Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday night and time for Harvey’s Comedy club

Well Saturday is here and tonight we are going to Harvey’s Comedy club which is always a fun night. We have 25 signed up to go so it should be a big turnout although I am sure a few wont make it as with a group this big something always comes up. I started getting ready at 4, it still amazes me how much I look forward to getting ready. As a male I get ready as quick as I can and usually in 20 minutes after all there really isn’t much to getting ready for my male self, shower and shave and getting dressed. Susan loves her time getting ready and trying to look pretty and lady like. I really do take a lot more pride in how Susan looks. I think it is because society holds females to a higher standard on how they look which really isn’t fair. Men a nice shirt and pants and they are good where woman it is the whole look, hair, makeup, jewelry outfit, shoes, and how it all goes together.

I was ready and on my way by 6. I got downtown and Parked and walked to Fox & Hound, Veronica was the only one there so far but Cassandra showed up just a little later so we moved from the bar to some tables as we were expecting a big group. It wasn’t long and girls started to show up. Laura, Jenny, Barb Jan, and Lynn. We stayed here till a little after 8 talking before we left and headed for Harvey’s. It was a little cool out tonight but we still had a nice walk, about 7 blocks.

Cristine was at Harvey’s when we got there and of course Star the Bar tender greeted us all with a hug. Now I know I am going to miss some people but will try my best. Sophie, Lorna, Mikaela and her wife and sister in-law, Michelle and her friend and Cassie all showed up and I know I missed someone as we had 21 that made it tonight. Now I wore the same Blue and Black dress I did a coupe weeks ago and it was a good choice as I had 2 woman tell me what a great dress it was and how Susan Mikaela at Harveys 2-6-2016pretty I looked in it while we were in the lounge waiting for the early show to get over. This is me and Mikaela.

Well it was finally time to go in and Kim had our table all set up, Kim is so awesome I always look forward to seeing her. There was a good crowd here tonight and it is always fun to people watch as you see woman in really sexy dresses and heels to those in jeans and a tee shirt. Of course I am more interested in the dresses and heels.

The show started and it was really good as always. This really is a fun night out. we all had fun and laughed all night long and that is good for you, everyone needs to laugh more. As always it went by so fast and soon it was all over. The headliner was Jackie Fabulous came over to our group and wanted a picture with us and of course you know how much I and my friend like to get pictures. It really was fun.

Well we stayed a little and talked with Kim for a while it was such a fun night. It was about 11:45 when we left and walked back to our cars. It is always sad to see the night come to an end but I will see a lot of them tomorrow as we are meeting at a bar to watch the Super Bowl.

Have a great day and thanks for reading.

February 7, 2016 - Posted by | Harvey's Comedy Club | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. […] out also. We all talked as we played on our electronic devises. I wrote my blog from last night at Harvey’s. Today actually makes 3 days in a row for Susan being out so it has been an awesome weekend. Laura […]

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  2. […] make everyone but the ones I did were wonderful and I bought new dresses for some of them, January, February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, December. These are wonderful memories I have […]

    Pingback by The last Friday of 2016 « Susanmillers Blog | December 31, 2016 | Reply

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