Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Sunday and some relaxing time at Starbucks

I got up today and as I was brushing my teeth I really noticed how pale pink and noticeable my nails were, it will be in interesting week at work. Now I had my normal things to do this morning and I was very aware of my nails; I think next time I will go with the natural and see if it is less pink although they really are beautiful. I got home about 12:30 and got a load of laundry going before starting my transition to Susan for the rest of the day. I took my time getting ready as that is my me time and so relaxing. I was all ready a little after 2pm. I sent Greer a quick message I would be at my normal Sunday Starbucks as it is close to where she lives, we only live a little over a mile apart, in case she wanted to meet me and talk. Her wife left last week so she is now facing things on her own and although I don’t know personally how she feels I wanted her to know she could always reach out to me to talk. I got a bunch of pictures today trying to capture how my nails look.

I got to the Starbucks about 2:20 and all the tables outside were taken and only a few inside but there was one along the window where I could plug in my computer, I figured when the tables outside cleared I could always move out to one of them. I went up and ordered my drink and the lady who took my order who I have seen every time I come in commented on my nails, “wow I love that color such a pretty pink” so there you have it, my nails are pink. I sent out the information about our Monday night zoom call and our Wednesday night dinner. I wrote my blog from Wednesday night’s dinner which I will post later tonight and started working on yesterdays blog and my trip to the nail salon and my beautiful nails. It was a little before 3pm when Greer dropped by and yes this time she was her female self. It was nice to see her and get to talk to her. Her life has really changed the last couple weeks. We talked for a little bit, she is going on a trip and going to go visit some friends where she use to live and talk to them, sound like she is deciding how she wants to go forward as far as transitioning. She did get her ears pierced and she also got a pretty gel polish on her nails a lot more noticeable then mine as hers is a reddish color but

shorter. It was nice to talk with her and visit which is something I like to do as my female self. she only stayed about 30 minutes as she had to get home and pack as she leaves tomorrow. She will be

gone about a month as she is doing a road trip to several states as she is going to visit some family also.

After she left I finished up yesterday’s blog which I will post tomorrow as I still have Wednesdays blog to post, I got behind this week as over the last 10 days I have been Susan for at least part of the days 8 of those 10 days. Speaking of which last year was the most times I had been Susan in a year, I had 159 blog posts last year, todays blog is number 151 for this year and I still have 3 months to go. It was about 4 pm and tables outside started opening up, as I said there were a lot of people outside but as they cleared I noticed 2 of them were the 2 men I met at the other Starbucks back in mid-August, Tim and Anthony, yes I looked back in my blog for their names. Time came in to get drinks to go and noticed me and stopped briefly to say

hi which was nice. By now 3 of the 5 tables outside were open so I got a refill and moved outside to one of the tables to enjoy the weather as later in the week we may get rain and I am not sure how many more days will be nice enough to sit outside.

I caught up on some e-mails and did sone work and yes outside my nails are bright. I did post a picture of me at Starbucks holding my hand up by my face on my Facebook page as these were the best pictures to show my nails, probably the lighting. By the way they are the ones at the top of my blog as I wanted the best pictures of my nails first. There is a young lady sitting at the next table outside and she asked if I would watch her computer while she went inside and I said I would. She was only inside for a few minutes so no big thing but when she came back out we chatted a couple times, mostly about the weather and how nice it was out today. When she left she thanked me and wished me a nice day which was nice. I stayed here till 6pm before I left to go home and have dinner, I have really been noticing how much my nails stand out and debating about if I had made the right choice in the color but now I have no choice as Dream nails as being Sunday they closed at 4pm and I am sure all the other nails salons are closed now so I am committed to going to work tomorrow with my nails. They know I get my nails done so I really think I am over thinking this as I really don’t think it will be that big of a deal.

I got home and ate dinner and watched TV till it was time to go to bed. It was a good day. Now I am looking forward to tomorrow night’s zoom call. Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me and let me know what you think of my nails.


September 27, 2022 - Posted by | Starbucks | , , , , , , , ,


  1. Nice nails Susan.

    Comment by Charlotte Sparkle | September 28, 2022 | Reply

  2. […] you read my blogs from Last Saturday and Sunday you know when I got my nails done I went with a very light but noticeable pink that Anna at Dream […]

    Pingback by Beautiful Sunday at Starbucks and some thoughts on my nails « Susanmillers Blog | October 3, 2022 | Reply

  3. […] I have kept my nails nice, short acrylic nails now for almost 2 years now, as a matter of fact last October for breast cancer month I had a light pink acrylic powder put on them. Last January I had a white snowflake on my ring finger, and in March I had a French […]

    Pingback by Beautiful, Relaxing Sunday at my favorite Starbucks « Susanmillers Blog | July 26, 2023 | Reply

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