Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

P-Club on the first day of Fall.

Well today was the first day of Fall but still a nice day here. We were in the upper 80’s and so I decided to wear my little black dress out tonight and yes I took pictures tonight. It is probably my favorite dress I have but maybe a little too much for the P-club but I figured what the heck. I took extra time tonight to get ready as I wanted to enjoy every minute as I will miss 3 of the next 4 Friday nights but after that I will hopefully be out every Friday night through the winter months. I got to the P-Club about 7:20 and it was already getting dark outside which is both good and bad. With it getting dark earlier it is so much easier to get out at night without being seen but also I really like the sun shine and warm weather which I know will go away hence the dress I wore as it is not a good winter time dress as I can get cold very easy in this dress. There was no street parking which I always like as I can park right outside the door and also keep an eye on my car. Even the parking lot was full except for 1 spot which I took.

Again this week there was a pretty good crowd there, they had a group of ladies that meet there and play Bunco every once in a while and tonight was there night. Chris, Cristine and Bobby were already there so I joined them. We chatted for a bit and then ordered dinner. Cassandra and Wilma showed up next which was really nice as it has been awhile since Wilma has been able to make it out.

Wilma is starting a new job so it will be hard for her to get out for awhile so any time we can chat is always great. It was nice to catch up with her and find out about her new job. Victoria showed up next, she is going full time in a week or so, today they just told everyone she works with so she is all set to start her life. She is so excited. She has to buy a bunch of cloths how lucky is she?

Barb showed up also and joined us for some girl talk; it has been awhile for her also to be out on a Friday night. Barb wanted some pictures of her new outfit which was really cute, Yah I know she reminded me to take out my camera so the reason I have pictures is because of her, she took the one above, thanks Barb. It was turning into a wonderful night as what is important to me is the friends I am with. Two girls came over and asked if they could get pictures with us which you know I never turn down a chance to have my picture taken. They were so funny though, they didn’t have a camera and didn’t want a copy; they just wanted to be in a picture with us. So we took some pictures with Wilma’s camera and that was it. I would have thought they would want to have the picture.

Cindy was also here, she is a GG we met the first or second time we came to the P-club and she is wonderful. Whenever she is there she always comes and talks with us and spends time with us. She was there with her mom and brought her over to meet us, how sweet is that. She is such an awesome person.

Cassandra was down sitting at one of the tables with the Bunco ladies and having a good time. Cassandra has this ability to just walk up to any one and start a conversation, I so wish I was more like her in this way. Anyway I went to get another drink and walked by the tables and started to chat with them also. One of the ladies, Darcy I have met there before and she remembered me from a couple months ago. We had chatted for a while. I stayed and talked with her and another lady named Melissa for awhile. They were both really nice and of course Melissa had some questions which I actually enjoy answering as I really think that is what helps people understand who we are. We are not all alike just like not every female or male is alike. I would rather have people ask me the same questions over and over again then have them not ask and not understand or think something wrong. It is through communication that we come to understanding of one another. Well their break from Bunco was over and they had to get back to their game so I went and got my drink and went back to the group.

It was time for Shuffle board so Wilma and I played Victoria and Cristine. The shuffle board table was very slow which made the game hard to play. The first game Wilma and I won 27 to 6 (winner is first to get to 21), the second game Victoria and Cristine won 21 to 0 ouch. Because the table was so slow very few fell off the end and it was easy to get high points. Normally 3 to 5 is a good turn but we were having 8 to 12 per turn. The last and deciding game was a lot closer but in the end Victoria and Cristine won 21 to 17 but we all had a fun time.

The ladies playing Bunco were done and Darcy came up and wanted a picture with us so cameras came out again, Melissa saw and came running up to get in the picture with us, she was so sweet. In the picture is (left to right) Cassandra, Melissa, Susan, Darcy, Victoria & Cristine. It was a really fun night.

By midnight people started leaving and the crowd thinned. Barb, Victoria and I sat and talked for the next hour mostly about Victoria’s transition and what all I s involved. How she is doing and how she thinks it will go. Like always she is sure some will be totally supportive and some wont but in the end she needs to do what is right for her and her life. Anyway the 3 of us stayed till a little bit after 1 am before calling it a night, It was an awesome night again with my friends.

Hope to get to Starbuck’s this week but won’t make it out next Friday night because of work. Have a great week and thanks for reading.

September 24, 2011 - Posted by | P-Club | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Hi Susan,
    Great to hear you are having a good time. I need to get out soon. I think Halloween will be the next chance I get.
    Rachael Miller

    Comment by Rachael Miller | September 29, 2011 | Reply

    • Thanks for stopping by and yes hope you can get out Soon. at the party, or a Friday night or even coffe at Starbuck’s. take care and stay beautiful.

      Comment by susanmiller64 | September 29, 2011 | Reply

  2. […] Susan out with her friends on the first day of fall in her cute little black dress. you can read about my night out on my blog at… […]

    Pingback by Sexy Celebrity Blog » Susan Miller | March 3, 2015 | Reply

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