was going and sit in the car for a while and check things out. See what is going on and who is going in and out before I would get out of my car. Now I pretty much just pull up and get out of the car and go in. Now there are times that I can feel a little uneasy or nervous but it is usually a matter of feeling safe instead of worried how I am dressed. I am sure there are times GG’s and even men feel this way so not just a T-Girl reaction. We live in a time that we all need to be mindful when we are out and as Susan I think I am a little extra a where of that.

Starbucks has slowed down now maybe 8 other people here so a little quiet but still a nice place to be. At the winter gala party I talked to Peggy and Kathy about maybe meeting for coffee one night but would need to be over in Portland I think as the Starbucks I go to is a long drive for them or maybe we could do a dinner again as that is always fun two. I think having a girls night out every once in a while is awesome, maybe even a movie night. The only bad part is I get up so early during the week for work I can’t stay out to late.

Well the rest of the year will be busy for me as I am working extra hours which are good as it is extra money but makes for a tired Susan. I will of course be out tomorrow night with my Friends at the P-club. Spending time with my friends is so much fun, I really believe if it was not for them and their support I would still be hiding in my house. Not sure how good of a turn out we will have as some may be out of town for Christmas.

Next week I should be able to make Starbucks as I should have every night open which almost never happens. Maybe even make an extra night for shopping. Next weekend will be busy also as I will be out on Friday and Saturday night. Saturday which is New Years Eve I just can’t miss even though I may not be able to stay out to late as I have to work New Years day, just not sure how early yet. I am hoping I don’t have to be to work till 7am but could be earlier which would suck. Last year I had to leave at 10 at least that was my goal. I think it was closer to 11 when I finally left the club.

Our group is really great as we are already working on designated drivers for New Years Eve. Several of the girls in the group including me do not drink so there is never a problem making sure everyone gets home safe. Wish I had the next day off so I could be one of the designated drivers as I want everyone to be safe. If you go out for New Years Eve please be safe and make sure you have a safe way home.

Well I guess I will sign off here. I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. If you do not celebrate Christmas than a Happy Holiday.

December 22, 2011 Posted by | Starbucks | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Friday night with friends

Well it was Friday night and of course I was going out with my friends again. Always so much fun and I look forward to it all week. I got there about 7:15 and Cassandra and Chris were already there so I joined them. Nicole one of the bar tenders brought me my drink without me even having to order it which I guess makes me a regular there as we have been going there every Friday night for a year in a half now.

Victoria showed up at 7:30 and joined us; I think this is now how our Friday night starts as we have showed up in this order now for the last several weeks. Maybe next Friday I will try to get my fanny moving a little earlier and see if I can get there before Cassandra and Chris just to mix it up a little.

Any way I went up and ordered dinner and yes I did order a salad again as I am trying to be good and watch what I eat. It was funny as Nicole asked if I wanted the chicken basket which is what I usually order. I guess it is good to mix it up every once in a while.

Jim showed up, he had met Cassandra several years back and is supportive of T-Girls, what we call an admirer. He is very nice and respectful to all the girls. He has come out a few times with the group before so knows several of us. Bob also showed up, another admirer. We met Bob at Easy street about a year ago and he also seemed to like hanging out with us plus he like to play pool so he fits right in with some of the girls. He use to come out all the time with us but for the last few months we have not seen him so it was good to chat with him and catch up.

Well my salad arrived and it was huge, I think even bigger than last week. It was hard to eat without knocking some off the plate but it was really good and a lot healthier than what I use to eat. Funny as I cut the salad up with my knife so it would be easier to eat without messing up my lipstick or getting dressing on my face. My male side would have just shoved it in my mouth and wiped any dressing on my face away but we must eat more like a lady when out as Susan. It still amazes me that I think of these things, napkins, small bites, careful not to make a mess or spill anything, they have become so second nature when I am Susan that I don’t even think of them. At some point they will slip into my male life I know. As a matter of fact Friday at work there was a Christmas song playing and I started to sing along with it when I realized I was singing in my Susan voice, softer and higher, no one was near me so no one noticed but wow that could be hard to explain.

Victoria and I Played Cassandra and Kathryn in Shuffle board, it was a good night for shuffle board as Victoria and I won 3 games in a row against them so we were undefeated. The last game was pretty close as we were all tied up at 20 and the next score won. It was a lot of fun.

Jamie was also there which is nice, she has been going to school and working full time so been very busy and not able to get out much so it was great to talk with her and find out what is new with her. She is also a really good pool player as she has played in some pool tournaments, in her male self of course. So she can keep up with Cassandra at pool.

Wilma was also there, she came a little late. She usually rides with Cassandra but tonight took the bus to get there, she rode home with Cassandra though. It is nice to see her out; she is working again so her time to get out is also limited. We had a nice chat and then she broke out her chess set so we could play. It really is funny as I think this get more people’s attentions then we do as T-Girls. You don’t often see people playing chess in a club and then to have two T-Girls playing chess is really rare. The first game was really good and I felt I played really well. I won this game and really made no mistakes and neither did Wilma. It was just a really good game. The second one was just as good and in the end I had a slight piece lead and was only 2 moves from winning again but Wilma was able to keep putting me in check so I couldn’t make my moves and in the end she checkmated me with just her queen and knight. It was a really good game. I may have to find a chess program for my computer so I can practice.

The night was so much fun and before I knew it, it was 12:30, I don’t know where the time went but tonight it seemed to go by way faster. It was a fun night with about 15 of us there. I am already looking forward to next Friday night.

This week again will be busy with Christmas coming up, turns out the only night I may be able to get out to Starbucks will be Thursday and only if I can finish up my Christmas shopping. Seems my male side is not as excited about shopping as Susan is. Maybe next year I will let Susan do all my Christmas shopping for me.

Any way I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season and a Merry Christmas. Thanks for stopping by and reading.


December 17, 2011 Posted by | P-Club | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Rose City T-girl Winter Gala

Well Saturday night was our 3rd annual Winter Gala, Kathy and Mandie open there home each year and host this wonderful party with the help of Danielle and I am sure others. I have been looking forward to this for weeks now. I wore my long black dress which I got for the T-Girl pageant 2 years ago. I really don’t have much of a chance to wear it as this is only the second time. Now the funny thing is when I wore it last at the pageant I had help and really never thought about it but being a tight dress I found it hard to zip up the back by myself. Took a little work but I did manage to get it on. Getting into the car and driving was also a challenge in a long dress. I guess I will just have to wear it more to get use to it.

I got to their home just before 6 pm and there were already people there. They had so much food set out and a friend making drinks at their bar, their friend who’s name escapes me I have met before as she has come out with them with the group a few time. She had on the cutes outfit, kind of a miss clause look so I had to get a picture with her. The first and only picture I got as my batteries went dead, I guess I really am blonde as I should have taken extra batteries but there were lots of other cameras there so I will have other pictures. The food they had was awesome, so delicious and so much they really out did themselves.

We had a good turn out; I would guess 40 made it to the party including Teresa who joined us on Skype from Thailand. She had SRS surgery a week ago and is not recovering over there for a few more weeks. It was good to see her even if only on the computer. It really is amazing what technology can do now days. There were a few girls that only come out to the parties so it was good to see them again.

Jessica and Trisha (Trisha was in male mode) also made it. I would never have recognized Trisha if it had not been for her wife with her. I give her a lot of credit for this as it is still something I can’t do. Now there are a few friends that have seen me as my male self and a few others I would be totally comfortable meeting that way but still don’t think I could just show up in front of so many as my male self. It was good to see them again and get time to talk to them. They are an awesome couple and Jessica is so supportive of Trisha. We only met a little while ago but we have become good friends as they have a way to make you feel so welcome and at ease.

Robyn a t-girl from Seattle was also there. I met her at the Halloween party and she joined our group so she came down for the party and I got a chance to talk with her also. She has also started to go to Starbucks up by her house.

Jenn also made it; I first met her at the Halloween party to. She also has an accepting wife which is awesome. She also has only been out a few times and never out in public. I hope she will come out more with the group to the P-Club, she also lives not far from the Starbucks I go to so maybe someday we can meet there.

Cassandra and her wife Peggy were there of course, Cassandra brought her laptop so we could Skype with Teresa that way we could see her and she could see all of us. Peggy and Jessica both had on the same cute black dress. Jessica had added some sparkle to hers so they did look a little different but Peggy was the one who realized it.

Wow so many wonderful friends were at the party and everyone looked so pretty. The dresses that were there were awesome. It was a perfect night. Jan won the contest for the highest heels at 4 ½ inches. We also had our T-Girl walk; we all one at a time descended the stairs, at the bottom we gave our name and curtsied then sat down in a chair. All the GG’s judged us on this and in the end Marla won. She really did come down the stairs well. It is funny as a guy you don’t think about such things but as a girl descending stairs in 4″ heel and a long dress is a challenge. I will have to work on this more for next year’s party.

Most of the night we just sat and chatted which I really do enjoy plus since I had on 4″ heels sitting was good as I went the whole night without removing them. The white room where they have their Christmas tree is where I spent most of the night, Peggy, Jessica, Trisha, Victoria, Jan, Lynn and Robyn were all there and we just chatted four hours. It really is funny how fast the night went. Soon it was midnight and we all wondered where the time went. People started to leave and the night was coming to an end. I didn’t want the night to end but knew it had to as I had to be up early Sunday morning. It was about 12:30 when I started saying goodnight to all my wonderful friends. It was truly a magical night and I lo0ok forward to the next party and the next time I get to see my friends.

A big thanks to Kathy and Mandie for opening their home for such a grand party. You two are awesome.

December 11, 2011 Posted by | Christmas, Party | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Loud night at the P-Club

Well it is Friday night and you know where I am going, yes the P-Club with my friends. I look forward all week long to be able to go out and relax with them. Today I got off work a little earlier and thought I would go at 7 as I know some of the girls get there a little early which means starting getting ready a little earlier. It was a good plan but for some reason Susan took a little longer tonight to get ready and so I found myself leaving at 7 pm like normal but I looked good so I was okay with the extra time. It is only a 20 minute drive so I was still a little early and of course found a parking spot right in front which was nice as it was only 37 degrees out so the walk would be short getting in.

Inside I found Cassandra, Wilma & Chris were already there so I joined them. It was great to see Wilma again as she is working again so only gets out every couple months, we have all missed her but glad she has a job now. It was great to get a chance to talk with her and catch up. She usually brings her chess board and we play a game or two at the club which is not something you see two girls doing in a club on a Friday night. We were not sure how many girls would show up since Saturday night is our Winter Gala party and we figured a lot of the girls would stay home Friday so they could go out Saturday night.

Victoria was the next to show up and then others started to show up, turns out we had a pretty good turnout, between 15 and 20 so that is always nice, a couple years ago if we had 5 or more it was a great night. Well I was hungry so I ordered some food, this time I choice the P-Club salad, not my normal dinner but I am trying to eat better and healthier. It was really good and not nearly as filling as what I normally eat there. I hope to lose some weight but the main reason is I really need to eat healthier as this girl is not getting any younger.

Well the club started to get busier about 9 and for the first time they charged a cover of $5 it did go for a charity so some of the girls who got there later had to pay. The P-Club had two live bands that were going to play also to help with the charity which is what I think brought some of the people in. wow what can I say about the bands, if you like really loud head pounding music where you can’t understand a word the singers are screaming then this was the place you should have been. I guess I am getting older as it was way too loud and just not what I would listen two. One of the comment, well several of us that those of us who got there early enough not to pay the cover well we should go pay the cover to see if they would leave. It really did make it hard to talk and we were on the other side of the club which is pretty big.

Sophia and Lorna also made it which was nice, in between songs we would talk. It is nice to spend time talking with friends, something Susan like to do. Funny as my male side like to be active and doing things where as Susan really does enjoy a nice conversation.

Monica and another girl named Shannon showed up. I don’t think I have ever met this Shannon (have to be careful as we have two Shannon’s in the group). She seemed really nice and looked really good, she had on this beautiful red dress, I noticed as I am looking for a new cute red dress right now. But what was funny is she looked familiar and I was trying to figure it out so of course I ended up looking at her all the time. Well it took me a while but finally figured it out. She looked a lot like Jennifer Aniston, the actor from the TV show Friends. Her wig was the same style as her hair and she had done her makeup in such a way that she did have a very strong resemblance to her at least I thought so. I wonder if she knows this or it is what she is trying for but by the time I realized it they had left.

Evie a GG we met here about a year ago (picture and blog about when I met her) showed up with a couple of her friends so I went and talked to her. Her first question was where was Diane, her and Diane really hit it off. Even so she still remembered my name and Cassandra so I guess we made an impression on her. Her friends were just as awesome as her and soon they joined us at our tables. It is so nice when we can interact with the regulars and be accepted as equals.

I did play one game of shuffle board, Victoria and I played Kelly and Bobby. It was fun and Victoria and I won which makes it all the better. Some of the girls played pool but no one danced. Jan & Lynn bought some tickets in the raffle they had for the charity, funny as they sold them at the door but didn’t go around inside so those of us who got there early didn’t even know about the raffle, any ways Jan and Lynn won a couple time. First they got 2 $50 gift certificates for a Tattoo, but they also won a $50 gift certificate to McMenamins which is a local Micro brewery here in the northwest, they started off small but bow they buy old schools and turn them into small hotels and restaurants. They are very successful and they have really good hamburgers and beers. So that was a really good prize.

Well the band stopped playing a little after midnight so again we could carry on a conversation which was nice. I think it was about 1:30 when we were already to leave. I think there was still 8 of us there at that time which is pretty good for as late as it was. Our cars were all frost covered so I had to let it warm up and defrost. I wasn’t about to stand out in the cold and scrape my windows as I might have broke, well knocked off one of my nails, besides it only took a few minutes for the windows to defrost so I could drive home. Also the inside of the car was cold but not as cold as the 27 degrees outside with a slight wind. Susan likes to be warm.

Well Saturday night is our Winter Gala party at Kathy and Mandie’s house should be a lot of fun. I think Trisha and Jessica are planning on being there so looking forward to talking to them. Also need to return her shawl wrap she let me borrow and thank her for it. I really liked it so much I found it online and ordered one for myself. It arrived last week, really cute. I will have to get a picture of me in it. Also I think Jenn is planning on being there. I have only met her once but we have exchanged e-mails and she is also really nice. It will be such a fun night. Will post again tomorrow.

The next weeks with the holidays coming up will be harder for me to get out as lots going on and things to get ready for. I hope to make it out on Friday nights but that may be all I make till after New Years.

Thanks for stopping by and reading. Have a great weekend.

December 10, 2011 Posted by | P-Club | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Well I made it out again.

Well it is cold out again here but still made it to Starbucks as something warm to drink while I catch up on things on my computer is nice. Someone e-mailed me and asked why I like to go to Starbucks so much which got me thinking. I don’t necessarily think it is Starbucks by itself it is more that when I get dressed up as Susan I don’t just want to sit at home. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with that as I did it for many years but now I want to be out. It is funny as it has been a little over 2 years now that I have been going out almost every week to Starbucks. I think I picked Starbucks as they didn’t seem like a place that would not be very busy as the first one I went to had a drive through. Not long after I started going there they were closing early for a remodel and I wound up at the one I go to now. The girls that worked here then were just so nice and I felt really safe and welcomed and even now the girls that work here are awesome. Even the customers have never bothered me or made me feel uncomfortable and I am not the only regular here, there is a group of 4 woman that seem to be here every week when I come on Thursday and then there is a couple that seem to come in almost every time I am here around 8, funny as I was worried about being here so much, nice to know others do also.

I think it has also really helped my self confidence, just the couple hours I spend here and seem to at least be accepted for who I am has done wonders. When I first started coming here I had to park right in front and would watch to make sure they were not too busy, if so I would wait in my car but over time this has changed. I don’t really think about it anymore, tonight I am parked at the end of the building in front of another shop. I pulled in and parked and put my keys in my purse grabbed my computer and just walked in. Never really thought about the other cars that pulled in at the same time or the fact others were walking in behind me and in front of me, I just walked in and took my place in line. Susan has really grown over the last couple years.

I think meeting Alice wow 8 to 10 years ago and being able to go out with her when she was in Portland and she was so relaxed about it that I really felt this was okay. Then about 4 years ago I met Cassandra and joined her Yahoo group and that really made it easy to go out as I knew there would be others out and I would not be alone. Having a support network is so wonderful and I have met so many wonderful people who I am glad to call my friends. Knowing you are not alone really does make all the difference.

Well any way I think going out to Starbucks is kind of a normal thing any woman might do, it is a quiet place where you can sit and work on your computer while having a nice warm drink, yes it is a little bit expensive but when you think about the whole experience, spending a few hours out in public for the price of a couple drinks it really is a cost effective night out. That being said I also love to go out with my friends as having that time together really helps center me, having friends who accept me as I am without questions is such a wonderful thing.

I guess it really does not matter where I go any more as now it is about having time out as Susan. As a matter of fact this week will be my 4th week in a row that I will make it out 3 times, tomorrow I will be out with my friends at the P-Club which is always a fun night and then on Saturday we have our winter Gala party which Kathy and Mandie are hosting again this year. They are opening their home up for us to have a party at, now as much as I have grown in the past few years I am still not at a point where I would host a party at my house. I am still worried what my neighbors would think or say. It is the one fear I have not overcome, people who only know me as male finding out about this hobby of mine. Now I have come close on several occasions to being caught and in a way I almost wish one of them would catch me as then it would be out. I almost think the fear of it is more than actually being caught. After all once my neighbors new I would be so much more free to be Susan. I would not have to worry about my neighbors being home or outside. I also know at some point this will happen, maybe not right now as the weather is cold and wet and it gets dark so early but during the summer when it is light out till 10 and everyone is outside enjoying the weather. This past summer I had several close calls and as I am going out way more now than I use to just that many more chances I will be caught.

Well enough about that, I am still waiting to here if I got my vacation time next April for Diva Las Vegas, turns out there is a chance I will not be able to get the time off do to things going on at work which would be so sad as I really am looking forward to going. I told my boss I would really like to have that time off if at all possible and he said he would do his best so I am hopeful, should know by the end of the year. The last two years have been so much fun going to DLV and I would hate to miss this year as I am looking forward to seeing some of my friends again plus I have really been pushing some of my friends here to go. I would feel so bad if now it was me that couldn’t go.

Well need to get some work done before they close here. Thanks for stopping by and reading.

December 8, 2011 Posted by | Starbucks | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Harvey’s Comedy Club, fun night with friends

Well Saturday night we had a group of us going to Harvey’s Comedy club again although we were not sure how many of us would make it as several canceled. I got downtown Portland about 6:45 and started looking for a parking spot to see if I could find one on the street so I didn’t have to pay to park and I lucked out. As I came around the corner someone pulled out in front of me, and I was only about 2 blocks from Hamburger Mary’s where we were all meeting.

The walk to Hamburger Mary’s was fine, funny how I use to be so afraid to make a walk like this but now it really doesn’t bother me. When I got to Hamburger Mary’s they were really busy and lots of people standing out front and here is the funny part, they were all dressed as bananas. Don’t know what was going on but about 20 minutes later they were all gone. Lynn, Jan, Cristine and Bobby were inside so I joined them. I ordered a drink and a little food. Soon Cassandra, Peggy and Victoria showed up and we just chatted for a while before we made the 5 block walk to Harvey’s. Lynn who got us the tickets was not feeling well, actually been sick the last couple days. She really wanted to go out with us but she just couldn’t and finally left and went home. I said I would give Jan a ride home as it turns out they live just a few miles past me.

About 8:30 we all left and walked down to Harvey’s, it was cold out about 38 so we were walking a little faster. I actually wore 3″ heels just because of this which turns out to be a good choice. When we got there and got our tickets which we had to pick up between 8:45 and 9:15 then went into the bar in front of the club. Since we were a little earlier than normal we had our choice of seats as there were only a couple people there. We got tables right by the door for the showroom so we could be first in line to go in. our group was smaller this time only 7 of us in all. This was nice as we still had about 45 minutes till they would let us in and we could just sit around and talk. I got a good chance to talk with Peggy which is always nice, she is Cassandra’s wife and so supportive of not only Cassandra but all us T-girls.

People started to come in for the 10 pm show and soon it was standing room only. It is really fun to be out in such a main stream place with all the people. I think it really helps people get to see and meet us and realize we are no different from them other than dress. Well we were finally let into the show room and the man seating people remembered us from the last time and thanked us for coming back and we even got the same table we had last time right up front. Our waitress was the same one we had last time and also remembered us; it is such a great feeling. When she took our order she asked for credit cards to start a tab, this is the first time they have done this but gave me a chance to use my Susan credit card. Turns out Cassandra also has a credit card now in her name.

The show was awesome as always, all 3 of the comedians were great. Harvey’s really does put on some good shows. It is always so much fun to go there as a group. After the show our waitress came over and talked to us for a bit while she cleared the table and thanked us for coming and asked when we would be back. Really all the employees there are awesome.

It was hard to believe how fast the night had gone, it seems every time I am out with my friends time goes by so fast. Well we left Harvey’s and walked back together as a group. Since Lynn had gone home early because she wasn’t feeling well I gave Jan a ride home. It was a really fun night.

Now I am looking forward to next week, the P-Club on Friday and our winter Gala party Saturday, two nights out with my friends. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog.

December 4, 2011 Posted by | Harvey's Comedy Club, Out and about as Susan | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Friday night at P-Club watching football.

Well Friday night and another chance to go out and have fun with all my friends. I chose to wear my beige sweater dress; funny thing is I bought this maybe 2 years ago along with a grey one. The funny thing is when I ordered them online the beige looked so much better on the model but on me I like the grey better. Well the first night wore the grey dress Cassandra showed up in the beige one; turns out we had bought the same dress the same week. Well anyways I have never worn it out with the group for fear Cassandra would wear it the same night. Well tonight I decided to wear it as it is a little warmer and it is really cold outside. Luckily Cassandra did not wear hers.

Well I got to the P-Club about 7:15 and the parking lot was full but there was one spot on the street in front of the door, it was a tight fit but I have a small car. Well I walked in and the P-Club was really busy but Cassandra, Chris and Victoria had our usual table so I went and joined them, when I sat down I was able to see the TV’s above the bar and they all had the Oregon Duck game on, the winner of the game goes to the Rose Bowl game so a lot on the line. This is why the club was so busy as everyone was there to watch the game and most had on Duck shirts, hat or their colors. Now I am not a big football fan, male or female but it was fun watching the game with my friends. The crowd was really into the game and really anything other than what was on TV didn’t matter to them. The one bad thing is they were really shorthanded as I don’t think the P-Club planned on it being that busy. I had to stand in line to order my drink and food, poor Nicole she was working her tail off, running the bar and taking food to the tables.

Well the game was good and the Oregon Ducks won but not by as much as they were favored so they will be in the Rose Bowl game this year. Once the game was over about half the people left and then things quieted down. We had a pretty good turnout about 12 of us in all. Some of the girls played pool and the rest of us just sat around and talked. Strangely enough none of us played shuffle board which is really unusual.

Teresa called on Cassandra’s cell phone to talk with the group. She is in Thailand and had her SRS surgery a day ago. It was nice to talk with her and hear how she is doing. She sounded really well and didn’t seem to be in much pain but I am sure she has some good medication she is on. She used Skype and I guess you can call computer to computer or even to a phone number. Not really sure how it works but it seemed to work fine.

Later a couple girls came up and played shuffle board and I could see they didn’t know how to play as they were at opposite ends of the table. I went over and explained how to play and how the scoring went. We chatted for a few minutes and they thanked me for my help. The rest of the evening was quiet.

It was another late night; Victoria and I were the last 2 to leave at 1:45 am. It was a really fun night again, I really am lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends.

Saturday night the group is going to Harvey’s comedy club again, not sure at this point how many of us are going as the numbers keep changing but I will be there and who ever goes we will have a wonderful time. I know Jan & her wife Lynn will be there along with Cassandra and her wife Peggy, also Trisha and her wife Jessica, I may be the only single girl going so I may be the odd girl.

Next week I will of course go to Starbucks on Thursday night, the P-Club on Friday and our winter Gala on Saturday so next week will be a busy week for Susan. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by and reading.

December 3, 2011 Posted by | P-Club | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Relaxing night as Susan

Well it has been a busy week again for me, I had hoped to get out as Susan and do some shopping Tuesday evening but that didn’t happen. Even tonight I probably should have stayed home and caught up on things but I so enjoy my Susan time and it really does relax me so I figure why not go out for a couple hours.

This week will be a fun week for me as I will get out 3 times, tonight for some quiet time and then Friday with my friends at the P-Club and Saturday at Harvey’s Comedy club as we got some more tickets. Right now we have 13 going for sure and a few more maybes.

Well I got to Starbucks a little after 7 and again they were really busy, no tables open so had to sit in the big chairs up front. These chairs are not the greatest for being on your computer as you have to hold your computer in your lap. I am not good typing on my computer that way, I much prefer a table. There was also just one chair open in the corner. I was getting out my computer when the young man across from me asked if I had an iPad. I told him no and we actually chatted for a few minutes. He didn’t seem the least bit bothered by me which was cool, I always wonder though if people talk to me to hear my voice to confirm what they are probably already thinking. I always wonder what people are thinking and just not saying. I really think most people don’t really care because I never see them get up and leave.

Well about a ½ hour after I got here a table opened up so I picked up all my stuff and moved to the table which is right in the middle amongst all the people here. Strangely enough it is almost all woman tonight, 3 men and 13 woman not counting me. The tables across from me have 4 women at it and they are here every time I am here on Thursday nights so I guess we have the same routine.

It is funny how things work out, normally Saturday nights are hard for me to get off so I can go out. This week I had thought about going shopping Saturday morning before work but turns out I need to have some work done on my car and the only opening was the afternoon so because of that I got someone to trade me my shift Saturday night and now I can go to Harvey’s with my friends. It is always such a fun night when we have a big group of girls go there and they really treat us well which is also nice.

Next Saturday Kathy and Mandie are hosting there 2nd annual winter Gala at their home. They did this last year and it was such a fun night. This year it is a formal dress which will be fun as I have the long evening dress I bought for the T-girl pageant. I haven’t worn it since then so I guess I should get it out and try it on to make sure it still fits me. Would be horrible if it didn’t fit and I had to go buy another dress.

It will be interesting to see how many girls come out this Friday and next as when we have things going on Saturday nights some girls stay in on Friday. I think it is because they can only get one night as I know I had that problems, to get Saturday nights off meant giving up Friday nights but right now I am able to make both nights work. It is so cool some of the girls are able and willing to open there homes for parties for our group. You have to wonder what their neighbors think when they see nothing but woman walking down the street and going into their homes and mostly big, tall girls in heels and dresses. It would be interesting to be a fly on their wall. I hope Cassandra and Peggy, and also Kathy and Mandie know how much we all appreciate them doing these parties. They have started asking for a $15 donation when you come in but when you see the food and drinks they have and the decorations and effort they put into these parties $15 is way to cheep, I bet it doesn’t even cover a third of the cost.

Well I must get to some of my work that I should have done tonight instead of going out as Susan. I will again post this weekend after going out Friday night and also Saturday. Have a great week and thanks for reading.

December 1, 2011 Posted by | Starbucks | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment