Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Wednesday night dinner with my friends at Outback Steak House in Vancouver

It is another Wednesday and I get to enjoy a few hours with my friends over dinner at the Outback Steak House at Vancouver Mall. This will be our second time going to this one as usually we have gone to the one on Barns Road. This one isn’t as busy so it is easier to get in and they let you call ahead the night before to get your name on the list, not sure how that is different then a reservation. I got home with plenty of time to get ready which always makes it more fun. On our zoom call Monday we talked about how long it takes us to get ready and yes I can actually get ready in 30 minutes if I have to I much prefer to take my time and spend an hour or more. Now that may sound funny but I really enjoy my time getting ready especially doing my makeup. There is something so relaxing and calming and yes therapeutic doing my makeup. no matter what is going on in my life just putting on makeup makes me feel better and it can be as little as a little mascara or lipstick, it doesn’t have to be a full face although lets all admit that it is way better and way more fun to do a full face look. some girls in the group get the same feeling from clothes but for me it s the makeup. I was all ready by 6pm and I wore my red sweater dress which I will admit is my favorite dress. I did get some pictures which is harder this time of year. I have found my best pictures come from my hallway with the natural light coming in from the other rooms but this time of year it gets dark by 5pm so I played with different lights on in the other rooms and these were the best. This lighting softens the look of my skin. Let me know which lighting looks the best.

It only took about 10 minutes to get to Outback Steak House and I parked and as I did Nicole walked by, she was parked almost right next to me which is good as she has a couple more bags of clothes for me to go through and I brought the ones I had to give to Jennifer. Nicole and I walked in and there were several girls here already, of course Nicole, Jennifer and Mary Ann got here early and did a little shopping at the mall. Our table was read and we were seated, it was the same tables we had last time just as you walk in. We had 8 of us tonight, Poppy, Jamie, Jennifer, Mary Ann, Claire, Alanna, Me and Nicole. Now, unlike Sunday with a small group it was harder to talk with everyone with the bigger group so mostly it was the girls right around me. We ordered our food and yes I got the Ribeye steak which is awesome. I do like talking to my friends and really enjoy this social time and yes tonight we did talk a little about retirement. Nicole and I are actually the youngest in the group, as a matter-of-fact Nicole, Me and Claire are the only ones not retired yet. I have actually been thinking a lot more about that lately as I will turn 60 in January. Now at 65 when I can go on Medicare I will be set but I want to retire early, I really could retire now and maintain my level of living. There really is 2 big questions for me, first health insurance till I turn 65 but the bigger question is what do I do with all my free time as between work and commute to work it is about 2500 hours a year and I don’t want to just sit in my house and watch TV. The good things is I do have a good group of friends at least on my female side. Yes when I retire I will spend a greater amount of my time as Susan, maybe 60% to 70% but no I will not go full time as I still need my male side for balance. It was nice to talk too a few of the girls who are retired and yes the one thing they all stressed was something to do and friends. It is a good thing though I am worried about what I will do and not how I will afford retirement.

Our food came and as always it was really good and yes our waitress was awesome as always. We really do get great service almost anywhere we go. I do like to think the good service is because they want to treat us well and not because they are afraid of offending us and having a complaint. I am not a big fan of complaining and yes when I do look at Yelp reviews I never really pay attention to the negative ones as I think that is wrong to post a negative review or complain about someone publicly, instead you should deal with them one on one personally and work it out. My simple thought on this is if I get bad service or treatment and I post publicly online about it what is the motivation for the business to fix it or make it right. Have already trashed them publicly and even if they make it right and I remove the post or post a positive one that they made it right there is no way to know if everyone who saw the original post sees the follow up one. Besides yelp like social media allows people to say things publicly they would never say to your face, in a way it dehumanizes the other person and that is not a good thing. Communication if the key, talk to the person and work it out, if you can’t don’t go back to that place but don’t publicly trash them. Opps got a little political there, sorry. Now if you did get great service then by all means leave a good review on Yelp, if you find my yelp account I only have a few but they are all really good reviews.

We had a wonderful dinner and great conversation with my friends. At the end we did talk a little about next week Wednesday nights dinner as it is the night before Thanksgiving and several of us said we were able to go out so Jennifer is going to post to the group to see if others are interested but even if they are not we have 5 of us tonight who are willing to do dinner. of course on Thanksgiving Claire and I are both going to Jennifer & Mary Ann’s for dinner, which will be a lot of fun. It was just before 9 when we paid our bills and left, Jennifer got her car and drove over to where I parked to get the 2 bags of clothes I had for her while Nicole and I transferred the 3 bags she had for me. Nicole belonged to a group that exchanges clothes you no longer need. You get the clothes and go through and see if there is anything you want or can use, then add clothes you no longer want and pass it on to the next person. I have gotten a few things this way including a wedding dress which you can see in my bog from Last January, by the way this was the day I did step by step how I do my makeup with pictures. Yes I was a little brave here posting a few pictures before I had makeup on.

It was a wonderful night and now I am looking forward to the weekend and a little Susan time. Saturday I plan on going to put flowers on my parents graves if the weather is nice and stopping at the Escape for dinner on my way home and see if others show up. maybe even some shopping and probably a little time at Starbucks.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life.

November 18, 2023 Posted by | Dinner out, friends, outback steak house, Rose_City_T-Girls | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sunday Admin meeting at McMenamins Crystal Ballroom

On Sunday we are having an Administrator meeting for our group the Rose City T-Girls at McMenamins Crystal Ballroom downtown Portland. We have gone here many times for Wednesday night dinner and they really do have wonderful food and great appetizers. I really could make a meal out of their appetizers. My two favorites are their pretzels and cheese dipping sauce and of course their Scooby Snacks, (bitesize corndogs). I was dressed and on my way by 1 and got downtown by 1:20 and found a parking spot about 1 ½ blocks away, there were a lot of people out walking the streets today. I got out of my car with my purse and computer without even a second thought. I think back to when I was first going out and I would sit in my car and wait for as many people to go by and hopefully find a time when there was no one between me and where I wanted to go. We have a new girl in our group going through the same thing and I have been trying to reassure her it is not just her as we all went through this at one time or another. Now it uses to be you only paid for parking during the week on the street, then they started on Saturday and now even Sunday till 7pm. I probably should have just parked in the parking garage as the street parking will be about the same $ but they only have 2-hour parking so that will mean two trips out to feed the parking meter.

I got inside and they were a little busy but they have a big main room with 3 pool tables and 2 shuffle board table and then another big room with just tables so there was a lot of room turns out I was the first to arrive as Cassandra got caught in traffic and it took her an hour to get here. Now we found a big table as there would be 5 of us with computers and Cassandra brought an extension cord so we could all plug in if we went long. Melissa and Barb here just before 2 and Julie was a little later as she got caught in the same traffic Cassandra did. We all went up and ordered something to drink and appetizers and I was debating between which one I wanted but Cassandra made it easy as she ordered 2 of the pretzel and cheese dips for the table so I got and order of Scooby Snacks for the table.

Now Barb is a new Administrator for the group so we wanted to show her how to do things but also go over and refresh things for the rest of use so we are all doing things the same. Melissa has been managing our web page and by that, I mean setting it up and making updates and making it run right. The rest of us just update events, approve new members and post notices. If you like our web sites look it is all Melissa’s work and she has done a fantastic job, thanks Melissa. Now about 3:15 Cassandra and I had to walk out and put more money in the parking meters, Julie, Melissa and Barb were smart enough to park in the garage. Now today I wore my black skirt with my ankle boots with 3″ heels, it really is a cute look. As I got up from my chair, I rubbed my left calf on the chair and there was a rough spot and I ripped a hole in my nylons on my leg. It was small but I was not happy so the walk out to my car gave me a chance to calm down. I really hate when this happens. Now this area has a lot of drives coming out and the sidewalks are not level and I found it is a challenge to walk on them in heels.

Cassandra and I got back and now we were talking about our rules for the group and what we thought. Mainly approving people. We do require a face picture as we want to make sure who we are letting in. this sometimes is an issue as some girls do not want to post a picture, only members can see it and our thoughts are if you are a member and can see others pictures they should be able to see who you are so we are sticking with this rule. We also talked about admirers and this has always been a tuff topic and we spent a lot of time on this. In the end it all came down to what we all saw as the vision of out group. The groups focus is on helping girls come out and be comfortable in a social environment. Now we are all adults and understand that the trans community is somewhat sexual in nature but that is not the focus of the group. What members chose to do in their private lives is their choice but not what the group is about. In the end we decided not to allow admirers accept in maybe rare occasions. The other topic was face pictures, we require a face picture and sometimes we get those with male pictures. This is a little harder as some new members may not have a female picture and we don’t want to exclude them but then again, we are hoping they will come out so we will hopefully be able to get a female picture of them and they can post it. In the end what we really want is to help t-girls come out and enjoy this part of their life.

At 5:15 it was once more time for Cassandra and I to go out and feed the parking meter again and I got up carefully this time and swung my left leg clear of the chair ass to not catch it again. I probably should have changed chairs after the last time as when I pulled my right leg by the chair you know what happened. I caught the chair again and now I had a small hole on my right calf. I can’t believe I did that. Well now I did change chairs but at this point it doesn’t matter. This is something my male side never had to worry about.

Cassandra and I got back and we all ordered dinner and had a nice time. I got a burger so that is 2 days in a row having a hamburger for dinner but they are good. We all talked as we ate and had a wonderful time. It was such a wonderful day with my friends. It is still hard to believe we are at McMenamins as girls having a meeting about a web site we run. We have come so far over the last 10 to 12 years. Now we did have a couple people talk to us as there was a large group taking a tour and they were standing by our table and that was nice and we even had one lady who took the time to come over and tell us all how nice we looked. As she said we took time and put a lot of effort into how we looked and a lot of woman don’t do that, Her words not mine. She said she told her boyfriend you have no idea how much effort it takes to look pretty. We all thanked her and I think that really makes it all worth while when we go out. She didn’t have to come over but she did and that means a lot.

It was about 7 when we left, it really was a wonderful day. now driving home on a Sunday night, I was thinking about what I could do. I thought about going to Starbuck’s as the one I go to is open till 8:30 but it would be 7:45 when I would get there so I just went home as tomorrow I will be out as Susan and I am sure I will end up there for a while.

Thanks for reading and be sure and read my most recent blog to see what is new.

May 28, 2019 Posted by | McMenamins, Out and about as Susan, Rose_City_T-Girls | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Saturday night at the Escape, made some new friends

It is Saturday and I am going to the Escape tonight and I am looking forward to it. We are one week away from Christmas, Merry Christmas everyone. Now this also means I will have family in town next weekend so there will be no Susan next weekend so I have to make this weekend count. Now with that being said I wanted to get to the Escape by 5 so I could eat and play on my computer a little till others show up, I am hoping others will show up as I posted too our group but haven’t seen a reply. Either way it will still be a fun night. I am planning on staying till 10 maybe a little later but I have to get up early Sunday morning 6am so that is why I wanted to get there early. It was a little after 3 when I started getting ready, I really love the time I take to be Susan. I was on my way by 5 just a little later than I had hoped.

I got to the Escape and was able to park right in front. I went in and got my table and then went and ordered dinner. A couple guys at the bar asked how I was ding and if the group would be here tonight and I was hoping some would. I talked with them a little but felt bad as they knew my name but I couldn’t remember theirs. I went and sat down and played on my computer and ate my hamburger when it came. Of course, I had to get a selfie tonight, I am trying to get a picture each time I go out which I kind of got away from.

It was about 6:30 when Michelle showed up, it was good to see her so there was at least 2 of us for the night. I put my computer away and the two of us sat and talked. Now they had the music turned up tonight so it was a little loud even before Karaoke started so a little hard talking. Now we did talk a lot about Diva Las Vegas this year. Cassandra and I are planning on going, Julie is a maybe and Michelle is really thinking about it and we are still 3 months away. Diva Las Vegas is March 31st to April 5th 2019. Check out their web page Diva Las Vegas and think about going.

A little after 7 Sasha showed up also, she had seen my post to the group and showed up so there were now 3 of us. Now we had a nice time talking and listening to the loud music. Now a little after 8 several girls came in that I didn’t know but they knew me from my blog. They came over and introduced themselves to us, there names were Betty who is a new member of our group, Shay and her wife Raina and Sindee and her girlfriend Dee. We talked a little and then they went into the other room where it was quieter to talk. Now Michelle, Sasha and I talked a little more. Well about 8:30 I walked over to the other room to make a phone call and then after I got talking to them. It was great to get to know them. The other room was getting busy and Karaoke was starting so Michelle called it a night so I got my stuff and Sasha and I came into the other room and joined them.

Now Betty being a member of our group had seen my post and knew I would be here. She met the other girls in a chat room. They don’t live in Portland one lives on the coast and the other in the gorge. They had been talking and agreed to meet in Portland tonight. The ones from out of town where staying just down the street. There was also another girl that was going to join them tonight. Now they were awesome people. Dee was taking selfies so I showed her my tip of setting your self timer so you can push the button and then hold it out and it has time to focus and take the picture. Of course, I got the bonus of getting a picture with her and she said I could post it. She also had red lipstick and we ended up talking about our lipsticks. Mine is Maybelline superstay matte lip ink which is awesome by the way. It doesn’t wear off, I have to use a cotton ball and baby oil to get it off. Dee was wearing loreal infallible matte lipstick . it was so much fun talking lipsticks with her

Now as we talked, I found out this was only Sindee’s second time going out and Shay has only been out a few times and also Betty’s first time out. How awesome is that, I remember my first time out and how scary it was. It would have been so much easier if I had known others would be there. Now of course Betty is a member of our group but I encouraged Sindee and Shay to join our group and I gave them my Susan business card with my e-mail address on it so they could e-mail me if they were in Portland again.

Now around 10 Lauri showed up so it turned out to be a good turnout tonight. It was so much fun getting to know them and talking to them, something as Susan I enjoy. Getting to know new people. Now Sindee came out to Dee just a few months after they started dating and Dee loves it, Shay came out to Raina just a while ago, they have been married for several years but she is also very supportive. Their problem is they both live in small towns and I can understand how hard that would be. For many years I would not go out any place near where I live. I would always drive at least 15 to 20 miles just to be safe. It was such a fun night. now later on Sindee agreed to sing Karaoke if Dee would so they both put their names on the list.

When it was Dee’s turn to sing, we all moved over to the other side where the Karaoke was and Dee went up to sing. She did awesome and had so much fun up there, right after her Sindee went up and sang and also did awesome. Now we were having so much fun and I so enjoyed getting to know them and I knew it was getting late. I went up and paid my bill and one of the men at the bar noticed and said to me, I don’t think I have seen you here this late before and he was right it is very rare. I got back to the table and looked at my phone and it was after 2am. Now Sindee wanted a picture with her, Dee and me so we took one and of course I took one also and asked if they minded if I post and they both said yes. I still like to get permission as I know some don’t like to have their pictures posted. One reason I never ask to get pictures with other girls if they are not taking pictures themselves. This is the 3 of us. What a cute group of ladies. It was 2:30 am when I left and headed for home. It was a wonderful knight and I really hope Sindee and Shay join our group now being this late I will regret it in the morning when my alarm goes of but tonight it was so worth it.

Thanks for reading and be sure and read my most recent blog to see what is new.

December 16, 2018 Posted by | Escape Bar & Grill, Rose_City_T-Girls | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Cold December night at the Escape

It is Saturday and I am looking forward to going to the Escape, well as being out as Susan. Now I am not sure who will show up but that doesn’t matter as I will go and have dinner and catch up o some work on my computer. I posted in our group and also our new e-mail group. Melissa has been working on this for a while and we went live the first of December. It is a which means noting to me other then we can send an e-mail and it goes to all the members and they can respond without logging onto our web page.

I was ready to leave a little before 5, yes, I am going to get there early as it is more Susan time and gives me a chance to get some work done before others show up. I got to the Escape a little after 5 and went in and got our usual table in case others show up. I ordered dinner and got out my computer. Now there were 2 men at the table next to me as I worked and finally one of then told me he loved my eyes and the way I did my makeup, kind of a cat eye look. Now I didn’t really have a cat eye look as my liner just went across the lid but I did have some darker eye shadow on the outer edge and it was a crisp line so I can understand his thought. I thanked him as I do like getting compliments even though I am not interested in men. Of course, I had to get a selfie now. I was almost done with my dinner and Kitty showed up, she was in the area and stopped in for about a half hour. She had seen my post on our e-mail group so I guess it is working. We sat and talked for a while it was nice to get to talk with her 1 on 1 as o got to know her better. I have known her for several years but it has always been a group when she has been out. It is a funny story I have to tell now, as Kitty and I were talking 2 men walked up and introduced themselves to us, they seemed nice and then the one asked if it hurt, now he was looking more at Kitty and I wasn’t sure what he was talking about and Kitty just asked if he was talking about her breasts as that was kind of where he was looking. He smiled back and said and I quote “no when you fell from Heaven” I kid you not. Now I have heard this line in movies but never really thought anyone used it, I had to control myself and not laugh, kitty took it as a compliment which it was and thanked him. They talked to us a few minutes before they left.

She left a little after 6 and I was back on my computer for a little while before another girl from our group arrived. She also saw it on our e-mail group although she does come here quite regular, but she also likes our e-mail group. We talked about it for a little while, Joanie also showed up with a friend. She also saw it on our group e-mail. It is funny as Joanie and Kitty were both at Wednesday night dinner also. I think this is going to work really well. The only bad thing is the first few days when we added 200+ members our e-mails got flooded as a few girls posted hi or thanks for setting this up and then of course people responded and with that many people trying it well you can imagine the number of e-mails. A few girls unsubscribed from the group because of the number of e-mails but I figured it would die down after a week or two and it has. Now it is just the normal messages and is running 5 to 15 a day. If you ever get on one of these give it a couple weeks before leaving the number will go down.

I got to talk with Joanie a little more, I think this is only the 3rd or 4th tine I have met her so it is nice to get to know her better and also her friend who seemed really nice. Laura H and Max showed up as did Laura M and her girlfriend, they did sit in the other room as they got there after karaoke started and they wanted to talk. It was about 9:30 when Robyn showed up which is late for her but Diane was also going to be here tonight and se never makes it till 10:30 or 11 so she new she would be out later. It was good to see her again and to think I was worried I might be the only one here tonight.

About 10 Laurie showed up as she is usually our last girl to show up but not tonight as Diane still had not arrived. Laurie was happy with the e-mail group as I set her up on our group the Rosecityt-girls a year or more ago but her computer is so old she has not been able to get on it. She loves the fact she gets the e-mails now and knows what is going on. If you are reading this Melissa the e-mail group is a hit, thanks so much for getting this set up.

Diane showed up about 10:30 and it was great to see her again. The last time I saw her was at Sweethome, I haven’t been there in a year or more. I think I will have to go there one Friday night just to see it again as it was a fun and friendly place to go. Now I did talk a little with every one which was hard as it got really busy and we were kind of spread out. Eventually most of us wound up over by the pool table at the smaller tables. It really was a busy night here tonight and a lot of new faces.

Robyn was playing pool with a lady and I was kind of looking at her and trying to decide if she was trans. As I have said many ties it really is hard for someone to transition and pass completely unless you do it at an early age other wise there are always little things that people may pick up on. Now her arms were little more defined and her hands a little bigger and narrower hip but even still I was not sure and as such was not about to ask. She really was passable I she is trans and I am thinking if I just saw her out someplace, I probably wouldn’t have noticed these things and never gave it a second thought.

Now again I stayed out a lot later than normal as usually I leave by 11 at the latest and tonight it was almost midnight but it was a fun night.

Thanks for reading and be sure and check out my most recent blog to see what is new in Susan’s life.

Okay a close-up selfie

December 9, 2018 Posted by | Escape Bar & Grill, Out and about as Susan, Rose_City_T-Girls | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

A wonderful weekend

It has been a good week and I was looking forward to Saturday night. A few of us have been working on a new web sight that we own and control and can move away from Yahoo group which really has been wonderful over the years and helped our group grow. Saturday morning we went live with the sight Rose City Tgirls. Now we are all excited about and I did spend a good amount of the morning on the web page learning more about it. Because of this I wanted to get to the Escape early with my computer.

Now I was hoping we would have a good turnout tonight as we had posted in the Yahoo Group, Our Facebook page and Cassandra had sent out text messages about our new group and we had some people signing up today. Now yes part of our new web sight is private and for members only but some of it is open to the public so feel free to check it out at

I got to the Escape at 5 and took time updating my blog from this last week, I kind of merged several days and outing together something I try not to do as I like to have a record of each outing. It was about 6 I was just finishing my blog when Cassandra and Cristine showed up. The 3 of us talked about our group and our web site and where we want to see it go.

We we did have a good turnout tonight, Laura, Mikaela, Jan, Lynn, Cassie, Lorie, Michelle and Michele  and I am sure I am missing someone. Several of the girls Signed up on the new web site using there phones and of course that was the big topic of the night. It was a fun night and I stayed out till 11:30

Now on Sunday all the administrators were getting together at Peggy and Cassandra’s house to learn more about running the web page and also share things we have learned. Laura, Cristine and July got there at 1 but I didn’t make it till almost 4 and had to go as my male self. I got there just before Julie had to leave, she had broke a nail and needed to get it fixed. It was so funny as I know just how she feels as I broke a nail the last time I went to Diva Las Vegas. Julie had also came today as her male self. It was good to see her again even if only briefly. I really do need to get together with her and also Peggy.

We spent several hours sharing things we have all learned and also going over things we like and things we want to do or change and adding events, news stories, and About page, as these are available to the public. I had only planned on being here a couple hours but I stayed here till after 10. It really was a fun day also but would have been better if I could have gone as Susan.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.

July 24, 2016 Posted by | Escape Bar & Grill, Rose_City_T-Girls | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Friday afternoon with Stefia & Marilyn and then to Sweethome Friday night

Well I will pick up where I left off. I left Starbuck’s about 2 as I wanted to go to ULTA at Lloyd Center before I met Stefia and Marilyn. See I needed a new lip liner and some other makeup plus as a card member of ULTA I get special offers one of which was for a free eye shadow wheel for my birthday. A strange coupon as they sent it to my e-mail on the 28 of the month after my birthday and it was only good during the month of my birthday which really only gave me 3 days to use it but luck was with me as I was out today.

Now I always park by Nordstrom’s at Lloyd Center which I have done for years. That way I never forget where I parked but they have closed the Nordstrom’s here which is sad. Well I still parked about the same place but went in the mall entrance there. ULTA is of course at the other end of the mall so off I went strolling down the mall. It is funny as I know some people take a double look and it may be for many reasons, wondering if I am a real woman I hope but more than likely to confirm I am in fact a man dressed as a woman but very few give me that look of disapproval that I have noticed. I really believe most people don’t care how you dress or look as long as you are not causing a problem. Now I did have one lady stop me ever so briefly to tell me she loved my outfit and the way I looked which was nice and of course I thanked her.

I went into ULTA and there were 2 men coming out and they both had on as much if not more makeup then I had on but other than the makeup they were dressed as men so maybe makeup is catching on in the male population. I found my Lip Liner and a foundation yes I buy cheaper foundation to use on my neck and save my MAC foundation just for my face as this system works well for me. The lady at the counter got me my free eye shadow which is 5 shades of browns which will be wonderful for daytime look. She chatted with me for a few minutes, wishing me a happy birthday and asked how it was and what I did for my birthday which was nice.

Well I made my way back down by the old Nordstrom’s as that is where we were meeting, Stefia was running a little late but Marilyn was there so I sat with her and we talked while we waited for Stefia. We had a nice conversation which is something Susan loves to do. Stefia showed up about 2:40 and we talked about what we wanted to do. We decided to walk a couple blocks to the old New Port Bay restaurant which closed and has a new place there now and see what they had for Happy Hour. It is now called Prime Rib Chocolate Cake.

They have a really good Happy Hour menu and as we got there right at 3 they were not at all busy so we got a nice booth by the window. Stefia and I both ordered a salad and of course we all got drinks, mine was a coke. Stefia took a couple pictures Susan & Marilynof Marilyn and me so of course I gave her my phone so I could have a picture of us for my blog. now remember I left home today at 9:40 and have not touched up my makeup in over 5 hours so not looking as fresh as I should. By the way the salad was wonderful here will have to go back again. we sat here till a little after 5 just talking and of course by 5 it was getting really busy here. before we left Stefia asked our waitress who was wonderful also if she could take a picture of all of us which she did of course. Stefia, Susan and MarilynAs we were leaving we got another waitress to take our picture under their sign by the door. It was a really fun couple of hours and went by so fast.

We walked the 3 blocks back to Lloyd Center and down through the mall to by where we all parked. the  we said goodbyes and went our separate ways. now I was not really dressed for going to Sweethome as I pretty much always where a dress or skirt but as it was after 5 now I knew with rush hour traffic it would take me well over an hour to get home so I made the decision to go right to sweethome as I had my computer with me and I knew Chris gets there between 5 & 5:30. well it was the right choice as it took me till almost 6 just to get there.

Chris was inside playing pool so I sat down at our table, yes we get the same table every week. I got out my computer and caught up some e-mails. it is sad in a way that I only seem to reply to e-mails sent me so it is easy to loose touch with people so that is one of my New Years resolutions and that is to try to e-mail friends more regular even if all I have to say is hi.

Well I was finishing up on my e-mails and in walks Lilly. I haven’t seen here since the Halloween party, she has a lot going on in her life right now. it was great to see her again. well I put my computer away so we could talk. it is funny as she brought up that she is also getting a lot of friends request on Facebook from people with no information which I had just mentioned in my blog earlier. well we all talked about it and it seems we all feel the same. We are not going to approve someone we don’t know and have no information on so please if you want to send a friends request send me a message and let me know a little about you so I don’t have to feel bad for rejecting you and you don’t feel bad about being rejected. I had a great time talking with Lilly and hope she can get out more now.

Michele and Petra also made it tonight. Petra talked Michele into going to Diva Las Vegas with her this year so we have 5 for sure going. I think the cost will keep some of the other girls from going this year as room rates are way to high because of March Madness, if you stay Sunday through Friday night, 6 nights you are looking at $1,100 or more for a basic room with all the fee. Yes all the hotels now charge a resort fee on top of their room rates so they can lie to you with cheaper rates and then stick it to you at the end. some are only $15 but Caesars which is in Bankruptcy now has started charging $25 per night or more depending on the hotel. what a rip off, for this you get free local phone calls, something they never charged for before plus who doesn’t have a cell phone. Free wi-fi, who is sitting in their room on a computer plus almost everyone has a data plan on their phone. Can you tell I am a little unhappy about this. Well enough of the bad I am still looking forward to Diva Las Vegas.

Dee also showed up, she changed her girl name from Jackie when she moved from Bend. She is retired and traveling now and is in Portland for a week. She bought a travel trailer and is going to travel around the country which will be fun. she is also planning on being in the Las Vegas area during Diva Las Vegas. Roxy also made it out tonight so we had a pretty good turnout

Morgan also showed up and I am not sure how long it has been since I have seen her so it was really nice. Morgan and her partner have done the Karaoke at the Halloween party for several years but this last one they couldn’t make so it may have been a year or more since we have talked. it was nice to get to talk with her and get to know her better one of the good things about smaller groups.

Karaoke started and of course Chris and Morgan both sang and did great. it was a really fun night but as always it must come to an end. It was almost midnight and it was just Morgan and me left from our group, Morgan had one more song to sing. after she sang we were going to call it a night. Morgan left and I went up and paid my bill. Well Michelle from the other group was singing and I liked the song so I sat down and listened to her and next Was Jessica who I have also got to know from their group so I stayed for her song.

I got up to leave and the man at the next table called me over to talk. Well he told me how beautiful I was which was nice as what girl doesn’t like to hear that. I thanked him and I could see where this was going but before I could say anything he asked me if I would like to go out sometime. Wow now I have had men hint at it before but this is the first time I have actually been asked out. What a boost to my ego, but the simple fact is I am nit at all interested in or attracted to men. after all I think one of the reasons I try so hard to look as pretty as possible is I really love the feminine look. I thanked him for such a wonderful compliment but explained to him I was not at all interested in men. I think he took it well as I was as honest and open about it as I could be. he wished me a goodnight and I was on my way out to the car.

now the one bad thing is when I left this morning it was sunny out and warm as it actually got up to 60 today so I didn’t think to bring my wrap. well it was now about 35 out and cold so till I got my car warm I was cold but it was still a wonderful day.

Thanks for reading.

January 31, 2015 Posted by | Out and about as Susan, Rose_City_T-Girls, Sweethome | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Saturday BBQ party hosted by Julie and Trixie

Well Saturday afternoon Julie and Trixie were having a BBQ for our group at 3 pm and I was really looking forward to it. I had planned on leaving home by 2 or shortly after but I ended up taking longer to get ready, spent a little more time on my eye makeup so it was about 2:40 when I left so I knew I would be fashionably late. Now it was going to be a hot day upper 90’s and we would be outside so I wore my short white skirt and a cute little top to try to stay cool.

It took me about 45 minutes to get there so I wasn’t as late as I thought I would be. Trixie has a beautiful house and yard and it was set up so nice with several tables and all kinds of snacks and drinks. There were already about 10 girls, Blair, Shadow, Amber, Julie, Trixie, Sandy, Brenda, Victoria S., Victoria N., and Carolyn. They were all crowded under one of the umbrella’s over by the trees in the shade. We sat and talked trying not to expend too much energy in the heat.

More girls showed up, Cassandra, Jan, Lynn, Barb, Petra, Michelle, Cristine, Bobbie, Kim, Joan, Sophia, & Lorna. We talked more and then it was time to play some games. Julie and I played Petra and Victoria in a game of Bocci. Actually Victoria S. started the game and Victoria N. finished it. Julie and I started off great and we were up by 7 before Petra and Victoria scored and we ended up winning 11 to 1 scoring 4 points on our last throw. Now Bocci ball is not a real physical game but when it is in the mid 90’s and you are in the sun shine it doesn’t take much to start getting hot and of course I was worried about my makeup.

Next Julie and I played Michelle and Kim and we got off to a good start again but that was all. Kim and Michelle seemed to have the touch this game and soon they were ahead. Now none of us were really in any hurry as it was so hot out but we had a wonderful time playing and in the end Kim and Michelle won 11 to 7. In a way Julie and I were glad we lost as it let us go back and sit in the shade and have something cold. Kim and Michelle finished as the undefeated champions of course as hot as it was no one else wanted to play so these were the only 2 games played.

Now Julie and I both had our cameras out getting pictures to post in our group. I must have taken 25 pictures and in all those only 2 with me in the picture. This is me with our beautiful Host Julie. Now this was after I had been here for a couple hours in the heat so I am amazed my makeup looks as good as it does.

Well Julie and Trixie started cooking the meat on the grill and it smelled so good and we were all getting hungry. It was time to eat so we all got around the tables and we had to move some of them into the shade as it was still really hot out.

The food was so awesome and we all ate way too much. Kim, Cassandra, Joan, and I sat at one table in the corner between the garage and house. We were in the shade but we got no breeze being in the corner but we had a great time. After we ate Trixie brought out this huge chocolate cake that was so good. I am so glad I had seconds on the other food as I was just too full to have a second piece of cake.

Robyn finally showed up and it was great she could make it. We sat around talking for a while more and as it was finally cooling off which was nice. It was a wonderful afternoon and evening and so nice to see so many girls out. It went by so fast and soon it was after 9 and I had to be leaving which is always sad.

I want to thank Julie and Trixie for such a fun day and for everything they did to make it such a wonderful day, you two rock.


July 13, 2014 Posted by | Rose_City_T-Girls | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

First Rose City T-girl golf game of the year at Wildwood golf course

Wow what a super fun and memorable day golfing. There were 8 of us meeting for golf at Wildwood golf course in Saint Helens Oregon, we went here 5 times last year and ad a blast and they treated us so wonderful we had to go back. Now they were doing a BBQ for us before we played so we had to be there by 1 but my intention was to be there between noon and 12:30 so I started getting ready to leave at 10 am as it takes about 45 minutes to get there so I wanted to leave by 11:15.

Well things don’t always go right and it was 11:30 when I was ready to go. I was all dressed and looking cute for golf and had sun screen on every bit of exposed skin I could find as it was going to be sunny and warm today. Now I was getting my purse ready and I discovered I had not planned well. I use my credit card for everything and it turns out I didn’t have any cash on me. Now I had already paid for the golf and everything but I would need cash to get snacks and drinks from the Ashley the cart girl who brings stuff around while you are on the course. Now I was all dressed so this would mean stopping at the ATM for some cash. Now I didn’t go to the bank by my house so the only other one I knew of was the main branch so that is where my first stop was.

So as I was driving down the freeway from my house I noticed a car in the right lane that was going less than the speed limit and it looked very familiar. It looked just like my parents car and as I got closer I could see it was. Now I had 2 options slow down and stay behind them or go by them. Gambled that with my new car they may not be able to tell it was me so I just looked straight ahead and went by them s all the would see is a female driving a car that looked like mine as I know they don’t know my license plate number.

I got there and there was a man at the machine outside and another one waiting so I sat in my car to wait my turn. The man finished and the other lady went up and just then anther lady came around the corner and stopped to wait for the machine so I saw where this was going as I was another woman walking across the parking lot so I got out of my car and went and stood in line to us the machine. No one said a thing and soon it was my turn and I got my money and I was on my way.

I got to the curse about 12:30 so still within my goal and as I parked I saw I had a text from Cassandra asking if anyone else was there yet so I text her back saying I just arrived and asked where they were. I got out of my car and started to walk towards the club house and I heard a horn honk and saw Cassandra and Peggy’s car they were one row back so I walked over to meet them and of course Victoria was parking just a few cars down so the foursome I was in was all there.

We went up and checked in and went out and sat on the patio to wait for the other girls, Soon Petra, Michelle, Amber and Veronica showed up. Now we were doing a BBQ first before we played so the guy came out to cook our hamburgers and he did a great job and was really nice. This is part of our group, left to right, Peggy, Susan, Michelle, Victoria and Petra.

We all ate a wonderful lunch and spent some time talking, it was such a beautiful day sunny and warm and actually when the sun was on you it was a little on the hot side. Now the lady who we set this up with came out and brought us all cupcakes what a treat. I believe her name I Jenny and she was awesome. I had to get a picture with her also. Not a great picture of me.

After lunch we got our clubs and went and hit some balls on the driving range and then it was time to tee off. Now we were playing a best ball scramble which works best as it doesn’t matter how good you are. For those not familiar with golf everyone hit a ball and then you pick the best shot and everyone then hits from there and you do this all the way through including putting.

Now we did have prizes as we each put in $4 and we had 2 closest to the flag called a KP and the longest drive, I am not a long ball hitter so that is out for me but I could win the closest to the flag. Well we got to the first par 3 which was the closest to the flag and the other group ball was on the far end of the green. I put my shot about 8 feet from the flag and then just had to wait to see if someone from my group got closer and they didn’t so I won the first KP so I was pretty happy. We plaid the front 9 and our group shot an even par which I guess with a scramble you should but what is interesting is we made par on each hole, we didn’t shoot under or over which is a little more hard to do.

Well we started the back 9 and we found out the other group was 3 over so we were ahead but then today was more about looking cute on the golf course than winning at least for me. Well we started off on the back 9 and we kept out par streak alive till the 12 hole that is right we had 11 straight pars. Hole 12 is a par 3 and you hit from up on a hill down to the green and it is only 123 yards to the green with water behind and to the right and this is the hole our par streak would end on. Victoria was the first to hit and she walked up with her driver. Now Cassandra looked at her and asked her why she was using that as it was only 123 yard downhill. Victoria said she was going to hit t soft and Cassandra reminded her there was water right behind the green. Victoria was determined to use it so she teed up and hit it soft. It only went about a third of the way down the hill in the air and then hit the ground and we watched it roll over a hump and disappear and soon we saw it still rolling at the bottom of the hill. It kept rolling and made the green and didn’t stop there. It kept rolling at the flag and just as it looked like it would stop just short it didn’t and it rolled into the cup for a hole in one. It was amazing, I have seen them on TV but never in person. I don’t even know anyone personally who has gotten a hole in 1 before. Victoria was so excited as we all were. Of course as she sunk it and it was best ball the rest of us didn’t need to hit as we couldn’t do better than her shot so we took some pictures.

Victoria after the great shot with Cassandra in the background in awe.

Victoria standing beside the hole sign on her hole.

The ball in the cup when we got down to the green.

Victoria removing her ball from the cup and yes she did put the ball in her bag to keep and got a new ball out to use. I am sure she will frame that ball at least I would. This was the most exciting thing I have seen golfing and I am sure we will all remember it. Now this is where our game picked up momentum as the next hole we got a birdy, I actually sunk a 12 foot put to make it so I was excited now as it really was a good put.

We got to the 15th hole which was the longest drive and we could see the other group down the fairway so we knew how far we had to hit it. Now Cassandra and Petra are the two who really go for this as they are the ones who hit it the farthest. Now I can’t hit a driver to save my life. I can actually outdrive my driver with a 3 wood, a 5 wood and probably even a 3 iron. I teed off with my 3 wood and really got a good straight shot and was on the fairway about 20 yards short of where they were and although I didn’t win it was my best drive of the day. Cassandra ripped one but it went right and out in the trees so we used my great shot so I was happy. On the back 9 we actually got 3 birdies and the hole in 1 so we finished at 5 under.

We got back to the club house and told them about the hoe in 1 and they got Victoria’s name and a picture and I sent them a couple pictures I took and they are going to submit it to the new paper s she will probably have her name and picture in the new paper tomorrow. I was going to buy her a drink but I found out that the person who gets the hole n 1 buy a round of drinks and Victoria was excited to do it, seems strange to me as I would think it would be the other way around but who am I to disagree with tradition. We went out and sat on the patio again and Cassandra handed out the money for the 2 KP and the longest drive. Amber won one of the KP’s and I won the second. Cassandra asked them who had the longest drive in their group as they forgot to mark it and Petra told us they didn’t mark it because they were off the fairway. To win your ball not only hast to be the longest but in the fairway. This meant that my ball was the longest so I won that too. I think that is the first time I have ever won a longest drive and I did it with a 3 wood.

It was such a fun day and we all had a good time we are planning on golfing again and want to do the glow ball where you golf after dark with lighted golf balls. It was about 7:45 when we left the golf course and for the most part my makeup held up pretty good, just a little shiny. But after 7 plus hours in the sun not bad.

A lot longer blog then normal but a lot more to fit in. thanks for reading especially if you made it all the way to the end.

May 31, 2014 Posted by | Out and about as Susan, Rose_City_T-Girls, Wildwood Golf course | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Different kind of post today

Hi All and forgive me for this post but as I said this blog was set up for me and for me I need to do this blog. We all like to think that the transgender community is one big happy family but as in all groups that is not always the case which is very sad as how can we expect others outside of our community to accepts us and treat us with respect if we cannot even do that among ourselves.

We have a former member of our group the Rose City T-Girls that left the group because she had a fight, disagreement with another member. We are not sure of what it was about as the girl who is still a member has not really made it public in the group what happened which shows a lot of class on her part.

The T-Girl who left started off making attacks against this one member and they have been public attacks online on public web pages. From there she started attacking other members of the group who had nothing to do with what happened other than being friends of the one T-Girl and even now is attacking everyone in the group with her posts and I guess in a broader look all transgender people who are larger than the average woman or older and can’t pass which is totally wrong and sad.

with what is going on with some of us filing a complaint against the P-Club for asking us not to come back because we are transgender there are now video interviews of several of the girls online from the different new channels and as always you can make comments which has given her a hug ability to make these attacks and some are pretty sad and petty. One has to think with the amount of time and effort she spends keeping track of a group she didn’t want to be a part of and the time involved in making these posts and attacks that she must be really unhappy with her own life as she can’t move on and forget about us and the only thing she can do is try to make our lives miserable. It really is sad.

Well any way she has been posting about all the problems we caused at the P-club which we did not and that we deserved to be kicked out which we did not, basically making this whole thing are fault which again it is not so I thought what better way to show this then use her own words as she has left many comments on my blog over the years. I guess she didn’t stop to think that things you put online stay for people to see over and over again. I will put all of them below but I wanted to highlight this comment first as back in February of 2011 we had heard a rumor there was an issue with us being at the P-Club which nothing ever happened and when we asked the bar staff they assured us there was no problems.

Possible issue with our group at the P-Club still a fun night February 12 2011

Great blog as usual, Susan! You always capture the evening perfectly. Yet another reason that I appreciate this blog so much is that on evenings where I drink a bit too much and my memory is foggy, I can always read your blog to jog my memory! I also agree that the owner of the P-Club has no legitimate reason to ask us not to come there. We have been model patrons (well, that is if you’re not upset by your patrons dressing like girls ). My opinion – if he doesn’t like us there, he should come and say it to our faces. Then I would leave with no complaints. But unless I hear it directly from him, I wouldn’t feel right about just ceasing to go there. That’s just my two cents. Too bad the parking is so horrible in my neighborhood. There are TONS of nightspots that would LOVE our business and welcome us with open arms! Unfortunately they all have on-street parking and usually that means you’re lucky to find a spot 4 or 5 blocks from the place that you want to go to. The upside would be that there are so many places in such close proximity that we could even “bar hop” from place to place, and that might be kinda fun. But the parking situation would have to be resolved before we even think about trying some places in my neighborhood. Oh well, I have faith that it’ll all work out.

Keep up the great blogging!


These are all of her comments and the post she left them on and all were very supportive of the group accept for one which was after she left the group. And they back up how much fun we and her had at the P-Club and that we never caused a problem there. Thanks for reading and allowing me to get this off my chest.

A new path on Friday nights June 23 2012 (notice on this comment no hugs Jennifer)

Your logic is severely flawed, Susan. How do you deduce from my statement that I’m putting down all transgendered people? Nothing in my comment makes a blanket statement towards all transgendered people. It’s obvious tat I was referring specifically to the obnoxious trannys who show up at the P-Club week after week making a spectacle of themselves. How that can be misconstrued as a statement towards all transgendered individuals is beyond my comprehension. Are you insinuating that anybody who considers themselves transgendered is above reproach, and therefore never at fault for anything? That’s silly. My point is simply that you’re fooling yourselves if you think that you were kicked out of the P-Club for any other reason than you own actions. You brought it on yourselves, and now you’re trying to make the owner the bad guy.

Tuesday night finally out again at Starbucks April 26 2011

Oh Susan, speaking of neighbors I am having some funny “neighbor issues” myself lately. There are multiple stories, and they’re a bit lengthy to post them all here, so I’ll have to tell them to you sometime soon. The one that I have to mention really quickly is that I have a new neighbor, and the first time that he met me was when I was dressed as Jennifer as he was moving his stuff in. He was blatantly ogling over my body, then he looked up at my face and I could tell from the look in his eye that he was instantly disgusted. The expression changed on his face so rapidly that it was hilarious, and I couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle. Days later when he formally met me when I was in guy mode, he refused to shake my hand. Anyway, there is much more to this story, plus a couple of other neighbor stories that I have to tell you sometime. They’re all hilarious, though!

Love the blog, as always!


Awesome Friday with friends March 19 2011

Yes Susan, count me as one of the ones who is definitely going to Diva Las Vegas next year! I’ll definitely miss seeing you the next several Fridays. I can’t make it to the P-Club this Friday because I have to get up really early on Saturday morning. This will be the first Friday that I’ve missed going to the P-Club since mid-December! Yikes! Also, like you, I HATE having my photo taken as a guy. But Jennifer can’t get enough of the camera! So I understand what you mean. It’s is so weird!


A cold night out for the girls here in Portland February 26 2011

Great blog as always, Susan! And yes, Misty already has some photos on the group page. I posted them last Saturday. So she has several of them posted on there, as a matter of fact. Good job of “finding” her, Susan! She is so much fun! Also, it’s not surprising that you get so many hits on your webpage(s). Norma and I were talking about your webpage and blog this past Sunday night, and we were discussing how great we think it is and what a good job that you do. We stop by and read it on an almost daily basis to see updates. Keep up the great blogging!


6 Weeks to Diva Las Vegas February 16 2011

“People go camping for a week or two but this does not mean they want to live in a tent for the rest of their lives…” Oh my god, that is such a perfect analogy! I love it!


Possible issue with our group at the P-Club still a fun night February 12 2011

Great blog as usual, Susan! You always capture the evening perfectly. Yet another reason that I appreciate this blog so much is that on evenings where I drink a bit too much and my memory is foggy, I can always read your blog to jog my memory! I also agree that the owner of the P-Club has no legitimate reason to ask us not to come there. We have been model patrons (well, that is if you’re not upset by your patrons dressing like girls ). My opinion – if he doesn’t like us there, he should come and say it to our faces. Then I would leave with no complaints. But unless I hear it directly from him, I wouldn’t feel right about just ceasing to go there. That’s just my two cents. Too bad the parking is so horrible in my neighborhood. There are TONS of nightspots that would LOVE our business and welcome us with open arms! Unfortunately they all have on-street parking and usually that means you’re lucky to find a spot 4 or 5 blocks from the place that you want to go to. The upside would be that there are so many places in such close proximity that we could even “bar hop” from place to place, and that might be kinda fun. But the parking situation would have to be resolved before we even think about trying some places in my neighborhood. Oh well, I have faith that it’ll all work out.

Keep up the great blogging!


Diva Las Vegas here I come February 5 2011

Well crap, there is no way that I can make Diva Las Vegas this year. Not only do I have a roller derby bout the weekend before, and a race the weekend after, but now I find out that I have to go to Hood River, Oregon for work for two and a half days in the middle of that week! I hardly ever have to travel for my job, but wouldn’t you know it that this would be the year and the week that I have to go out of town. I am DEFINITELY in for next year, though! That gives me plenty of time to schedule the time off and to shop, shop, shop for Vegas clothes. I’m bummed that I can’t make it this year, but put me down for next year for sure!


Passing in public February 2 2011

I am really shocked to read that you feel that you don’t pass, Susan! I’ve always thought of you as passing. I have shown your photo to a number of GG friends of mine and they all swear that you are a GG. As a matter of fact, I got into a heated argument with a GG friend of mine over you because she thought that I was lying to her. It wasn’t until I thought to show her your blog and website that she believed me! Then she was just shocked and kept saying how beautiful you are. Your makeup is always absolutely perfect and your eyes are gorgeous feminine eyes. I think that the eyes have a lot to do with passing. They’re not the only factor, of course, but they’re a big part. I think that you focus on what you perceive to be your flaws (we all do that). For example, you mentioned that you feel that your size has a lot to do with why you feel that you don’t pass. Well, that GG friend of mine who got into a heated argument with me over whether or not you’re a GG, is only 5’3 and 118 lbs., and she swore up and down that you were a GG!!! So your size may only be a factor in your own mind. I know plenty of attractive GG’s that are as tall as or taller than you. I know that we all have our own definition of what “passing” is, but if you cause a big argument between two friends over the identity of your gender, then that’s passing in my book!


Shuffleboard, pool and dancing at the p-club January 29 2011

Great blog, Susan! Yes, it was a different DJ that night, and her music selection wasn’t that great. So I played with my new camera to keep myself busy. It was a great time! Enjoyed finally meeting Alice, too!


New Years eve with friends January 1 2011

Thank you so much for the compliment on the dress! As you know, you are my hero, so any compliment from you means a lot to me! I bought that dress for only $15 at an after Christmas sale at Deb at the Lloyd Center Mall. It was 75% off! It’s my new favorite dress, and it’s the least expensive one that I own! Imagine that. It was my first strapless dress, and it has inspired me, because I’ve since purchased another strapless one to wear on Valentine’s Day! I can’t wait!


Friday at the p-club January 8 2011

Yes Susan, it was a great night (from what I can remember of it)! I danced for hours, over the course of which I drank too much and paid dearly for it the next day. Oh well, I had a blast like I always do with you girls! Thank you so much again for the link to the makeup videos. I watched several of them last night. I like her style a lot, and she is very easy to watch/listen to. And you’re right, she DOES make it look easy! Thanks again and I can’t wait to see you again!


Small group at P-Club November 13 2010

Great blog! You captured the evening perfectly, Susan. And you’re correct, I DID have a great time and I could NOT stop smiling the whole time! So much fun! I can’t wait to go out again! You girls are the best!


August 12, 2012 Posted by | Out and about as Susan, P-Club, Rose_City_T-Girls, T-girl | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Wednesday night at fox & hound and CC’s

Well it was not my usual Wednesday night as I have Thursday off I decided to go downtown Portland and meet my friends for dinner at Fox & hound and then some pool at C.C. Slaughters. It was really cold out and when I left I had freezing rain where I live so I almost went back home but I wanted to spend time with friends so even the weather was not going to stop me.

I got to Fox & hound and being a Wednesday evening parking was easy and I found a spot only a half block away which was nice as it was 31 degrees outside. Cass and Wilma got there the same time I did so we all walked in together. There were already some of our group there and by the time we ordered I think we had 10 or 12 of us there all in one big long table. It was a lot of fun and the food was good and so was the service. The waiters were telling us about a benefit drag show they are putting on December 16; they will all be dressing in Drag and performing. Some of the girls from the group are planning on going but being a Thursday night I probably won’t make it. After dinner we all walked around the corner to CC Slaughters.

CC Slaughters was not really busy when we got there which I expected as it was a Wednesday evening. We went back by the pool table and put our names on the board to play. I was amazed how many girls from our group came out. As a matter of fact I lost count but would guess it was close to 25 maybe more. We all talked and played pool and some even danced. By 9:30 they were pretty crowded.

When it was my turn to play pool I got to play Veronica. I had a really good game and made some really good shots and won the game. The funny and scary part was about half way through the game as I walked around the table I almost walked right into someone I use to work with about 2 years ago. I quickly looked back at the pool table and the fact it was not real bright inside he didn’t get a good look at me but it really startled me. I have seen people I know when I have been out as Susan but this is as close as I have come to them, we literally almost bumped into each other face to face. My second game of pool was against Cass. Cass won but I did make a good game of it.

For a little while I was nervous after seeing him but soon relaxed and had a great time. It really was a fun night out with friends. I stayed out till almost 1:30.

My work schedule has changed some and I probably won’t make it out on Wednesday nights till after the first of the year. I really like my night out at Starbucks so I am thinking of trying Tuesday or Thursday nights or may even mix them. That way I have a little variety in my nights out. Problem is my Susan time is dependent on free time from my male side.

I would like to wish you all A Happy Thanksgiving.

November 25, 2010 Posted by | Rose_City_T-Girls, T-girl | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment