Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

A beautiful sunny Saturday and a little Susan time

It is Saturday ad a beautiful sunny spring day, yes I know Spring doesn’t start till Monday but it is just so nice today. I got up early and went to the gym but it was a shorter trip as I had my monthly zoom call at 9am, yes a busy morning. It was about 10:30 when my zoom call ended and as it is so nice out I had to take the opportunity and do some yard work. Today is supposed to be in the low 60’s and sunny, of course after today it will be back to rain and upper 40’s / low 50’s. Now as much as I like my time as Susan doing yard work as Susan is not something I like; this is my male side and I am happy with it. I did some clean up work and some moss killer and then finished off my pruning and cleaned up all the trimmings, of course I wore gloves and went a little slower as I didn’t want to risk breaking a nail. The last thing was I needed to tie up my grape plants around my deck. Now I will admit this was a little more challenging this year. When I got my nails done last Saturday with the ombre I didn’t have Anna shorten my nails so they are a little over 1/4 inch long, by the way she also gave them a slight coffin shape which with the white tips actually makes them look longer. Well I am using a nylon cord just a little thicker then normal string and yes with long nails it is more challenging to tie knots and get things tied up. I finished a little after 1pm and it was time for my shower to get cleaned up and start getting ready for the rest of my day as Susan.

I took my time getting ready today and yes went with my rose colored eye shadow and a mauve red lipstick and as it was so nice out I decided to wear my short salmon colored summer dresses and black tights and of course my sandals to show my pretty red toes. I was all ready by about 2:30 and got a few pictures. Now it was time to do my nails, yes tomorrow I need my nails toned down a little so last week I bought a color called OPI Baby take a vow which is a light pink. I put one coat on and really what I noticed is it moved the pink color just a little ore out on my nails but ends still looked white. I put a second coat on and again the same thing, still looks like a French fade just more towards the end of my nails instead or in the middle. Maybe I will try a third coat later but for now I wanted to get going. I decided to go to the Starbucks right by my house as it is so nice I wanted to try sitting outside. The picture sitting outside Starbucks to the right shows my nails after 2 coats of the nail polish and you can kind of see how it toned down the white tips a little.

I got there just before 3pm and got a drink and sat out front by the door so I could watch people come and go. It actually was quiet nice out maybe just a little cool but I was happy. I worked on my blog from Wednesday nights dinner at Thai Bloom and finished it, I will post later as I just posted my blog from Last Monday not long ago. As I said it was a beautiful day and I sat outside till about 4:30pm when my feet got cold, guess it is not yet sandal weather, so I moved inside and yes got another drink. I did some other work and caught up on e-mails. It was a relaxing afternoon. I stayed here till 5:30pm when they closed and then decided to go to Panda Express and get dinner to take home. I got there and went in and they were just a little busy so it was a short wait in line to order. I finally got up and ordered my food. As I moved around to the other side I noticed the young girl behind me as she was kind of looking at mem she was probably 20 give or take a couple years. I am guessing she is Goth as her makeup was very pale and she had black lipstick, and black eye makeup and even below her eyes it was at least a 1/2 thick below her eyes and she had on a black dress and stockings. Any way I was wondering what she was thinking about me, was it that is a man dressed as a women or was it wow he looks better then I do. But then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I am sure she thinks the way she looks is really good just the way I like the way I look. For each of us it really doesn’t matter what others think as long as we are both happy with who we are. Although I would never dress like that I support her right to dress how she wants. I got my food and then I was on my way home.

It was about 6pm when I got home and I watched TV while I ate my dinner. I did put 1 more coat of nail polish on my fingers to try and lessen the white look at the end. I stayed up till 11pm before washing away my makeup and going to bed. It was a good day and now I am looking forward to tomorrow and a little more Susan time.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me

March 19, 2023 - Posted by | Out and about as Susan, Starbucks | , , , , , ,


  1. […] if you follow my blog you know the last time I got my nails done I got an ombre French fade and in my blog last Saturday I had put 3 coats of a pale see-through pink on it Saturday afternoon so the white would not be as […]

    Pingback by Sunday and a relaxing afternoon at Starbucks « Susanmillers Blog | March 28, 2023 | Reply

  2. […] pink acrylic powder put on them. Last January I had a white snowflake on my ring finger, and in March I had a French fade for 3 weeks and really no one said a thing other then a few compliments on how my nails looked. Other then that […]

    Pingback by Beautiful, Relaxing Sunday at my favorite Starbucks « Susanmillers Blog | July 26, 2023 | Reply

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