Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday and a little Susan tine at Starbucks

It is the first Saturday of November and a cold and rainy day, only going to be around 50 with rain all weekend long. Now I did have sone things to do today including going to the gym, I got there about 9:30am and it was hard to get on machines. They are doing a remodel and over half of it is torn up and more than 1/2 their workout machines are gone as they will be getting all new ones. Normally they have 30 ellipticals and 30 treadmills but today just 6 of each, I did get on an elliptical for 40 minutes but the treadmills were always full so I did use a couple weight machines. I also saw one of my neighbors here, turns out he has been coming here for 8 years. I got home just before 11 and had lunch and took care of some things I needed to do around the house. It was after 1:30pm when I took my shower an started my transition for the day. I took my time as I have said many times this is my me time and it relaxes me, just doing my makeup has a calming effect on me. I was all ready just before 3pm so I got a few pictures and then I was off.

Being later in the day I decided to go to the Starbucks in Orchards as they are open later. I got there and went in, there were only a couple people inside so I was able to get a table along the wall looking at the door, yes I love people watching when I am out. I went up to the counter to order my drink and the young man at the counter greeted me by name, which is nice, I don’t come here as often so it is nice they remember me. I got my drink and sat down and wrote my blog from last Sunday and posted it. Now one of the things as I sat here was a few good hard rain showers came through and it was relaxing to watch them. Yes as Susan I don’t like to get wet or get caught in the rain or wind but when I am inside looking out a window I really do like watching the weather. I think that is one of the reasons I like living here is I really do love the fall weather. Now a few people came and went but really it was the drive through that was busy probably because of the rain. It really was a nice way to pass the afternoon.

I did a little work I needed to do and surfed the internet for a while I did eventually start working on my blog from Wednesday night’s dinner which I will post tomorrow. It was a relaxing and enjoyable afternoon and I got a lot of things I needed to get done. I stayed here till a little after 6pm as I did have to wait on a rain shower before I left. It was about 6:30 pm when I got home and made some dinner and watched TV for a while, the Hallmark channel as yes they have started doing Christmas Movies which I love. I stayed up till about 11:30pm before getting ready for bed and yes turning my clocks back an hour as we get an extra hour of sleep tonight. Now I am looking forward to a little more Susan time Sunday afternoon and of course our Monday night zoom call and our Wednesday night dinner.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life.

November 7, 2022 - Posted by | Starbucks | , , , , ,

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