Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Wednesday night dinner with my friends at Thai Bloom

It is Wednesday May 15th and tonight our group is having dinner at Thai Bloom in Portland. I called Tuesday night to make reservations as we had 8 of us. It is funny as I actually miss counted by 1 so I sat at the end of the table because we had 9 of us show up but I am getting ahead of myself. I got home a little after 5pm so I was a little rushed as I am picking Julie up tonight, yes she is back in town and I am so looking forward to us riding together, but that means I need to be on my way by 5:40pm at the latest. Yes on the drive home I was thinking about what I would wear and how I wanted to do my makeup as that does speed things up. I had decided on my longer black summer dress and so I decided a pinkish red lipstick with a smokey eye look with browns and black. I was already by a little after 5:30 so about 30 minutes for my transformation. I took a few pictures. I am getting better at doing my pictures in my blog as I found a trick. Now that I can’t use Microsoft word to post my blog which use to size my pictures for me I am using the snipping tool in Microsoft. I open 2 pictures up in photo and put them side by side and then take a snippet of it and save it and that seems to be the perfect size to paste into my blog, just in case you are wondering why they are side by side.

I got to Julies just after 6pm so we had about 15 minutes to sit and talk before we had to leave as my GPS said 32 minutes to get there. I really do enjoy sitting and talking with Julie. I have some wonderful friends in our group I have met as Susan butt a few of them really are more like family and that is Julie, she knows more about me then probably anyone including my family. It was about 6:15 when we left and normally the time on my GPS goes down a little but not tonight. Turns out there was a wreck tat happened on the bridge and that slowed everything down and there was also a Timbers game tonight which is close to Thai Bloom in Portland and we had traffic for that so I texted Jennifer we would be a little late and we were, we got there about 7:05. We did have 3 girls that were even later so I didn’t feel to bad. By the way this is when I noticed I had miscounted when I made the reservations, I keep a list of all our dinners in excel and had left Jennifer’s name off and I felt bad abut it.

Our waitress came and took our drink order as we waited for the others to show up, by the way our waitress was awesome as always. We really do get wonderful service here and the food is really good. We went ahead and ordered about 7:15 as the girls not here yet had e-mailed and were still about 25 minutes away. I of course ordered their beef and broccoli which is really good and not spicy or hot as I am not a fan of hot, spicy food. We all sat and talked as we waited and yes being on the end of the table I really could only talk with a few of the girls. Just as our food was coming out the other 3 girls showed up and yes we would get a picture of the group tonight, we had Mary Ann, Bianca, Sara, Jade, me, Julie, Barb, Gina, & Jennifer. Of course I had to see Jennifer’s nails as she got them done today for esprit, her and her wife are going up for the weekend tomorrow. Jennifer got a French nail with a coffin shape and they are really cute. When she gets home she is going to file them down some to get rid of the white tip and keep the nails and let them grow out which is the best for your nails instead of having them removed.

Our food was really good and we had a wonderful dinner, there is just something so special about being out with my friends having dinner and talking like anyone else around us. I think our being visible so people can see us and see we are just like them other than how we choose to dress and present is a big benefit. Thos way people can make up their own minds instead of just getting the information from the internet or media. The one bit of advice I would give everyone and I don’t care what your political views are, don’t trust or believe what you see on social media or the news, do your own research and make your own conclusion as everything else is slanted the way those people want you to think and believe and that goes for both sides. We did talk a little about dinner next week, we are thinking Mothers Bistro and the following week Old Spaghetti Factory.

We had a wonderful dinner and it is always a fun night out. It was a little after 9 when our waitress brought our bills and as I said she was awesome, her name was on the bill so I wanted to include it, Surussawadee, not sure how you would pronounce it. As I said she was really nice so I did give her a bigger tip, yes as Susan I tend to tip bigger especially when I get good service. We all left and Julie and I got to talk more on the drive back to her house, as I said I really love riding together with her. It was just before 10pm when I dropped her off and made the quiet drive home. It was such a fun night.

Now I am looking forward to the weekend and some Susan time although maybe a little less as I have some yard work and other things to do around the house as I want to get them done as the following weekend is Memorial Day weekend and I will have a 3-day weekend and I want to spend a more Susan time then.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

May 19, 2024 - Posted by | Dinner out, thai bloom | , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. […] working on my blog. I finished the one from last Sunday and posted it and started on the one from Wednesday night’s dinner at Thia Bloom which I will post later. I really didn’t plan to be out long it is just I like to write my blogs […]

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