Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Wednesday night dinner at Si Senior

Well it is the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving and yes we are doing dinner as we have as we have 7 of us who want to go out. Jennifer coordinated tonight’s dinner, thanks. We were going to do Oswego grill in Beaverton but when Jennifer called last night they were booked up already s she had to make a last-minute change and Si Senior is in the same general area, I am a little sad though as I was looking forward to Oswego Grills prime rib. I got home a little late so it would be a rush to get ready. I did a bright red lip tonight and a nice smokey eye look. I was all ready about 6:10pm and got a few pictures before I left. It was rainy and very foggy so it was a slower drive but luckily not much traffic. I got to Si Senior about 6:40 and parked. Jennifer pulled in just after me so I waited for her by the sidewalk so we could walk in together. Even with being 20 minutes early 4 of the other girls were there already and at our table.

As I said we had 7 of us tonight, Jennifer, Cindi, Alice, Alanna, Jamie, Kris and me. It was nice to see everyone as we talked about not having a dinner tonight as tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we wondered if we would get anyone to come out. we ordered drinks as we looked at the menu, I of course will get an Enchilada dinner. we all talked for a while and it was about 7:20pm when we ordered. It was a nice time although I was at the end of the table so a little harder to talk with everyone, mostly talked wit Jennifer, Alanna & Jamie. Now like Who Song and Larry’s they have freshly made chips and salsa to eat but also bean dip which I love and yes I could make a meal out of this, which I almost did as I ate way to many chips by the time my dinner came.

Our food came out but not all at once so some of us were eating while others were waiting still, the restaurant was not that busy so guessing they were short staffed. My food was really good but very filling and yes I ate almost all of mine which was way too much. This is the one bad thing about these dinners is we ate so late and if you have a heavy dinner which tonight’s is it takes a while to digest it so I will be going to bed with a full stomach but it is one night a week so it is still worth it as I get to spend time with my friends. Jennifer was telling us we are up to 21 now for our Christmas dinner on December 17th.

We had a wonderful dinner and great conversation; it was a wonderful night. It was about 9pm when he brought our bills and yes he has them all split out which is nice. Now they do charge a fee here if you use a credit card which I didn’t notice till I had paid but still wouldn’t have changed anything as I still would have used my credit card and I would much rather they do this then just have one check for the table. we all paid our bills and it was about 9:15 when we called it a night. It is always sad to see the evening come to an end. We forgot to get a picture tonight.

It was just as foggy out now as earlier so it would be a slow drive home. It was just before 10pm when I got home. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and in the afternoon I will go over to a friends for dinner and no not as Susan but I am planning on a littler Susan time early in the day. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

November 27, 2022 - Posted by | Dinner out, friends | , , , , , ,

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  1. […] sat down to work on my blogs. I got my blog from Last Sunday written and posted and then worked on my blog from Wednesday nights dinner at Si Senior which I will post later. People came and went as this Starbucks does not have a drive through so […]

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