Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Wednesday night dinner with friends at Mother’s Bistro.

It is the last Wednesday of July, wow the month has gone by fast. Tonight we are getting together for dinner at Mother’s Bistro in downtown Portland. I made reservations last night and it was a good thing as they had a few big groups tonight. Now on my way home I was thinking about what to wear and how to do my makeup as this speeds things up if I know in advance, yes a lot more thought goes into getting ready for a night out as Susan. I decided on my white dress, even though I wore it not too long ago. The reason is you are only supposed to wear white between Memorial Day and Labor Day and we are 2/3 of the way through that, I do wonder who made that rule though as it seems stupid as white is classic look. It is funny though as when I first started dressing I only wore black or dark colors as I thought I looked better and it hid my size some. Over the last few years I have really switched to more of colors and I am actually liking the with dress on me. I got home at 5pm and started getting ready. I was all ready by 5:40 and on my way to Julie’s to pick her up, I really look forward to her riding with me as it gives us time to talk.

I got to Julie’s tight at 6 and she was all ready and looking beautiful as always. We did have time to sit and talk, which is always fun. It was 6:25 when we left and drove to Mother’s Bistro. Now the street leading up to Mother’s where I usually find a spot was full so looked like my parking luck was running low till we got to the intersection where mothers is and there was a spot right on the corner right in front of their window so I took it. As we got out of the car Alex was walking by so the 3 of us walked in together. Now this is a big place and for a while they were closed on Wednesday’s do to lack of business, and when we have been here in the past, after Covid, they usually only had the small dinning area open but tonight it was all open and they were pretty much full so it was good I made reservations. It really is good to see things getting back to normal. We were seated as a couple of the ladies had already arrived. Are waiter came and too our drink orders as we waited for the rest of our group, by the way our waiter was really good tonight but we didn’t get Jacob as our waiter. Jacob had been our waiter every time we have come here in the last couple years and is awesome but as busy as it was they had a lot more wait 7m everyone had arrived.

Tonight we had 10 of us including 2 wives, Jennifer, Mary Ann, Kitty, Barb, Claire, Eiko, Alex, Brenda, Julie and of course me. Jennifer did have our waiter take a group picture to put in our group but I am leaving it out of my blog as I am not sure the wives want their picture out on the internet. We talked for a while before ordering as I said it was really busy. I did order my usual Chicken fried chicken which is awesome here of course so is the pulled pork which I almost went for. It was great to see so many out tonight and even with sitting towards the middle of the table it was hard to talk with everyone. We did talk a little about Diva Las Vegas as several of us are going, Claire, Jennifer, Brenda and I are all registered and looking forward to it although I do need to book my room, something I should do this weekend.

Our food came and it was wonderful as always, the manager did stop by briefly to say hi but didn’t talk with us as much as she usually does as she was running around helping the staff. We had a wonderful dinner and wonderful conversation. I would highly recommend Mother’s Bistro if you are in Portland, it is actually in the first floor of the Embassy Suites in Portland if you need a place to stay. These dinners out are the perfect way to spend time with my friends for a couple hours. After we finished we sat and talked for a while, it is such a wonderful social event. When I first started going out it was always to Embers which was a gay dance club with drag shows and that was fun but was loud and hard to talk. I still like going to the Escape but same thing as once they start karaoke it is hard to talk where at the dinners it is not too loud and you can hear what people are saying. I also got a picture of Julie as she sat across from me and she took mine also.

It was just after 9 when we paid our bills and called it a night. A few of us stood outside on the sidewalk talking for a few minutes before we left, Claire and her wife actually we parked 2 cars in front of me. Julie and I talked as we drove back to her house. We talked a little about Cassandra who I miss, she started this group but her and her wife moved to Las Vegas a little over a year ago. I text her occasionally to keep in touch but I really need to call her so we can talk, I guess another thing for my list of things to do on the weekend. It was a little before 10pm when we got back to Julie’s and I dropped her off for the night, always sad to see the evening come to an end. It is funny as it used to be when I washed away my makeup that I considered the evening over and now it is when I drop Julie off, as the rest is just going home and going to bed.

It was about 10:15 when I got home and washed away my makeup. Now I am looking forward to a little Susan time on the weekend. By the way we did have our weekly zoom call Monday but I had things to do so didn’t have time to dress for it so did it in male mode with my video off, it was a small group though. Just Nicole, Michelle and me for most of it and right at the end Sherri logged on for a few minutes just to say hi.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

July 29, 2023 Posted by | Dinner out, friends, mothers bistro | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment