Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Friday at the P-club

Well it was another fun night at the P-club on Friday night. I think we had about 15 girls there maybe a few more including several from the Vancouver area. It was so much fun and Rachel even showed up which was so fun as I think the last time we saw her was at the Halloween party. For the first hour or so we all just sat and talked which as you all know I really like, Just sitting around sharing some girl talk, makeup hair, nails and even some politics mixed in. I got to meet a couple girls I have not met before which is always fun. One of the topics was learning everyone’s name and it has gotten harder as when I joined several years back I think we had at most 20 girls which was easy to remember and put faces to names. Now our group has almost 190 members and for this poor blonde girl that is a lot of information to retain. The girls we see all the time is easy but the ones who only go out once in a while is harder but we are all making an effort to remember everyone. You can see the pictures from last night on my FaceBook pictures page.

I got to talk to Jennifer who has only been in the group and going out for a couple months and she is still learning to do makeup so we sent some time talking about makeup and Cassandra, Brooke and I were sharing tips on how we do ours and encouraging her to practice as in anything that is how you learn and get better. One of the things that have helped me is YouTube as there are lots of good video’s there to watch. The one I like the best is MissChievous she does a lot of tutorials on makeup. They really are geared more for genetic woman but the techniques she uses will help anyone. If you are looking to get better with makeup, improve your skills or just looking for some fun new ideas you might want to check her videos out. She really does make it look easy.

Later on we started to play ping pong and shuffle board although I don’t think I saw any of us playing pool which is strange as that always seemed like the game most wanted to play. Maya of course dominated the ping pong table as usual although Cassandra did beat her at one game but Cassandra was really running and working hard while Maya pretty much just breezed through the game so I think she may have been taking it easy on Cassandra.

I went up to the bar to get a drink and Evie a GG we met a few weeks ago was there with one of her friends and she remembered me by name which was really nice as I must admit it took me a few seconds to recall her name. I think the fact I wrote about her in one of my previous blogs really helped me remember her name. I stayed and talked her and her friend for a few minutes.

After ping pong we all moved up by the shuffle board table and started to play and Cassandra and Maya were the team to beat. Cassandra is so competitive in everything she does you would think she was playing for money. Anyway after Cassandra and Maya had won maybe 4 or 5 games a lady came over and asked if her and her fiancé so Cassandra and Maya play them in a game. It was a really good game Kate and Rob (their names) played really good and I think Kate was almost as competitive as Cassandra. It was a really close game and right at the end Kate and Rob won. Kate’s friend and her husband came over and talked with us for well over an hour.

They were so awesome and totally okay with us. We had a good talk and they of course had questions which are always fun as I think it gives us a chance to dispel some commonly made assumptions of which the biggest is if we are gay. We really had a good conversation. They all live near the P-Club so I am sure we will see them again. It was a really fun night and I think we all made some new friends.

It was a late night as I don’t think we left the P-Club till 2 am. It was cold outside and there was ice in the parking lots which in 4″ heels was an experience. My toes got cold really fast as I had open toed shoes but they looked really cute and the red nail polish on my toes hid the fact they were turning blue well not that bad. I had to suit in my car for about 5 minutes to let it warm up and the ice melt of the windshield so I could drive home. Such a fun night by all, can’t wait till next Friday as I am sure we will be back at the P-Club.

Looks like this week it will be Tuesday night that Susan makes her Starbucks run. Weather is calling for snow this week so we will. Hope you all have a wonderful week and thanks for reading and leaving comments.

Oh and right now it looks like just Cassandra, Peggy and I will be going to Diva Las Vegas this year from our group but I know we will have a great time.

January 8, 2011 Posted by | Portsmouth Pizza & Pub | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments