Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Friday night at the P-club

Well it was another fun night at the P-club which was so nice as I will not be able to make it out for the next two Friday nights. Next Friday being Christmas Eve I will spend it with my family and they know nothing of Susan. The following week being short handed at work I will be working very early New Years day so I will have to be in bed by 8 New Years Eve so again must miss that night which is okay as I get double time in a half for working New Years Day so the extra money will buy Susan some nice Christmas presents, Susan is by far the easiest won to shop for on my Christmas list as I know just what she likes. It is so strange to look back a few years before I started to go out regularly, this was the time of year I did all of the shopping for Susan as with everyone buy gifts no one even gives you a second no matter what you are buying as they just figure it is a gift for a girlfriend, wife, or sister. It makes it so much easier shopping if you are not going out regular.

I decided to wear my black dress which is nothing new as I like it a lot but tonight I wore black panty hose which I had just bought and my black knee high boots with the 3″ heels. I really like the boots the only reason I don’t wear them more is they do not breathe well and my feet get really hot but as it was a cold night with the forecast of possible snow they were perfect.

Any way I got to the P-club at 7:30 our normal time and their parking lot was full so I had to park on the street about a half block away, this was the first time I think this has happened. I went inside and they had a big group at the tables by the dance floor. Kind of looked like a party and with Christmas a week away that is what I would guess. Michele, Melissa, Norma, and Chris were already there so I joined them and we put 3 tables together as we knew more would soon be there. I saw Cassandra pulling in as I was walking in. we had no more than put the tables together when Cassandra, Peggy and Maya came in. Peggy, Chris, Melissa and I were all at the one end of the table and we had such a nice chat about just about everything. There is something so fun about good conversation while you are eating. It is really a fun way to spend an evening.

Soon Brooke, Cristine and Bob shoed up and our group filled the three tables we had but with a couple playing pool we were still okay. Cassandra’s pool game was off and she did not dominate the pool table which is really rare but we were all having a great time. Soon a few of the girls started to play shuffle board and soon the group had moved more up to that area. Peggy and I played a couple games and even won once. The group was having a great time.

Maya talked me into playing her ping pong which is fun even though she is really good and I knew I wouldn’t win. Not having 4″ heels help my game as I could move better. The first game she won easily but the second I did pretty good. I even had the lead a couple times but in the end she won 21 to 19 but I really had to work for it and she didn’t. The biggest issue was my hair which kept getting in my face. I am thinking had I had short hair and flats on I might have just beat her but it was still way to much fun.

It was back over to the shuffle board table to sit down and cool off as this girl worked up a little sweat. Susan does not like to sweat as it just ruins ones makeup and I work so hard on it to look as cute as possible. Lynn and Jan showed up and joined us and now sense most of us were around the shuffle board table we moved all our stuff from the other tables up to where we were. I already had my purse up there as that is my biggest fear, losing my purse when I am out. Strange when I was first going out I was always so worried about forgetting my purse as I was not use to carrying it so I never let it out of my sight, now that I go out more I am way more use to having it so not so worried about forgetting it but I do tend to leave it on the table with the other purses and go off. I am just more comfortable with the group but really this is a bad habit and I need to be careful as at one point last night no one was at the table wear our stuff was between playing pool, shuffle board and ping pong. Anyone could have walked by and grabbed something off our table and possible none of us would have seen it.

I played a few more games of shuffle board, won a couple lost a couple but had a great time. It was strange to see Cassandra up playing shuffle board instead of pool as she is such a pool player. It was strange how many from our group and the GG’s that were there in general were wearing boots, I guess I made a good choice in footwear tonight and there were some really cute boots. Lisa, the GG’ we talked with last week was there again and came over and chatted with us for a little while. She is really nice and so friendly. As a matter of fact several GG’s stopped and chatted with us. I think what helped it the shuffle board table and the table we were sitting at was right by the bathrooms so anyone going to the bathrooms had to walk right by or should I say through our group. All it takes is to tell them how cute their boots are or compliment them on their outfit and most will stop and chat for a minute. Probably the funniest point of the night was when Brooke told a GG how cute her boots were and she stopped and talked to Brooke for a while. The guy she was with finally came up to see what was going on and she just told him it was okay they were just talking about shoes and purse. He smiled and walked away, I guess he didn’t want to get into that conversation.

It was a really fun night and again we closed the place down, that is two weeks in a row. As we left the wind was blowing and there was a rain sleet mix coming down and it was cold and even though I was heading home I was still worried about my hair and makeup so I held my hair so it wouldn’t get messed up and walked as fast as I co ld to my car. I am such a girl, when in boy mode this would have been no big deal. Any way it was a fabulous night out with all my great friends.

Not sure f I will make it out this week or not as the only nights I might be able to are Wednesday or Thursday and I still have Christmas shopping to do. If I do make it out I will of course post it to my blog, if not I would like to wish each and every one of you a merry and blessed Christmas.

December 18, 2010 - Posted by | Portsmouth Pizza & Pub, T-girl | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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