Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Going to the Escape tonight

Saturday and a late start to my day as Susan. I got up and went to the gym for my workout as usual. I actually have a Saturday morning routine now. I get up do Mascara and a light brown eye shadow, not really noticeable unless you are close to me. I go to the gym and then from there I go get gas at Costco and stop at the Starbucks nearby to post my blog and also post if I am going to the Escape. A couple of the ladies remember I order Hot Chocolate when I come in but none of them have mentioned the light eye makeup and only once or twice complimented me on my nails. any way after the gym I went here for about an hour and made my posts. Then it was home to do some yard work with the hope of starting to dress around noon to 1pm. My plan was to go shopping at Clackamas Town Center and then stop at a Starbucks till it was time to go to the Escape at 5:30. Well my yard work took longer and it was a little after 2pm when I came in to shower and get ready. I figured I could still go to Clackamas for a short time.

After my shower I started getting ready and doing my makeup. I put my foundation on and then washed my hands to get any foundation off and noticed on my ring finger there was foundation under the nail, well not actually under the nail. Turns out I had chipped the corner just slightly, not really noticeable but it did separate part of the nail from the gel and the foundation had gotten between them. Yes I had damaged a nail and that was not acceptable so I would have to make a stop at Dream nails for a fix. It was just after 3pm when I got dressed and took some pictures. I took my computer and drove to Dream Nails and went in to have Anna fix it. luckily even though they were busy Anna was just putting the polish on a lady and said she could fix it in a few minutes so I sat down and waited.

It was about 3:15 when Anna called me over and checked my nail and decided to remove it completely and redo. Anna filed the gel down to just a thin lawyer and removed what was left and cleaned up my nail and then put a fresh layer of gel on top using #6 Yoshino Cherry color. Anna did a wonderful job fixing it and didn’t charge me for it, which was nice of her so I will have to remember to give her a better tip next time. Now I noticed that doing this color is a little more noticeable and I think it is because the fill was over a lighter color and this one is just the one color but still nice and I like it. I thanked her and left. It was a little after 3:30 now so not really enough time to go to shopping so I decided to just go to the Starbucks in Orchards as I could also stop by the Toyota Dealer and get my car washed.

It was just after 4pm when I got to Starbucks and went in. They were pretty busy, a group of about 12 women at the big table and a few other people at other tables but there was one table open between 2 men where I could plug my computer in so I ordered my drink and sat down there. I did some work on my computer and as I did I noticed one of the ladies at the big table looking at me a several times and even smiled at me a couple times. Now I will admit she looked familiar to me but I am thinking I have seen her here before and that she is not someone from my male life. It was a little after 5pm when I left for the Escape.

I got to the Escape just before 5:30pm and went in, they were not busy, 4 ladies sitting at the bar was all. I did order dinner as I realized I had not eaten all day. I also brought my computer in for something to do as I really hate sitting in a bar by my self at least this way I had something to do. My food was good and it was about 6:30m when Kris showed up, she had posted she would be here along with Jan and Lynn who would be a little later. Kris and I sat and talked and just had a nice time as it was early enough that it was not loud yet. Jan and Lynn arrived about 7:15 so there were 4 of us. James came in just before 8 to get Karaoke going so we knew it would get hard to talk. Well something must have happened as James had to leave.

By 9pm a few more people had cone in and James was not back. There were maybe 20 people here now plus the two-bar staff, so Red the one bar tender went to see if she could figure out how to run the karaoke tonight. It did take her a little while and she did call someone but by a little after 9 she had gotten it going somewhat and was getting someone up to sing and running back to help at the bar. She did awesome and really worked hard tonight. Lynn did sing a couple times and did great as always. Luckily it never got really busy. Jan, Lyn and I stayed till about 10:30 before we paid our bills and left. It was a fun day. It was almost 11 when I got home and went to bed.

Now I am looking forward to tomorrow and I actually plan on spending the whole day as Susan, yes I am thinking of going to the Starbucks I go to as my male self in the morning and see if they recognize me.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

June 9, 2024 - Posted by | Escape Bar & Grill, friends | , , , , , ,

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