Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Happy 4th of July as we celebrate the birthday of our great nation.

Happy 4th of July to all my friends. This is the day we celebrate our countries independence and the day our country became a leader for the world. We do truly live in the best and freest country in the world. I am thankful every day that I live here and am a proud American. Now today later in the day I am getting together with Julie and Trixie for the 4th as we are going to the celebrations in Camas and yes we will be our boring boy selves although am planning on wearing my sandals to show off my pretty red toes and am even thinking about maybe a little mascara and a very neutral eye shadow but we will see about that when I get ready.

I did get up at 8:30 today as I do want a little Susan time today also. I do need a little time at Starbucks to stay caught up on my blogs and yes I want to go to Willamette National Cemetery. Growing up my parents always made holiday’s special and a family event, and the 4th we would always have a BBQ with family and friends and do fireworks, it really was a family event so it is fitting I will spend this evening with Julie and Trixie. I took my time getting ready. I as already by a little after 10am. My first stop would be Fred Meyer’s as I wanted to get flowers for my parents’ grave and also some makeup. When I contour my face I use a really dark cocoa colored foundation stick which I am using the last of today. The problem is Maybelline does not make it anymore and I have been having trouble finding one.

I left home and drove to the Fred Meyer’s in Johnson Creek and went in. well as I went in they had a big display of American Flags including some 12″ ones perfect for putting on a grave site so I grabbed 2 of them and then went to the cosmetic section. I looked at all the brands and to my surprise none of them had a foundation stick. I did find a cream powder foundation compact in a dark color so I guess I will try that. Now you do have to may for cosmetics in this section and the lady at the register rang up my flags also. As I was paying she told me she thought this shade would be too dark for me which was nice of her so I explained I use it for contouring. I put a little below my cheek bones to make the blush on the top of them pop, I also use a little on the side of my nose to narrow it and of course on my jaw line to help shape my face a little more. She said she had never thought about that and I kind of pulled my hair back a little to give her a better view of the ide of my face and she thought what I did looked really good. It was just after 11 when I left Fred Meyer’s to head to the cemetery and I had an idea. There is a McDonalds just down the street so I went through the drive through and got some food and figured I would go to the cemetery and have lunch, kind of like eating with my parents again on the 4th.

I got to Willamette National Cemetery and there were a few people her but not as busy as I thought it would be. I took my food and flags and walked out to my parents grave site. I put the flags in the ground standing above their markers and then sat down on the grass to have lunch with the, it is hard to believe that it has been over 2 years sense my mom passed away, June 11th, 2021, and almost 5 years for my dad, September 20th, 2018. The grass was a little damp, guessing they watered this morning but it was okay. I spent about 30 minutes here and it was actually really nice. I did get a couple pictures with the flags in the ground. I left here just before noon and headed for home. I am meeting Julie and Trixie at her house at 3 so I need to be home by 2pm at the latest to clean up and wash away Susan and then decide if I want to do a really light eye look for the day.

I decided to stop at the Starbucks right by my house for a little while and get my blog from Sunday done and posted and work on todays blog also as I had about 1 ½ hours. I got to Starbuck’s about 12:20 and went in and got my drink. I was going to sit outside but it was early enough that the tables were still in the sun so I sat inside. It was a relaxing time and great for people watching as this Starbuck’s does not have a drive through so everyone hast to come inside. I stayed here till 2pm before going home to clean up and change back to my male self for the rest of the day.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July with family and friends and never forget how great we have it here in this incredible country.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

July 8, 2023 - Posted by | Holiday, Willamette National Cemetary | , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. My mother died in August of 2021 and I buried her with my father in the San Francisco National Cemetery. I wish that I could visit them as much as you do your parents but San Francisco has become such a cesspool jammed with traffic that it drains my soul and now requires a multi-day trip for my sanity… 😪

    Comment by Tanit Richards | July 10, 2023 | Reply

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