Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday Susan time and going to the Escape tonight.

Another Saturday and I was looking forward to some Susan time this afternoon although I would get a later start, I did post early today I would be at the Escape hoping to get others to show up. As always I got up and went to the gym for about 1 ½ hours, yes I have been going pretty much every Saturday for the last 20 months and trying to go at least one evening a week on my way home from work. I also had my 6month teeth cleaning at 11am and I was curious if I would get any compliments on my nails and the short answer is no not one word was said although I know they saw them. I will say the nails I have now though I have gotten the most compliments on as Friday a customer told me she liked my nails and also the girl at the McDonalds drive through but not one of my co-workers said a word. It was about 2:30 when I had everything I needed to do done and was finally able to start transforming into Susan for the rest of the day.

I took my time and did a smokey eye look with my brown eye shadow pallet and a brick red lipstick and I wore my short salmon colored summer dress, it was a cute look. It was 3:30 by the time I was ready so I only had 2 hours as I had posted I would be at the Escape at 5:30. I decided to go to the Starbucks in Orchards.
It has been a couple months, July 8th, sense I have been to this one as their inside has been closed and all boarded up. I got there just before 4pm and went in and as I walked in the one man behind the counter greeted me by name even after 2 months. I ordered my drink and of course I asked about why they were closed although I already had a good idea and I was right. A customer parking missed the break and hit the gas and drove through the door and front windows. No one was hurt but dealing with the insurance took time and they only just opened the inside last week., I sat down and finished my blog from Wednesday nights dinner at Who Songs so I am all caught up on my blogs for now. I stayed here till 5:15 before leaving and heading to the Escape. I got to the Escape right at 5:30 and went in, I knew Poppy would be here tonight as she had replied to my post and sure enough just as I was sitting down at the table she showed up. We talked briefly before we went and ordered dinner and drinks. She is one of our newer group members, she has been on our zoom calls for almost a year but only been going out the last couple weeks but she is very comfortable in who she is, not like I was when I first went out to meet the public.

We talked a lot about Diva Las Vegas which is 6 weeks away. She is interested but wanted to know about what the costs are and a little about it. I told her the biggest expense at this point would be the hotel as room rates are up, if she stayed Sunday through Thursday nights (5 nights) she would be looking at about $750 for the hotel. Diva Las Vegas really is a pretty good deal as you can cut costs other then the hotel. You just pay for what you do and you can always just order an appetizer instead of dinner as usually the dinners we go to are at least $25 to $50 plus drinks and tips, yes the days of the $9.99 dinner or buffet are gone and most of the restaurants on the strip are 4 or 5 Dimond places. I am not sure she will be able to make this year work but hopefully next year. Right now in our group we have Jennifer, Brenda, Claire and me all going for sure and a couple other girls have registered but not booked rooms yet. I am staying at the Flamingo and the other girls are at the LINQ. In years past we have had a pretty good turnout from our group, one year we actually had 16 girls from Portland go and that was a year that the attendance was just over 150 so our group from Portland was more then 10% of the attendees. There is a lot to see and do in Las Vegas even if you don’t gamble. One thing I recommend to the girls is get their players card because it tracks more then just your gambling. You can use it when you book rooms and spend money in their restaurants, bars, clubs and gift shops. They are looking to see how often you come and how much you spend and they make you offers off that. Last year I stayed with Peggy and Cassandra and did very little gambling and they still gave me a great price at the Flamingo this year, I am paying about $250 for my 5 nights instead of the $650 it would have been at the LINQ with the Diva Las Vegas deal.

We had a nice time and sat and talked till Karaoke started and it got a little loud. It was almost 9pm when we were ready to leave, we went and paid our bills and as I was paying my Jan & Lynn arrived so I decided to stay a little longer as I wanted to spend time with them also. Now it is always cold here as they keep the air conditioning up a little too high and I like it cold, Lynn went out to their car and got their coats and I had my sweater over my legs as I wore a short dress. We talked a little and listened to people sing but by 10pm my feet were just too cold and I called it a night. It was a good day though.

Now I am looking forward to Sunday and a little more Susan time at my favorite Starbucks. Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.







September 10, 2023 - Posted by | Escape Bar & Grill | , , , ,

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