Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Sunday and a little time at Starbucks looking at Hot Water heaters online.

It is Sunday and I am going to still go to Starbucks today but it will be to do research. If you read my blog from Saturday you know my hot water heater went out so I need to figure out what to do as far as a new hot water heater and if I can install it myself.

I took my time getting ready as it is a little harder without hot water. Yes it was a very quick and cold shower and I heated up water on the stove to shave with. I was already about 2:30pm. Being a little cold and rainy today I wore my green sweater dress and took my usual pictures before leaving for Starbucks. I got to Starbucks and parked and went in. they were not that busy so getting a table along the window was no problem.

I went and ordered my drink and sat down to work. Yes the first thing was to send out the information for this week’s Monday zoom call and Wednesday nights dinner at Thai Bloom. I started off searching the Clark Public Utility web page for information and they had some good rebates and heat pump water heaters, $700 to be exact so I started looking at water heaters on Home Depot web page. The heat pump ones were about $800 to $1000 more but with the rebate not bad. The problem is they are all taller. My water heater is in the closet under my stairs and I can only go about 55 inches tall and all the heat pump ones are 62 to 70 inches tall so that ruled those out. even some of the standard ones were close to 60. I did find one I liked that would fit and the cost is $869. So now I started looking at videos on how to install them. In reality replacing a hot water heater is pretty easy. The only problem I would have is my relief pressure valve as that is a one piece which would mean cutting a copper pipe and the re-soldering it. I really think I could do it myself except for getting it to my house and disposing of the old one. I stayed here till about 5pm before leaving.

I drove to Home Depot and went in to look at the heat pumps and see if I could get information on installing them. I found them and yes no way I could get t home in my car. I looked around and found an employee and asked him about installation and he really had no idea, actually from talking to him I knew more then he did from my watching some YouTube video. I found 2 other employees and they also knew nothing, other then one gave me a card of the company they recommend installing them so I took the card and left. I figure I will call them Monday and get information from them.

I went home and made dinner and watched TV. It was a relaxing evening and I tried not to think about my water heater. It was about 10pm when I went upstairs to wash away my makeup. now my process is pretty simple, I wipe away as much foundation as I can with a tissue, wash my face with hot water, message some baby oil in to remove what is left and then wash my face again with hot water to remove the oil and I am done but only clod water today and I will tell you cold water does not remove makeup of baby oil. I found myself once again heating up water on the stove. It has been a challenging weekend.

Now I am looking forward to our Wednesday night dinner and yes getting my hot water heater fixed. Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

June 22, 2024 Posted by | Starbucks, T-girl | , , , , | Leave a comment