Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Halloween night Party, one word awsome

Halloween night was awesome. My costume was great, I was Wonder Woman. It took some work but it was so worth it. I went to a party at Cassandra and Peggy’s house. They were so great to throw a Halloween party for all us T-girls. Peggy did a great job decorating their house, you two rock. On the way there I did stop at Albertson’s and picked up my veggie trays because I wanted to go shopping in my costume even if only for a few minutes. It was so fun. The party was just getting started when I got there so we started to take pictures, I favorite thing to do for t-girls. I have posted some on my flickr page. Maya and Bev even showed up which was so nice. They are so much fun.

Several of the t-girls even brought their wives and girlfriend with them. It is so nice to know that there are woman out there that not only tolerate but except and support cross-dressing. To all you ladies you are awesome and I can only hope I can be so lucky. It was nice to get to talk to everyone and get to know them better. Our group has gotten so big there are t-girls I haven’t met yet, or just barley know. My goal is to meet them all and get to know each and every one of them. Even Peggy’s friend Julie showed up in a cute fire fighter costume. It was nice to see her again and I got a chance to talk to her for a while. There were a lot of good and cute costumes there. I got second place in the costume contest which was so fun. Later on the bar tender gave out 4 garter belts to the cutes girls there and I was one of the lucky ladies along with Julie, Peggy and Brenda.

I had a great time and even got to meet Candy, a new member of our group. She is really nice and pretty and we seem to be a lot alike. We share a lot of the same feelings about dressing and why we do it. She is married and only came out to her wife a few weeks ago and yet her wife also seems to be okay with her dressing. I look forward to getting to know her better and maybe even meet her wife some night if she comes out with her. It was such a fun time and I lost track of how many people were there but I bet it was at least 50 or more.

I am so lucky to have found such good friends. You Are all so awesome and make it so much fun to be Susan and go out.

Thanks again Peggy and Cassandra for opening your house up to us for a wonderful party. You are the best.

November 1, 2009 Posted by | crossdress, crossdresser, crossdressing, halloween, Party, T-girl, transgender, wonder woman | , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments