Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Dinner with friends at Mothers Bistro

It is the Wednesday before Memorial Day weekend and my friends and I are having dinner tonight at Mothers Bistro in Portland. We have been coming here for many years even before they moved to their new location. I fund an old blog from 2017 when we went here and our waitress that night was Samantha who is now one of the managers and always glad to see us come in, she is even in the picture we took that night. We go to a lot of places but this one is special as they truly are happy to see us and really treat us more like family here, we have gotten to know several of the staff here by name, Samantha, Jacob & Lacy. Now we do get great service anywhere we go but there are certain places that really do hold special memories for me. Embers which is no longer open but really was where I made my first time out as far as going someplace and staying for a while. Who Song and Larry’s which is the place we have been going the longest that is still open, I think the first time we went to Who Songs was in December 2009, almost 15 years ago. I really do have wonderful memories of our groups dinners out and it is nice to look back through my blog every once in a while, if you don’t have a blog you really should even if you keep it private. The other thing to think about is what happens when or if your family find out and being single I do think about this. For me it will be my brother or nieces who will go through things at the end of my life and I have not told them so in with my final documents I have a flash drive with my final wishes and included is a video I made 3 years ago about this side of me and a link to my blog. I did actually post the video on YouTube and recently on my Instagram account if you want to check them out. Sorry got caught up in memories so back to dinner.

I got home a little after 5pm and started getting ready. tonight I did a smokey eye look and used my Maybelline super stay matte lip ink in the color artist which is kind of a pinkish red. I wore my green sweater dress as with Summer coming I may not get to wear it again till next fall. I took a few pictures and then was on my way to get Julie. I got to Julies at 6pm and she was all ready and looking beautiful as always. We did have time to sit and talk before we left, which I really enjoyed. Traffic was light and we parked about 6:45pm and went in and as always Samantha greeted us with a smile as we walked in, which always made us feel welcome and showed us to our table, a couple of the girls were already there. We sat down and waited for the rest to show up, tonight we had 10 girls. Kris, Gina, Barb, Alanna, Poppy, me, Jennifer, Mary Ann and Bianca. Bianca had car issues and was late and we had already taken the picture and forgot to get another one with her in it, sorry about that.

Our waitress Lacy came and took our order, her and Jacob are our two favorites here as they are always happy to see us. I of course ordered their chicken fried chicken which is really good but they do have a lot of other things that are good also, yes I would highly recommend Mothers Bistro if you like a warm friendly place and awesome food. We sat and talked as we waited for our food and Jennifer told us about her meeting. Jennifer has come out to a lot of people, all her family, she attends her church as Jennifer and also came out to the city board she sits on and attends some meetings as Jennifer and her male self, they actually have 2 name plates for her with each name. Well she is board chair now and she ran her first public meeting as Jennifer which is awesome. Now I am not saying everyone hast to be this open about who they are as you need to do what is right for you, don’t let others influence you in who you are or who you tell.

Our food came and as always it was wonderful, they really do have great food here. We are planning right now to have our Christmas dinner here this year, yes we are already planning it as if you want a group date on a Saturday in December you have to plan way ahead. Jennifer planned our first one and Sherri did last years and Jennifer is working on this years for us, a big thanks to them for this as it really is a lot more work then just doing a Wednesday night dinner. We had a wonderful dinner and Bianca finally made it as we were finishing so she just had dessert. Now I try to avoid deserts and sweets but they really do have an incredible Key Lime pie here so I talked Julie into splitting it with me so I ordered a piece. Actually I also got Poppy and Gina to have a bite also so I don’t feel too bad about it.

After dinner we sat and talked till a little after 9pm, it was just a wonderful dinner out. We paid our bills and yes I gave a nice tip as we really do get wonderful service here. As we left several of the staff said good night to us and told us to come back, which we will. Julie and I walked tommy car which was just a half block away and headed for her house and yes we talked all the way there. I really do love riding with Julie as it makes the drive better but and we have such a great time just talking. it is funny as my male self I am not a big talker but as Susan I love to sit and talk. I dropped Juile off about 9:30 and headed for home. now they are doing a lot of road work here and the onramp to Hwy 14 was closed so I had to go up 1+4th which also has a lot of nighttime work, one lane each direction and all the lights are off wo the are 4 way stops so it took about 45 minutes to get home instead of the normal 20 so a little later tonight but it really was an awesome night out with my friends. Now I am looking forward to Memorial Day weekend and a 3-day weekend for me.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend and a big thanks to all our military men and women and the families that support them for all they have done to make our country so great, yes I love America and am proud to be an American and will fly my flag all weekend, maybe even through the summer. Here are a couple videos I like about America and I would encourage everyone to watch them to understand what our country is about. Mike Rowe one percenters, about the Star Spangle Banner. I will probably include this again on the 4th of July.

May 25, 2024 - Posted by | Dinner out, mothers bistro | , , , ,

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