Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Wednesday night’s dinner at Giovanni’s in Beaverton

It is Wednesday and that means I am going to dinner tonight with my friends, this really is one of the best things about being Susan, spending time with my friends. Now tonight’s dinner was a little bit of a challenge as I had posted over the weekend we would be going to Deschutes Brewery in Portland and I would call Tuesday night to make reservations. Well last night I called Deschutes Brewery a little before 8pm to get reservations and they had a big corporate event there Wednesday night and they were not taking any more reservations so I had to scramble last minute so I just picked Giovanni’s and sent out an e-mail last minute and texted the girls I had phone numbers for. Now this was a challenge as they are closed on Tuesdays so I couldn’t call till Wednesday afternoon but I was pretty sure we could get in which I was able to get reservations.

I got home from work and started getting ready, this was going to be a fun night as Trish’s wife was going to join us for the first time, actually this will be the first time her wife see’s Trish in person as up to this point she has only seen pictures and one video. Of course this means I have to look extra good tonight which I always try to look my best as Susan. I was all ready by a little after 6pm and yes I did get a few picture but the hard part is it gets dark early now so I couldn’t get them with Natural light which really does make me look better. I got in my car and I was off, it took about 35 minutes to get there so I was parking about 6:40.

I went in and Barb was already there, yes she was the first one there tonight. Now they have a big backroom and they had opened it for us so they were still getting our table ready. the main part of the restaurant only had tables that seat up to 6 and tonight we should have 11 of us, including Trish’s wife and Mary Priscilla, this will be her first time out with the group also. We were shown to our table and by 7pm all the girls had shown up, as I said we had 11 of us tonight. Claire, Jamie, Allana, Mary Priscilla, Alice, Cindi, Barb, Joan, Trish and her wife and me. it was great to see everyone and all but Joan had seen the e-mail, she actually went to Deschutes Brewery and then checked the e-mail when she didn’t see any of us.

Now I did get a chance to talk a little with Trish’s wife and she seemed really nice and supportive. I had gotten a seat in the middle of the table which did make it easier to talk with people. Mary Pricilla sat right across from me so I got a good chance to talk with her, she was actually in male mode tonight. She has trouble getting out as her wife doesn’t know and she keeps her stuff at a friends house but the friend was gone tonight but she still made it out to meet us. She seems really nice and I really hope she can join us more often.

Our waitress came and took our drink orders, she was very nice and young, she actually said she had just started and we were her first big group. She brought our drinks and we all ordered dinner, yes I got my Chicken Parmesan which is awesome here by the way. We sat and talked and had a wonderful time, our food came and as I said it was really good, portion sizes here are a little on the large size so you really do get your money’s worth.

We had a wonderful dinner and great conversation and as always the evening went by so fast. Soon it was tine to pay our bills and our waitress got all the orders correct, she really did do a great job and was so wonderful to us. I am sure she got good tips. Before we knew it, it was after 9pm and they close at 9pm. Being in the other room we had not noticed we were the last ones there and they were cleaning up the other room so we called it a night about 9:20pm so we didn’t keep them to late, the staff here was great though. It was a wonderful night and I was sad to see it come to an end although I am looking forward to the weekend and a little Susan time. the drive home was quiet, I really do miss Julie and riding together as she makes the dinner so much more fun.

It was about 10pm when I got home and washed away my makeup and went to bed, it was a good day. Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

November 6, 2022 - Posted by | Dinner out, friends | , , , , , , ,

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