Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday and some Susan time shopping at Clackamas Town Center

It is Saturday and I went to gym and did a little yard work till it got to hot which was just before noon so as I had extra time I figured I would do a little shopping as I need some brow gel as I am getting low on my lighter one. I use the Maybelline Tattoo studio brow gel in either deep brown or medium brown, still trying to figure out which shade looks best on me. I decided I would go to Clackamas Town Center to get it at ULTA plus I could walk around the mall a little and shop where there is air conditioning as it is going to be in the upper 90’s today. The other reason is I could see if Tracy was working at the MAC store there as I haven’t seen her for a while. I was all ready by 1pm and took my computer as I will stop at a Starbucks later to catch up on my blogs and some work.

I got to Clackamas just before 2pm and looks like a lot of people had the same idea as the parking lot was full and lots of people walking in. I always park by JC Pennies so I never forget where I parked. I went in and looked at some of their dresses and shoes to see if I could find something cute and I did, they had 2 really cute dresses but only up to a size 14 so I was out of luck. I walked down to Macy’s and looked around but didn’t find anything there. As I walked out by the MAC store I could see Tracy and a couple other employee’s but no customers so I went in to say hi. It was nice to see her again. I met her through Sherri, her and her wife met her when they were here a couple years ago buying makeup for Sherri and they hit it off. Tracy has been a big help to Sherri and even went out to dinner with Sherri the first time Sherri met the group which is how I met her. Tracy has come out with the group a few times. Tracy and I talked for about 5 minutes, we keep saying we need to get together for dinner one night but we never do, maybe I will have to text her and see if we can set something up.

I left here and of course my next stop was Victoria’s Secret which is always a must stop when I am at the mall, I don’t think I have ever gone to a mall as Susan without at least walking through, however as my male self I have only gone in Victoria’s Secret 1 maybe 2 times. One of which was when I got fitted for a bra. I left here and the next store was ULTA. Now I like this store as it has a huge selection but I will only buy things that are sealed as they do have a problem with people trying things and putting them back.

Now as I said early I needed brow gel but I also wanted some Jergens natural glow self-tanning lotion and I also wanted to pick up some eye shadow as my Morphe vintage rose pallet is getting low which has turned out to be one of my favorite color for my eyes. Jennifer actually told me about Morphe cosmetics when I went shopping with her a couple years back. I walked into ULTA and of course the first thing I saw was the Morphe display and wouldn’t you know it, they didn’t have the rose pallet I wanted. I walked around to the Maybelline section to get my brow gel and again they didn’t have it, they didn’t even have a spot for the brow gel so guessing they don’t carry it. I went to the lotion section and they were out of the Jergens natural glow self-tanning lotion. Yes all 3 things I came here for they didn’t have. I left here and walked back through the mall and out to my car. It was a little after 3pm now and I headed for home.

I stopped by the Starbucks in Orchards but the front window and door are still boarded up and only the drive through is open so I went to the one by Vancouver Mall I went to last week. I went in and got a drink and sat down and wrote my blog from Monday’s zoom call and posted it. I also caught up on some e-mails and sone work. My brother had asked me advice on a couple stocks he was looking at so I did a little research on them. I then worked on my blog from Wednesday night’s dinner at Who Song and Larry’s which I will post tomorrow as I try not to post 2 blogs in the same day. I stayed here till about 5:30 before leaving and heading home. I did stop at Panda Express to get dinner as being so hot I didn’t want to cook at home. It was just after 6pm when I got home and into my air-conditioned house. I ate dinner and watched TV the rest of the evening. Now I am looking forward to a little Susan time tomorrow before going back to work Monday morning.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

July 17, 2023 Posted by | shopping | , , , , | Leave a comment