Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday and a little time out as Susan

It is Saturday May 18th, 44 years ago today Mt. Saint Helens erupted and I still remember it, I was in high school at the time, yes I am that old. It was one of those milestone days in my life that you remember and I still have a couple jars of ash I collected from that day on my desk. Now back to today. I have some stuff to do today and yes it started with going to the gym this morning. I also had sone yard work to do and I decided to try and get a little extra done as next weekend is Memorial Day weekend and I should have a 3-day weekend so I want to enjoy it. I was also meeting a friend for lunch at 1pm that I haven’t seen in a couple years and no not one who knows about this side of me. Today is also the Hazel Dell Parade and we used to do the Parade for many years and after we always had lunch together at Subway and he contacted me to see if I wanted to have lunch and catch up. I still keep this side of me private at least as far as just coming out and telling people but I decided a few years back I would be honest if asked. We met for lunch and I didn’t hid my ails but I wasn’t waving them around either I was just being normal and I was waiting for him to say something but he never did, I don’t know if he just didn’t notice, or care or didn’t know what to say but it never came up. It was nice to catch though, and we talked a little over an hour. It was almost 3pm when I got home but I did want at least a little Susan time today as I still have my blog from last Sunday and Wednesday night’s dinner to write so I started getting ready.

Being later in the day a did a quicker job getting ready but still looking good. I used my purple eye shadow and pinkish mauve colored lipstick. I was ready by 3:30 and took a few pictures and then decided to go to Starbucks right by my house. Yes I am more comfortable about being out as Susan even close to where I live and this one is less than a ½ from my house, of course the same thing for Dream Nails, the nail salon I go to. They were not really busy so I got my drink and sat down to work on my blog. This Starbucks does not have a drive through so everyone comes in and I heard a coupe people ask about the code for the bathrooms so I guess they now have locks on their doors also. This seems to be becoming common for Starbucks. I asked the lady here about it and she said there are a few homeless that will come in and a few times they would sleep in the bathrooms so they just wanted to be able to keep track of who was going in. I guess this is the world we live in now. I did chat with a new friend on Facebook also while I was working on my blog. I finished the one from last Sunday and posted it and started on the one from Wednesday night’s dinner at Thia Bloom which I will post later. I really didn’t plan to be out long it is just I like to write my blogs when I am Susan, and I wanted a little Susan time today.

I only stayed here till a little after 5:30 before going home as I do still have a few things to do at home, as I said I want to have next weekend free. I don’t have any plans yet but hope to spend most of it as Susan. I made dinner and watched a little TV while I ate. After I ate I took care of a few things, one was trimming some plants out back in my yard so yes I was outside as Susan but not too worried as the neighbor on one side of me knows about this part of my life. I spent about 45 minutes outside before going in for the rest of the evening and watching a movie on Hallmark called Two tickets to paradise which was really cute. After that I watched the movie Diehard 2 which I had recorded, yes I have a wide range of movies I like. I had seen the first Die Hard several times but not the second and it was good also. It turned out to be a nice day.

Now looking forward to Sunday and a couple hours at Starbucks again to work on this weekend blogs. Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

May 23, 2024 Posted by | Starbucks | , , | Leave a comment