Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Friday night dinner with friends

Well it is Friday and the end of the week and I get to see a few of my friends tonight. Julie has wanted to try Kyoto Steakhouse in Vancouver for a while and she stopped in and checked and they can do groups of 6 right now so she made a reservation and invited a few of us to join her so I was really looking forward to it. Now I always want to look my best when I go out with my friends but it is even more important now as we haven’t really gone out or gotten together in months as a matter of fact 2 weeks ago on Friday was our first small get together in 7 months. So yes, I really wanted to look my best.

I got home at 4:40 and started getting ready so I could take my time and enjoy getting ready. I really enjoy this time but getting ready for a dinner out with my friends just seem better, I guess it is kind of like when girls get ready for a special date or a dance. I took my time and yes really did a good job on my eyes including false eye lashes tonight and I was happy with how I looked when I was all done. I chose my red dress and black dress and 3″ ankle boots and yes my hip pads, the final look was awesome. I was all ready about 6:10 so yes 1 ½ hours of enjoyment getting ready. I did get a few pictures before I left. It was about 6:15 when I left home as it would only take me about 25 minutes to get there and I wanted to be a little early. Well it was a good thing I planned it this way as I think I hot every red light and a couple I sat through twice, so it was 6:55 when I pulled into the parking lot. I put my mask in and walked it without hesitation lie it was the most natural thing in the world. As I got to the Door Jeanie was walking up, so we went in together. Julie, Cassandra and Barb were already there waiting as they wouldn’t seat us till our whole group was there and we have 6 tonight so we had to wait a few minutes till Melissa got her.

Now this restaurant has a room with tables, but they also have what I call grill tables. It is a 3-sided table in the shape of a square open on one end where the chef is and has a big grill where they cook your food right in front of you. It is a nice place, mid-priced but they were packed. There were people waiting for tables and they were all full which is both good and bad. It is good to see they are busy and doing well with wat is going on but a little nervous with the virus and social distancing. I am guessing the tables were 6 feet apart but the were all full. At our grill table on one side was Cassandra, me and Julie then around the corner was Melissa, Barb and Jeanie and one the other side was a husband and wife and their little child which surprised me, now across the table was probably 8 feet. The lady came and took our orders, I picked Fillet mignon with shrimp.

Now the bring your drinks and then the chef comes out with a kart with all the food on it and then he starts grilling the food for the table and it is more of a show then just cooking. He uses fire on the grill and flips the food around and he makes it look so easy but if I tried all the food would be on the floor. He cooked up the rice and vegetables, then the meat and shrimp. All in one big batch and the divides it out on who ordered what. He was awesome and treated everyone at the table incredible. We talked to him a little and he has been doing this for 15 years. It really was a fabulous way to have dinner and you should definitely try it. The food was excellent also. Yes, you are looking at $25 to $50 per person but it is well worth it.

We had a wonderful dinner and conversation, and it was just so nice to be out again. Now as I said they were busy but as it was later in the evening the crowd had thinned out if you are worried about social distancing I would make your reservations for 7 or later as they are not as busy. Now we talked a little about our group and the costs and we kind of split them up mainly between Julie, Cassandra, Melissa and me. I am covering the Zoom meetings this year, Melissa the group IO mailing list and Julie and Cassandra our web site, in all its about $600 a year which really isn’t that much, and we want to. We sat and talked till after 9, the night went by so fast.

Now Julie has the weekend free as Trixie is out of town and Cassandra’s wife Peggy is also out of town, so we talked about maybe going out to dinner Saturday night also. Julie is going to see if she can et reservations we talked about Noble Rot as we went there a couple years ago. I really didn’t think it would be hard to get a reservation after we went to Jakes Grill a couple weeks ago but after tonight how busy they were it might be harder for reservations. Well I told Julie I would go and would pick her up and drive if she could work things out. It was almost 9:30 when we left.

We stopped outside to talk briefly again about getting together Saturday night and Melissa and her wife might also join us if we go. Well as we were standing there one of the waters came out with a purse. Seems one of our girls walked out without it and left it hanging on her chair. This has always been a fear of mine especially when I first started going out as carrying a purse was new. Now it is more of a common natural thing, so I don’t think about it that much, but it did get me thinking about it. Now she would have realized it as soon as she went to get in her car but still not a good feeling and there is always the risk someone takes it. As a male I don’t have to worry about I as I keep my wallet in my pants pocket but that doesn’t work when you are in a cute dress or skirt. Well we said our goodbyes and I look forward to Saturday and another day of Susan, the only question will be how early I get ready as if we are going out for dinner I want to wait till later in the day to do my makeup so I look pretty for dinner. Yes, I forgot to get pictures with my friends again. I also get to have some Susan time on Sunday again as yes where my mom is, they are on lock down again do to a positive case.

Stay safe and positive and thanks for reading my blog and be sure and read my most recent blog to see what is new in my life.


October 17, 2020 Posted by | Dinner out, T-girl | , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments