Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday and going to the Escape tonight.

It is the second Saturday of July and of course I started off going to the gym for about 1 ½ hours. I got home from the gym and it was still cool and somewhat overcast so I took advantage and did some yard work that needed being done so I would get a later start to my time as Susan. I did post to our group I would be at the Escape around 5:30pm for dinner and stay till at least 7 in hopes others would show up. I finished up my yard work a little after2pm and started getting ready for the rest of the day as Susan. I did take my time getting ready as that is a lot of the fun. I really do like trying different things with my makeup and today I did a silver eye shadow on the inter part of my eyes and dark browns on the outer and upper and was happy with the look. I also used a lighter color of brow gel for my brows. This is one of the things I wonder about as at times I like the darker one better and others not so much so, always like to hear what others think. It was a little after 3 when I was all ready and I grabbed my computer and a sweater as the Escape can be cold if they have the air conditioning turned way down.

I decided to go to the Starbucks in Orchards as it is on the way to the Escape. I got there just before 3:30 and the inside dinning area is closed, actually their door, and the 2 windows either side of the door were boarded up. I was wondering if a car pulling in accidentally drove inside, of course the other thing in todays world could be someone broke in or just vandalized it. I will have to wait to find out when I can go back there and go inside. I decided to go to the Starbucks over by Vancouver Mall which I have gone to a few times over the years and like the one by my house has no drive through so good for people watching.

I parked and went in and they were not really busy so I got a drink and sat down at their big, long table in the middle which I like here as sometime other people sit near me but this table has power outlets under it plus hooks to hang your purse on. I wrote my blog from Wednesday nights dinner at Siam Lotus which I will post later. I thought about it as I used to always write my blog the next day but that was when I was only going out as Susan 1 maybe 2 times a week but now that I spend basically 4 days a week as Susan I really do feel I should write about that part of me while I am Susan. Now I know what some of you are thinking, if I am spending more then half my life as Susan am I thinking of going full time and the answer is no. There are things in my life that I like and have no part of my female life, going to the gym, yardwork, or even my regular job I have zero interest in being Susan for those things. Yes occasionally I will wear a little mascara and light eye shadow to the gym but that really is more to see if anyone will notice. I really do need and like both sides of who I am and remember when I talk about 4 days a week it is only part of the day, couple hours Monday evening for zoom call, couple hours Wednesday for dinner with my friends and maybe half the day on Saturday and Sunday if everything goes right. I am still my male self, 7 days a week at least part of the day. I tell girls all the time they need to figure out what is right for them and who they are. For me this is what is right for me. I stayed here till a little after 5pm before leaving for the Escape.

I got to the Escape just before 5:30 and went in and ordered dinner, their Burger basket which is really good and sat down to see if others would show up. I did have my computer and checked and Jan & Lynn said they would be here later as did Lauri but it would be a couple hours and sitting in a bar by myself is not as fun as a Starbucks. Luckily about 5:50 Michelle showed up so I had someone to talk with. She also ordered dinner and we sat and talked and had a great time. Now as I mentioned above it was cold in here tonight, now I had worn a short summer dress but was smart enough to wear my black tights to keep my legs warm but my feet got cold as I wore my sandals to show off my pretty red toes. I took my computer out to my car and got my sweater and came back inside and put it over my legs and wrapped my feet up in it. I can tolerate the cold pretty well but if my feet get cold I am done. Well there was a couple ladies at the next table and we talked a couple times with them and one of the ladies mentioned how cold it was inside so I know it wasn’t just me. I agreed and mentioned I had to put my sweater on my feet. Well James the young man who runs Karaoke must have herd us as he walked by a few minutes later and told us they were going to turn the air conditioning up so it would be a little warmer.

It was about 8pm when Jan & Lynn arrived, it was good to see them again. They had both got there hair done and it looked really good. Lynn cut hers but still down to just below her shoulders so a very nice length and she had highlights put in it and it looked awesome. Karaoke had just started so it was a little harder to talk but we still had a great time. It really is about being out around other people. We talked and listened to people sing and a few of them sang older songs, 70’s and 80’s which was nice, still getting used to that being considered oldies.

It was about 9pm when Lauri showed up and was great to see her. She is our late-night girl as she usually gets here between 9 & 9:30 and stays really late. I remember when I first started going out, I was the same way, get to Embers between 9 & 10 and stay there till they closed at 2:30 before leaving and on occasion going for desert with a few of the girls at Shari’s on the way home, yes nights I didn’t get home till 4am but those are long gone. Now by 10 or 11pm I am ready to head home. We did talk a little more. I stayed here till 11pm before I paid my bill and called it a night. I got home just about 11:30 and washed away my makeup and back to my male self for bed.

Now I am looking forward to a little Susan time at Starbucks Sunday to work on my blog and send out information on our Monday Zoom call and this week’s Wednesday night dinner.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

July 10, 2023 - Posted by | Escape Bar & Grill, friends, Out and about as Susan | , , , , ,


  1. All the best susan ….

    Comment by Len Young | July 10, 2023 | Reply

  2. […] as I had posted I would be at the Escape at 5:30. I decided to go to the Starbucks in Orchards. It has been a couple months, July 8th, sense I have been to this one as their inside has been closed and all boarded up. I got there just […]

    Pingback by Saturday Susan time and going to the Escape tonight. « Susanmillers Blog | September 10, 2023 | Reply

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