Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Sunday and a full day as Susan, trip to casino, Starbucks

It is Sunday and today I plan on spending the who day as Susan and yes going to the Starbucks I go to on Saturday morning as my male self. My plan was to get up at 8am have breakfast and get dressed and be at the Starbucks between 9:30am and 10am as that is the time I normally get there after the gym. Well I think all the yard work yesterday did me wonders as I slept really well and I woke up a little after 6am and couldn’t get back to sleep so I got up about 6:15 and this got me thinking. I haven’t been to the casino b my house for a while and it has been a long-time sense Susan has gone there. I got dressed and was ready by 7:45. I figured I could go to Ilani for an hour and then to Starbucks. I took some pictures and then I was on my way.

I got to Ilani at 8am and went in and found the blackjack tables, yes today they had $10 tables. There were 4 men playing so I sat down at the end seat and bought in with $100 dollars. The table was cold and the dealer was winning and I almost lost $100 dollar when they switched out the dealer and my luck changed a little, I was slowly winning. Now a side story to tell you how casinos make money as people don’t know how much they lose, something I keep close track of. The man at the other end of the table bought in for $100 like me but he was betting bigger. Yes I tend to keep track of how everyone is doing at the table as it gives me an edge I think. He had bet $50 and got an 11 and needed to double down so he had to get another $100. A little later he bought in again another $100, he started winning and then started betting even higher and playing 2 hands. He bet big and got a pair of aces and an 11 to double and yes cashed in $300 this time. eventually he once again bought in with $200 more and lost that. When his friend came up and they decided to go get breakfast I heard him tell his friend he had lost $400, he obviously forgot about the $400 he used to double down. Now back to me it was about 9am and I was at the point I had wanted to leave and go to Starbucks but I was still winning a little so I started putting chips in my purse as I played, this is how I make sure I never lose all the money I bought in with. Well at 9:30 I decided I would play 5 more hands and quit. I wone 2 of the 5 hands and cashed in $60 dollars with the dealer and went t the cashier to cash out. When I pulled the chips out of my purse I had an additional $55 so I ended up with $115 a $15 win.

I drove to the Starbucks and parked, I could see several people in line so I did a mobile order for my hot chocolate and went in and set my computer up on the table I normally sit right by the counter, as I was sitting down the lady behind the counter asked if I was going to get the Grande Hot Chocolate today so obviously she recognized me. I said yes but I had made a mobile order and she said oh I see it, by the way you look beautiful today and I thanked her. I wrote my blog about Saturday and posted it. I stayed here till just before noon before leaving. I decided to go home and have lunch as I needed to start some laundry and a couple things around the house and I wanted to call my brother and see how he was doing and no he doesn’t know about this side of me. I stopped at the store and bought some cheese and dip and a chicken breast and baked potato for dinner tonight. While I was working it hit me that Tuesday June 11th will be the 3rd anniversary of my moms passing so today I am making a snack for lunch and the chicken dinner I used to make for my mom on Sundays when I had her at my house.

It was about 2:30 when I had finished things and changed my outfit to a summer dress and touched up my makeup and yes the color of my lipstick and then went to my Normal Sunday Starbucks as I still wanted to go there for a bit and work on todays blog and post the events for this week to our group. I got a table inside and started working. While I worked I heard someone say Hi Susan and it was Ryan the man I met here a while back, he always says hi to me when he sees me which is nice. He was getting something to go so we didn’t talk long and I probably wouldn’t have noticed him had he not talked to me first. I did some work and sat inside till a little after 4pm when I decided to move outside as it is a nice day, about 75 with a light breeze, although the breeze is a little cool. It did get me thinking about my tomes coming to Starbucks.

My first time going to Starbucks was back in 2009 and I picked one that was 15 miles from my house and I went the last hour they were open and I picked this one as they had a table way in the back in a little corner by itself. Now I am at a Starbucks less than a mile from my house in the middle of the day sitting out front right by the door watching people come and go and cars drive by. I sat outside till 5pm before going home to make my dinner and watch a movie. It was a fun and relaxing day.

Thanks for reading my blog.

June 12, 2024 Posted by | casino, Starbucks | , , , | Leave a comment