Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday and a little Susan time and going to Willamette National Cemetery

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend. It is a beautiful weekend sunny and close to 90 today. I got up and went to the gym as always and then came home and did some yard work before it got to hot, I lasted till about 12:30pm outside before I was cooked. Yes when I am working in the yard I have no desire to be Susan as Susan does not like getting hot, dirty, or sweaty, that is my male sides job. I started getting ready about 1:30 and took my time. I have been working harder on my winged eye liner and I think I am getting better at it as I was happy with how it turned out today. I was all ready by 2:30pm and took a few pictures. My plan for the day was to go to the Cemetery and put flowers on my parents’ grave for Mother’s Day. I was going to stop and get flowers but I knew the stores would be packed, especially the floral departments so I went another way. My mom loved Lilacs and I have two planted in my back yard in each corner, yes my parents gave them to me when I bought my house so I went out and cut some off to take.

I got to Willamette National Cemetery a little after 3 pm and there were a lot of people here, in the section my parents are in there were 2 different couples and a group of 5 placing flowers but not real close to where I was going. I walked out and placed the flowers on the graves, it is nice to be here on Mother’s Day as I have said before my family was big on celebrating holidays together. I really did have wonderful parents, they taught me and my brother to work hard, be kind to others and take responsibility for your actions. I do think sometimes about if I should have told my parents about this side of me as they did say they had always wanted a daughter but only had 2 boys but by the time I was at a point where I might have considered telling them they had some short-term memory issues and I think it would have been hard for them although I like to think they would have been supportive of me. A few of the people left and a few more came as I think a lot of people think like I do and wanted to bring flowers for Mother’s Day. I stayed maybe 30 minutes as it got hot standing out in the sun. I left and headed home and decided to stop at the Starbucks in Orchards for a cool drink and I needed to write my blog from Wednesday nights dinner.

I got to the SR 500 exit and traffic came to a stop and just crawled from there so it took a little longer to get there. As I got to the split between SR 500 and 112th street there was a couple police cars, two ambulances and a fire engine blocking Most of the ramp to SR 500, a couple cars pulled over ahead of them and one motorcycle that was badly damaged. There were two stretchers but just a sheet covering them so I think the people on the motorcycle didn’t make it. I got to Starbucks a little about 4:15 and went in. I got a drink and sat down to write my blog from Wednesday dinner. I do like coming to Starbucks to write my blog when I am Susan. It is just more fun to be out as Susan doing this then at my house as my male self, writing my blog. I did that for many years, I would go out as Susan with the girls on Friday night and Saturday morning write my blog as I ate breakfast as my male self. It was like telling a story about someone else, now I try to write all my blogs when I am Susan as it feels like I am writing about myself. I stayed here till 5:45 before leaving.

Now it was almost 6 and I didn’t want to go home and cook and I had a craving for pizza so I called COSTCO to get a pizza but I called to late as they were not taking any more orders for today as they close at 7pm. My next choice was Papa John’s so I called them and ordered one for pickup, I have gone to this one a couple of times both male and female and when I gave them my phone number they asked if it was for Susan or my male name so I am guessing they know as I know they know Susan is Transgender. I got there and went in and my pizza had just come out, the young lady who helped me was probably 20 give or take a couple years and was really pleasant. After I paid and as she handed me my receipt she told me I looked marvelous which made me feel good and I thanked her and left.

It was about 6:30 when I got home and had dinner and watched a couple movies on Hallmark channel, not Christmas ones but still good. Now I am looking forward to Sunday and a little Susan time in the afternoon at my regular Sunday Starbucks.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

May 12, 2024 Posted by | Willamette National Cemetary | , , , , | 1 Comment