Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday and some Susan time

It is Saturday and that means part of the day I will spend as Susan but first was going to the gym, yes, I have been going to the gym 3 times a week now for 10 weeks, during the week I stop on my way home for about an hour but Saturday mornings I do a full workout for about 2 hours. Today I got to the gym a little after 9 and it was a little after 11am when I left. I got home and made lunch and did a little housework so it wasn’t till about 1pm when I started getting ready for my day, now today I wanted to focus on my eyebrows I tried a thinner brow to see how it would look. I kind of liked it, let me know what you think? Now I had no real plans but I am way behind on my blogs so that does mean a trip to Starbuck’s. I used to write my blogs the next day but the last couple years I really like to write them when I am Susan and it may sound silly but this way it is more about writing about me then writing about my time as Susan, any way I am 3 blogs behind. I was all ready by 2:30 so I grabbed my computer and out the front door I walked to my car.

I decided to drive to the Starbucks at Cascade Station as they were closed last weekend for a remodel and I wanted to see what it looks like now. I got there just about 3 and went in. it looks really nice but they only have small tables along the wall now where you can plug in a computer and both were taken. I got my drink and sat at a table in the middle of the room so I would be limited on how long I could stay as I will be on battery power. I ordered my drink and the lady working the counter told me they have more tables ordered for along the wall. I sat down and stared working on my blog from last Sunday. I finished it and posted it online and the went a head and wrote the one from Monday nights zoom meeting which I will post tomorrow morning. I figured I would stay here till 6 or 6:30 before leaving and stopping at the store on the way home to do my grocery shopping for the week. Now they were really busy so it was great for people watching.

I finished my Monday blog and then caught up on some e-mails and other things. Now these are things I needed to do and I could have done them just as easy at home but what fun would that be. When ii am Susan, I don’t want to just sit at home plus I feel it is good to be out where people can see me and see I am just a normal person who dresses a little different then most. Well it was about 5:15 when my batter warning came on, I forgot a few weeks ago when I was here and sitting out in the sunshine, I changed my screen brightness to full so I could see it and it really does make a difference on my battery life. Any way the short story is by 5:30 I was out of power so I left a little earlier than planned.

I stopped at Fred Meyers on my way home and went in to do my shopping. Now this is something I have been doing as Susan for a while and again it helps me bring normalcy to this part of my life. For years all my shopping was done by my male self-including stuff for Susan, then Susan got comfortable enough to do her own shopping and now as Susan I pretty much do all my shopping as Susan. again for me it is about incorporating Susan into my day t day life and making her an equal part of it and doing these routine things really does help. My being Susan is not just a special occasion or event but an equal part of my life and who I am. It only took about 30 minutes and yes, I picked up some food for dinner, a baked potato and a piece of Salmon.

I got home and my neighbor man across the street was getting into his truck as I pulled into my driveway. he looked right at me and waved so I just waved back. This is one neighbor I assume knows although he has never said anything but it is nice as he waves at me either way when he see me. I really don’t know him as they have only lived here a little over a year so I really haven’t even talked to him but I do wonder what he and his wife think.

I took my groceries in and put them away and then I started dinner. the rest of the evening I just relaxed and watched TV. It really is a nice relaxing time and to tell the truth other than when I was getting ready, I really didn’t think that much about how I was dressed. Being Susan has really become a normal part of who I am, when I am out, I am not thinking about how I am dressed just about wat I am doing and that is a wonderful feeling.

It was a little after 11 when I got ready for bed and washed away my makeup and all traces of Susan. I will get a little more Susan time Sunday and this week I will be doing 2 dinners as Sherri is in town Monday night and wants to do dinner so Melissa is going to run the zoom meeting so I can go to dinner and of course our normal Wednesday night dinner. I really do have a good balance in my life.

Find what makes you happy in life, thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

April 12, 2022 - Posted by | Starbucks | , , , ,

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