Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

The last Sunday of July and a beautiful day to be out at Starbucks.

It is the last Sunday of July and just like yesterday, a perfect day out. It is sunny and 82 degrees out with a slight breeze so just a wonderful day. I got home about 12:30 and started getting ready to spend the rest of my day as Susan. I took my time getting ready as this really is my me time and just relaxes me and puts me in a good mood. Doing my makeup can really set the tone of the whole day for me. I did a smokey eye look and my coppery bronze lipstick which is probably a better daytime look then the red but I really do like the red color better. I was all ready by a little before 2pm. Now I had several things I needed to do today, of course part of it will be at my favorite Starbucks, but I also need to do a little shopping on my way home for groceries but the first thing on my list was Diva Las Vegas.

I have signed up for Diva Las Vegas but had not made my hotel reservations yet so that was my goal for the day. I did check rates and was planning on staying at Harrah’s as Sherri is planning to go and that is where she is staying. Some of the other girls are staying at the LINQ as that is the recommended hotel this year. I am planning on 5 nights Sunday October 22nd to Friday October 27th. The price for those 5 nights at Harrah’s was $402 which was a good price but I decided to check the LINQ, and Flamingo just to compare and it turns out I got better deals at those with the best being the Flamingo. Actually with my players card I got 4 nights at the Flamingo for free and the 5th night was only 25.95, of course I also had to pay the resort fee of $39.95 per night plus taxes but still for 5 nights at the Flamingo in a deluxe room with a king bed comes to $250 so yes I am booked and will be staying at the Flamingo. I tell girls all the time to get the players card as you do get some good offers even if you don’t gamble. I checked the same room without my players card and for the same room and nights it would have been $905. I also called Cassandra and we talked for almost an hour. It was great to talk with her again, we have texted to keep in touch but I really haven’t talked with her sense last October when I was there for Diva Las Vegas. I really do miss her as like Julie she is more like family. We ended up talking for almost an hour so I am getting a later start today as it was about 3:20 when I left my house.

I got to Starbucks and went in and they were not busy at all, just 2 other people inside and no one sitting outside. I went to order my drink and the young man at the counter greeted me by name which always makes me feel good. I got my drink and sat down and caught up on some e-mails, I also texted Veronica that I had booked my room at the Flamingo in case she is going this year. Now that I am all signed up and room booked I am really looking forward to Diva Las Vegas. It is hard to believe the first time I went to Diva Las Vegas was in 2010 which was 14 years ago but seems like just yesterday. The last few years it has been in October instead of the spring and I keep hoping they will go back to the spring. I stayed here till a little after 5 before leaving as I did need to go shopping. I stopped at Fred Meyers and picked up a few things and did look at their makeup section as I have been having trouble finding my brow gel,
Maybelline tattoo studio brow gel, and I was able to find it here. I finished my shopping and went home to make dinner and do laundry.

It was a good day and now I am looking forward to the week ahead.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.



July 30, 2023 Posted by | Diva Las Vegas, Starbucks | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Saturday and a beautiful day to get a little Susan time.

It is a beautiful Saturday out today, low 80’s and just a very slight breeze so I was looking forward to a little Susan time this afternoon. I did get up and go to the gym for 1 1/2 hours and took care of a few aprons I had to do and of course had a little yard work to take care of so I figured it would be later in the day or Susan. When I had everything done, I came in and started getting ready and took my time to enjoy doing my makeup. Well it turns out the things I had to do today didn’t take as long as I thought and I was all ready by 2:30pm so I decided to go to the Starbucks right by my house and work on my blog from Wednesday night’s dinner and take care of some other work. Of course a got a few selfies first.

I got to the Starbucks and they weren’t really busy and being so early I figured I would sit inside for an hour before moving outside to enjoy the fresh air. That way my battery should last. Now as I was walking in I saw the man I usually see on Sunday’s at the other Starbucks I go to, actually I see him somewhat regular here on Saturday when I come here. Now I usually come to this one or the one in Orchards on Saturdays depending on my plans for the evening. This one is perfect for sitting outside, but there is also the thought that I don’t want to go to the same Starbucks 2 days in a row and I wondered if that was why he also comes to this one on Saturdays. I got a table along the window and plugged in my computer and went and got my drink.

I worked on my blog from Wednesday nights dinner at Mothers Bistro and of course people watched, this Starbucks does not have a drive through so everyone comes inside to get their drinks. I finished my log and posted it and then started checking e-mails. I actually get things from Pinterest as I signed up years ago and I always get pictures of nails and I was looking at them and thinking. If you follow my blog you know I have had short acrylic nails for almost 2 years now in a very natural color, slightly pink neutral although a couple times I did push it a little with a snowflake or a French fade. Well I am thinking of trying something new next time I get my nails done. On my ring finger a little more noticeable shade, slightly more pink or maybe a slight Rosey shade on the left corner of my ring finger, kind of like this color on the ring finger but a little lighter, but will have to see if I can work up the courage next time I go in.

It was about 3:45 when I got another drink and moved outside to the table right by the door so I could watch the people come and go. It was such a beautiful day out. This is the weather I love especially when I am out as my female self. I caught up on some e-mails and other things I had to do. Yes I do come to Starbucks a lot as Susan but it is to do things I need to do anyway and just ore fun to do them as Susan at Starbucks then as my male self-sitting at home. In a way it is funny as my Susan time use to be special time for me and now days I have incorporated my female self into my everyday life and by that I me it is part of my normal life. I actually do most of my shopping now as Susan and in some way it has become totally normal. There are times I stop at the store on my way home from a day out and forget to mention it in my blog. usually on Sundays when I leave Starbucks I will stop at Fred Meyers really quick to pick things up and I use to mention that in my blogs but lately I forget to put it in.

I seem to have integrated Susan into my life over the last few years. For years I tried so hard to keep the two sides of me completely separate with no crossing the lines between the two. I think when I started having pretty nails all the time was when things changed. Now I have done this for almost 2 years now but I also did it for a little over a year back in 2017 although back then I kept the acrylic thinner and mostly clear. Same way I would never go someplace as my male self I went as my female self and now I don’t worry to much about it and same goes for going to places close to where I live. Going to Dream Nails was a huge step for me as it is withing a 1/2 mile of where I live and now the same goes for the two Starbucks, as the one I am at today is 1/2 mile and my Sunday Starbucks is about 1 mile away. Yes I do see people I know here sometimes; I just go about what I am doing and I don’t think they even notice me. As a matter of fact today I saw a lady I know who came in and sat right behind me along the window, of course we had our backs to each other, but I could have slid my chair back a few inches and bumped into her. The thing is she never really looked at me and she had left by the time I got up to move outside.

Now some of the girls in our group have come out to people, family or friends and for someone who is part time that is more of a personal choice. For me I don’t see the need to tell people about this side of my life unless it has an impact on them and by that I mean will I be interacting with them when I am Susan. I have no desire or plans to go to work as my female self so really there is no point in telling my co-workers. Now I have gotten some compliments on my nails but only one lady asked me why and I was honest and told her I had week nails which I do and that I liked them which is the truth. Now you could say that was not 100% true but it is pretty close as I do like having nice nails and getting them done and that really has nothing to do with Susan or my female side. On my female side they would be red nails or hot pink color. Now I guess if they really asked me more about it I would probably tell them everything. One of the ladies I work with has a transgender daughter, I actually got her some information from Melissa on services for her and resources and we do talk about her as I always ask how her daughter is doing when I see her, we have different schedules. She knows I have transgender friends but I have never offered more information and she has never asked. I guess what I am saying is I have found the perfect balance in my life and am happy with how things are and that is a wonderful feeling.

I stayed at Starbucks till 5:30pm before leaving and stopped by Panda Express on my way home to pick up dinner. I chose to sit on my deck and eat dinner as it really is a beautiful day out.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

July 30, 2023 Posted by | Starbucks, Susan Time | , , , , , | Leave a comment