Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Quiet Sunday today with just a short outing as Susan

Today will be a short blog but I did get a little Susan time today. Now normally on Sundays I go to Starbucks and then grocery shopping before heading home for the night but tonight I am getting together with a friend and his wife for dinner at 6pm and no they do not now about this side of me and I don’t plan on telling them. However I did have the afternoon free so I figured I could still go to Starbucks for an hour or so. Yeats ago when I first started going to Starbucks back in 2009 it was short outings. I started going one night during the week, I would get home from work and spend an hour or more getting ready and drive to a Starbucks about 30 minutes from my house. I would usually get there around 7pm and they were open till 8 so I would spend an hour there and then drive all the way back home and wash away my makeup.

I got ready in about 30 minutes so I didn’t have time to relax and enjoy doing my makeup but it was still fun. I was ready a little after 2:30pm and took a few pictures before leaving. I got to Starbucks about 2:45 and went in, they were not busy today so I ordered my drink and sat down to work. I sent out the information for our Monday night Zoom call and dinner at Mothers Bistro on Wednesday night. I then wrote my blog from last Wednesday nights dinner at Thai bloom and posted it. Even though it was a shorter day out as Susan, it was still fun. I only stayed here till about 4:45pm before going home to clean up as I needed to make sure I removed all my makeup and yes I made sure I left myself plenty of time.

It was a good day though all the way around. Now I am looking forward to dinner with my friends on Wednesday night and of course next weekend as I will have a 3-day weekend for Memorial Day weekend.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

May 24, 2024 - Posted by | Susan Time | , ,

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