Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Sunday and some relaxing time at Starbucks

It is Sunday and I am going to spend a little relaxing time at my normal Sunday Starbucks. Now I had things to do this morning so it was about 2pm when I started getting ready. I did take my time as I so enjoy doing my makeup and transforming myself. I was all ready just before 3pm so I got a few pictures before I left including my pretty nails. I also noticed they are not as short as I thought as they are just over 1/8th of an inch which may not seem that long but you can look at the picture. Now my nails grow at just under 1/16 of an inch a week which means in 3 weeks when I go in to get my nails done again they will be 1/4 inch or maybe just a little longer or double the length you see in the picture of the under side of my nails. They do look wonderful though. I grabbed my computer and walked out my front door to my car. It only took a couple minutes to get to Starbucks, I have been coming to this one pretty much once a week for the last several years mostly now on Sunday afternoons.

I went in and they were once again a little busy but there was one open table along the window between a young lady and a man so I set my computer on it and went and ordered my drink. I sat down and started working on my blogs as I am behind on them and with Thanksgiving coming up this week I will not have a lot of free time. Now as I worked on my blog I did notice the young girl next to me she was probably 22 to 24 but she had a beautiful set of nails, oval shaped and about 1/2 inch long but they were a light pink color with some designs painted on them in white and they looked fabulous. She was doing some kind of class online as she had her ear buds in. I finished my blog from last Monday’s zoom call and posted it and started working on my blog from Wednesday night’s dinner, yes I am way behind again.

I had been here about an hour and the man to my left got up and left but the girl to my right with the beautiful nails was still there. It wasn’t long an another lady probably in her late 20’s sat down to my left and what is interesting she also had a beautiful set of nails, oval shaped and about 1/2 long but hers were black which is not a color I would pick but she also had a nail design in white polish, mostly lines and not as intricate as the girl on my right but they really did look pretty, they white complimented the black color. Yes I tend to notice nice nails. Well I finished my blog from Wednesday night’s dinner which I will post later and decided to catch up on some e-mails and work.

It was really relaxing and an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon, much better then just sitting at my house doing these things. It is funny as when I first started dressing it was just at home and once I started going out I really do find it hard to transform to Susan and just sit at home. probably why I am always so far behind on my blogs as I only want to write them when I am Susan as it is more like I am writing about my life and not someone else’s. I stayed here till about 6pm before I left and yes both of the ladies next to me with the pretty nails were still here when I left.

I got home and made dinner and sat down to watch some Christmas movies on Hallmark Channel. It was a fun and relaxing afternoon. It was about 10pm when I washed away my makeup and went to bed as I am working early this week with the Holiday. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and lots to be thankful for.

Now I am including a little about our weekly zoom call in this blog as I got home late and didn’t have time to be Susan so I just hosted it with my web cam off as I was in male mode. We had 9 of us for the zoom call, we had Sherri, Cindi, Jennifer, Nicole, Danielle, katy, Emily, Kate and me. It was nice to talk with them and yes we talked about our plans for Thanksgiving. Jennifer had a good question this week and we had a good discussion on it but as I am writing this almost a week later I can’t remember what it was.

Now I am looking forward to Wednesday nights dinner and hopefully a little Susan time on Thanksgiving before I go to a friends for dinner. Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

November 26, 2022 Posted by | Acrylic nails, Starbucks | , , , , , | 1 Comment