Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Wednesday night dinner with friends at Thai Bloom

It is Wednesday and I get to have dinner with my friends tonight which I am so looking forward to. Quick update on my water heater. I did call Monday and talk to the company. They gave me a quote for the water heater after telling them the brand, size of the old one and questions about the space t fits in and my circuit panel. Yes they will bring the new one, install it and hall the old one away and yes that is $2019 with tax. Well I told them to come out Saturday morning and do the work so by Saturday night I will have hot water again. I have been going to the gym every morning for a quick 20-minute workout and then showering there. Turns out not having hot water is not a big thing for my male side, it really only effects my female side

On the drive home I did call Thai Bloom and made a reservation as we now have 6 of us although they usually are not that busy. I got home about 5 and started getting ready. I did a smokey eye look and a red lipstick tonight and just used my electric razor as I figured for a couple hours that was good enough. I liked the look and yes I do love the red lipstick look. I took my pictures and was on my way to pick Julie up. I got to Julies right at 6pm and Julie was ready and looking beautiful as always, she had on a black and white dress which kind of went with my black dress. We sat and talked till about 6:20 before we left. We got to Thai Bloom about 6:45 and parked right next to Barb who was just getting out f her car so we all walked in together. The other girls were already here and seated and yes it was a good thing I called and made reservations as they were packed. Usually when we have been here there have been 3 or 4 other groups but tonight all the tables in the main room were full and most in their smaller room also and even some sitting outside at tables.

Tonight was a smaller group, just 6 of us, Julie, Jennifer, Brenda, Patty, me and Barb. Now as much as I like the bigger groups as it is great to get girls out I really do enjoy the smaller groups as it is more personal and everyone is involved in the same conversation yes 4 to 6 is the perfect number. It was great to see Patty and Brenda out again as they don’t get out as often as the rest of us. Yes we have a small core group that go out pretty much every week, those who are about once a month, some even ess and those that come for special occasions or specific places we go. Yes we are a diverse group of ladies. Our waiter came and took our drink orders as we looked at the menu although I already knew what I would have, their broccoli and beef. Now I have said it many times it s not about where we g but the friends I am with. If it was not for this group I never would have gone to a Thai restaurant. One I am not a fan of hot and spicy food but I also am a little picky, I don’t like onions or peppers, that being said their broccoli and beef is really good and I like it. We all ordered our food and then sat and talked.

Patty updated us on what is going on in her life, she has a hobby building model rockets, some pretty big. It is interesting to hear her talk about them. Our food came and as always it was really good. Jennifer ordered something and had me take a taste and it was pretty good also, I don’t remember what she called it but I would eat it also although the broccoli & beef is better. These Wednesday night dinners really are amazing, it is such a fun social time. Of course we did get our group pictures as always, Julie, Jennifer, Brenda, Patty, me and Barb. After dinner we sat and talked for a while, which really is fun, yes as Susan I am way more social. It was a little after 9 when we paid our bills and called it a night.

On the drive back to Julies we talked the whole way, we always recap the evening and how awesome the girls in our group are. It really does make the night more complete having Julie ride with me. It was a little after 9:30 when I dropped Julie off and made the quiet ride home. It is always sad when the night comes to an end. Now I am looking forward to the weekend. I am not sure I will get out on Saturday as my window on my hot water heater is 9am to 2pm and I am not sure how long it will take.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

June 28, 2024 Posted by | Dinner out, thai bloom | , , , | 1 Comment