Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Friday night at Embers April 18, 2009

Well Its been two weeks sense I was able to get out so I went to Embers which was so much fun. It is always so great to get out with my friends as Susan and enjoy myself which I needed after last weekend. we had such a good time and the show was really good. we once again took up two tables. I think our group is their best and most frequent customers they have. There was a good crowed tthere last night though as at times you could hardly walk through the people.

Embers has put in some new lights right over the tables which are to bright and put off to much heat when you are sitting under them. It was nice when they turned them down for the show as my makeup felt like it was melting. they really should raise them up about a foot but it was still a fun night.

April 18, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment