Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Wednesday night dinner with friends at the Thirsty Lion at Washington Square mall

It is the last Wednesday of May and tonight our group is having dinner at the Thirsty Lion at Washington Square mall, thanks for setting it up Jennifer. It is the first time I have been here, which is always fun although the group did go here a couple months ago when I was in Palm Springs with Julie. I got home just before 5 so I had about 40 minutes to get ready as I was picking Julie up at 6pm. Tonight I am planning on wearing my salmon-colored short dress and of course black tights under it as t is just a little short when I sit down but very cute. Of curse that tells me how to do my makeup also, a nice smokey eye look and a my red lipstick tonight. I know a lot of women who do their makeup the same way every time which is fine but for me I love the fun of playing with makeup and trying different looks. It can be as simple as the shade of lipstick or eye shadow or the shape you make your brows or thickness, to how you line your eyes. I was all ready by 5:35 and took some pictures before I left.

I got to Julies right at 6pm and my GPS was telling me 46 minutes to get to the Thirsty Lion so we only had about 10 minutes to sit and talk which I love visiting with Julie of course we would continue in the car on the drive. We left about 6:10 and had a wonderful time talking as we drove. Traffic must have lightened up as we arrived at 6:45 pm. We walked in and the lady at the door greeted us and I told her we were meeting some friend here and gave her Jennifers name. turns out we were the first ones here, but Gina walked in right after us. What was nice was they showed us to our table even though the group wasn’t here and we were early. It wasn’t long and others showed up.

Our waitress who was awesome took our drink order as we waited for the rest to show up. Tonight we had 9 of us, Gina, Jennier, Barb, Haley, Jade, Sara, me, Jule and Kris. We talked for a bit before we ordered and tonight, I ordered their cheeseburger, and you know it will be good when they ask you how you want your burger cooked. I went with medium. These dinners are just such a wonderful event as I get to spend time with my friends and also be visible to other people who may have never seen or met a transgender person before. For good or bad it is only human nature to make assumptions about people based on the information you have and unfortunately for most people it is what they see online, and this is my opinion only so feel free to skip over the red, I personally don’t think we are resented well at all on either side. The whole point of social media is to get views and followers and unfortunately to do that you have to be controversial or way over the top. If you are just posting normal things you wont go viral. If you want to know what I mean go to YouTube and search for 24-hour nail challenge and you will see all kinds of videos about how you can’t do anything with long nails. I love long nails and trust me you can do pretty much everything with them, you may have to make small adjustments but nothing like what you see in those videos. I really think it is good for people see us out even if they don’t really interact with us as they will see we are just the same as they are other then how we present. We are out for a nice dinner and normal conversation, as a matter of fact if you couldn’t see us, you would have no idea we were transgender. Sorry got a little off track.

Our food came and it was really good. We had a wonderful dinner and the evening made special by the friend I was with. It was a little after 9 when we got our bills and yes our waitress split them out for us which was nice and even better she came around with a little handheld device and we paid right at the table instead of her having to take our credit cards which is much aster and safer. By the way the prices here are mid-range depending on what you get. Overall I would give them 5 stars and definitely recommend them. As we left several of the employees thanked us for coming in and invited us back, which is always nice.

The drive back to Julie’s took about 30 minutes and we talked all the way, yes part of it was about what a great group of girls we have in our group. I really can’t imagine what my life would be like if I had not met all these wonderful people. Yes we are very diverse in a lot of things bit we accept and respect each other for who they are. I really enjoy riding with Jule and talking to her and it is always a little sad when I drop her off but I will see her again.

Now I am looking forward to the weekend and this week it will be Sunday & Monday and yes I will be getting my nails done. Last time Anna did a gel nail instead of acrylic and she said it last longer and I could go 4 to 5 weeks instead of the 2 to 3 weeks with acrylic nails. I do think they are stronger and yes t will be 4 weeks and with the neutral color you really can’t see the grow out but that is what will decide how often I go. Yes my nails are getting pretty long now after almost 4 weeks as they are just a little more than ¼ inch, so I don’t think I could go 5 weeks. I did do the math and yes even being $10 more if I go every 4 weeks verses 3 weeks it turns out t is less expensive.

Thanks for reading my bog and sharing this part of my life with me.

June 3, 2024 Posted by | Dinner out, Thirsty Lion | , , , , , | 1 Comment