Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Friday night dinner with Julie at Wildfin on the Vancouver waterfront

It is Friday and I have been looking forward to today as I get to have dinner with Julie tonight, but first a quick update. I have had my pink nails for 2 weeks now and today I got my 3rd comment on my nails. If you read my blog from Last Sunday you know on Saturday 2 co-workers noticed my nails and it was fine. Well today another lady noticed them, she normally just has on a clear polish but as I was hanging some things near her she held out her hand and said, “look we have the same color nails”. I looked at her hand and put mine up next to hers and said why yes we do. I asked her if it was a polish and she said she got a tinted dipping powder, I just looked at her and said mine was a tinted acrylic powder and off I went abut my work so 10 days at work and only 3 people said anything and I really think they look more pink now than when I got them. well back to tonight’s blog.

Julie had texted me we had reservations at the Wildfin restaurant on the Vancouver waterfront at 7:45pm. Now I have been down here a couple times during the day on weekdays to walk on the waterfront but this will be my first time going to one of the restaurants here. Vancouver has done a wonderful job down here and turned it into a nice destination and yes there are a lot of restaurants here now. I got home and started getting ready and yes I took my time as I wanted to look good, I seem to care a lot more how I look as Susan than as my male self. I did a rose colored smokey eye look and my brick red lipstick. I wore my blue dress with the tapered hemline which is longer in the back. I was all ready by a little after 6 and on my way to Julie’s. it was just after 6pm when I left home, as I drove down my street at the far end were 2 women and 1 man standing by the road, the man had his back to me but the 2 women looked right at me and waved as I drove by so I just waved back.

I got to Julies just after 6:30 and she was all dressed also and had on a cute dress, her hem line is a little longer on the left side so I guess we kind of had the same thought. We sat and talked till almost 7 before we left. The drive was short only about 10 minutes and on the way Julie told me she was paying tonight which again I told her wasn’t necessary but she insisted so thanks again Julie. We got downtown and there were so many people here, the first parking lot we checked was completely full and the second one didn’t look any better as there were several cars driving around but as I was driving down the row I saw a lady get into a car so I stopped and waited and sure enough she was leaving, it was still about 3 blocks away from Wildfin. This area really is busy on a Friday night as there were people walking everywhere, kind of like Portland was a few years back before COVID and the Homeless took over. There are also probably a dozen or more restaurants down here in an 8 block radius most with views of the river, a wonderful place to come for dinner.

We got to Wildfin about 7:35 and there were a few people waiting and a few who didn’t have reservations and couldn’t get in, if you want to have dinner down her make a reservation. This would be a good place for the group to come but I think if we had more than 6 people we would have to have reservations by at least Monday night so that might be hard as most of the time we don’t have a final count to late Tuesday night and sometime on Wednesday. Julie and I got a table right by the window looking out on the river but being dark you really couldn’t see to much. Our waiter came and took our drink order and I will admit the one bad thing about this place is they don’t have Pepsi or Coke, they have Mr. Pibb which is not the same so I had a root beer. I ordered there fish and chips which comes with a bowl of clam chowder.

Julie and I talked and had a great time, we talked a little about our Wednesday night dinners, next week both Julie and I will make but the following week Julie will be out of town and the week after that I will be in Las Vegas and the week after that Julie goes down south for the winter. The last week of the month Wednesday nights dinner could be small as Julie or Barb will have to arrange. The girls who are the most consistent for going out on Wednesday nights are Jennifer, Claire, Trish, Julie, Barb, Alana and me and that week Jennifer, Claire, Trisha and I will all be in Las Vegas so it could be a small group.

Our food came and it was really good, one of the other waitresses stopped by to see how we were doing and told us she loved the fish and chips and it was really good. It was such a wonderful dinner, Thanks so much Julie. After we finished dinner we sat and talked and Julie took a selfie of us together and texted it to her daughter. Julie came out to her daughter a while back and she is fine with it although she hasn’t met Julie in person she has seen many pictures. Now this is not that far from where I live and as I said there were lots and lots of people down here so I am sure there were people I know but I really wasn’t even paying attention to those around us as it just seemed so natural to be here tonight.

Julie asked me if I knew about a place called the Underbar which I actually do as I had dinner there with Greer a few weeks back. She asked me what it was like, now I am not a big bar person but it is a nice little place very friendly but small. The best way to describe it would be like Cheers on TV as it is a basement bar, from the street you go downstairs under the other businesses, almost like the old speakeasy type of place. Well we decided to go there and see if they had dessert we could have. We left and walked back to the car with all the other people out on the street. It only took about 5 minutes to drive to the Underbar and we went in.

There were probably 5 small groups at tables and a few people at the bar so Julie and I decided to sit at the bar. The staff here is great and very welcoming but then it is a bar that caters to the LGBT community. We both ordered a drink; I got my usual coke but I bet it was a 20 oz glass at least. We found the dessert we wanted it was a chocolate chip supreme so Julie ordered one. When it came out it is a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie about 6″ in a little skillet, they then put caramel sauce on it, cover it with whip cream and drizzle chocolate syrup on the top. Oh my god it is so good but incredibly rich and sweet, you definitely want to share it with someone.

There was also a man sitting next to me who talked with me a couple times, he even introduced himself by name to us. He seemed really nice and I got the feeling he liked transgendered women but that is okay. The one bar tender was really friendly and she talked to us several times and I even got her to take a couple pictures of Julie and me, you can kind of see what it looks like inside behind us. It was interesting sitting at the bar as we could watch her make drinks and as I don’t drink I really don’t know much about them so it was interesting to watch. The other bar tender seemed nice to although we really didn’t have much interaction with her although there is a funny thing I noticed about her bartending but I will share that in a later blog. Julie and I talked a little about the fact she was leaving and I really think I am going to go visit her and Trixie after the 1st of the year, probably in February. Julie and I sat here and just talked for a while it was the perfect way to end the evening. As I said I am not a big bar person and going to a bar by myself is not something I would do but this place I think I would feel fine going by myself.

It was just after 11pm when we left and drove back to Julie’s to drop her off for the night, what a wonderful night with such a wonderful friend. It is always sad to see the night come to an end and I think about that on my drive home. it was about 11:30 when I got home and washed Susan away for the night. now I am looking forward to a little Susan time Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Find what make you happy and more important is find friend you can share it with. Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

October 9, 2022 - Posted by | Dinner out, family | , , , , , , , ,

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  1. […] was almost 5 now so I started work on my blog for Friday’s dinner with Julie as I want to get it done so I can post in the morning. By 5:30 it was just the 2 women at the table […]

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