Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Sunday a so quiet time at Starbucks

It is another Sunday and I get to spend a little time as Susan today. Now I did have things to do early in the day so it wasn’t till 2pm when I started getting ready as Susan for the rest of my day. I enjoyed my time getting ready as I really do love my time getting ready and doing my makeup. Now I talk a lot about makeup and how much I love doing my makeup and trying different looks and I know a lot of people wonder why I love it so much as most women my age don’t view doing their makeup the same way so I will explain. I will start with myself, looking at my blog over the last 15 years I have been Susan 1742 times (number of blogs and I blog about every time I am Susan), now prior to that I would dress maybe once a month and early on when I did makeup it was more of playing with it. Maybe putting on lipstick or a little eye shadow or mascara but not a total transformation. So I am guessing it is maybe 1900 times I have fully dressed up as Susan in my life. Now most girls start wearing makeup around 12 or 13 years old so if we take the number of times I have transformed myself by years it would be a little over 5 years. With that if you assume I was a girl who started wearing makeup at 13 years old and add the times I have transformed myself if I had been doing it every day I would really be an 18-year-old girl. Now this goes for me but you can also use this model for dressing also.

A lot of transgender girls tend to like shorter dresses, high heels and yes sexier looks even though they are older and it is the same reason. We didn’t get to experience this side of us when we were young, we missed out on those years when we could wear tight outfits or short skirts or dresses. Think about it when you go out to a club look and see what the girls 18 to 25 are wearing. We know we are older but in our minds we are still thinking like a 20-year-old and trying to make up for what we missed growing up. I hope this makes sense to you.

I was all ready by 3pm and got a few pictures and then I was off to spend a little time at Starbucks as I am behind on my blogs and need to write my blog for Wednesday night dinner and yesterday. I got there and went in and they were not real busy so I was able to get a table along the window, I set my computer down and went to order my drink. The girl making drinks greeted me by name and asked if I wanted my normal green iced tea so she remembered me which was nice but as it was cold out so I told her I wanted a large hot chia latte so she started making my drink before I paid for it. Now I do come here pretty much every Sunday and have for several years, it is a nice way to spend so Susan time and much better then just sitting at home working on my computer.

It was a relaxing and enjoyable afternoon and nice to be out around people even if I didn’t talk to them. I wrote my blogs and did some work on my computer and just had a nice time. I stayed here till about 5:30 before I left and went home to have dinner and watch TV for the rest of the evening. Now I am looking forward to Monday nights zoom call and yes Wednesday nights dinner with my friends.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

November 12, 2022 - Posted by | Starbucks, Thoughts on Crossdressing | , , , , ,

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  1. […] back to working on my blogs, I spent a little over an hour here working on my blogs and got Last Sunday’s blog done and posted and Mondays blog done and started on Wednesday nights blog but it was after 5 and I […]

    Pingback by Saturday and a full fun day meeting Sherri at Starbucks and Nicole at the Escape « Susanmillers Blog | November 15, 2022 | Reply

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