Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Wednesday night dinner at Who Song & Larry’s in Vancouver

It is the second Wednesday of July and our group is going to dinner at Who Song & Larry’s in Vancouver. Now I picked this place tonight as Sherri is flying into Portland on her way home at 5:40 and is staying in Vancouver so this made it easiest for her to join us even if a little late, plus they have great food. I got home just after 5 and texted Julie that I could pick her up if she liked as I really enjoy riding together. I started getting ready and yes on the way home I decided what I would wear and how I would do my makeup which does speed things up. a lot of time I do my makeup and then pick out what goes best with the look and on rare occasions I pick out my outfits first and do my makeup to match. Yes a lot more effort goes into getting ready as Susan. I was all ready a little after 5:30 and on my way.

I got to Julies right at 6pm so we had some time. now I had called and made reservations last night for 9 people as that was what I had on my list but we had a new member who joined today and wanted to come, Jennifer had replied that she thought it would be okay which was nice as I didn’t see the e-mail earlier but I did email back and tell her to come if she was able even though it was late. Well I figured 10 instead of 9 would not be an issue but it actually turned out better as I actually put Sherri on the list twice. Julie and I sat at her house and talked till 6:30 when we left. The ride was nice and we talked on the way as I said I really like riding together. We got to Who Song & Larry’s about 6:45 and went in and a couple girls were already there. I checked in and they said our table would be ready shortly so we waited in the bar for just a couple minutes.

We were all seated but we took our time as we figured it would be 7:30 or after when Sherri got there. By the way the new girl did make it, Clair M and she lives up by Seattle but gets to Portland several times a year. We ordered drinks and yes I got my bean and cheese dip which I love. By the way our waitress was awesome tonight, her name was Nakiya. We always have great service here and most places we go. Tonight was her 3rd night and we were her first big group, although I think she had worked here before. It was about 7:30 when we started ordering dinner and just as we were finishing ordering Sherri arrived, she couldn’t have timed it better. It was great to see her. Tonight we had Sherri, Kea, Me, Julie, Alanna, Clair M, Jamie, Alex, & Barb. Kea also lives near Seattle and was down for the night, she gets down here a few times a year also. It really is nice to catch up and yes Clair M was sitting close to me so I got a good chance to talk with her and get to know her. She is very in the closet as far as people who know. As a matter of fact no one knows about her, not even her wife of kids which makes it hard for her to get out. Now I am sure everyone has an opinion on if you should tell a wife or family but all that matters is how that person feels. As much as I am out I have not told any of my family and that is what is right for me, some of our girls have come out to all their family even though they are part time and that is what is right for them. We all have to live our lives on how we feel is right and not to please someone else.

Our food came and it was good as always, we had a great dinner and wonderful conversation. These dinners really are the best thing our group does, having a regular day scheduled that we do dinner makes it easier for girls to plan as they know every Wednesday we will be someplace. We have about 10 places we go pretty regular on rotation and every once in a while we slip a new place in. After dinner we sat and talked for a while. It was about 9pm when we paid our bills and called it a night.

Julie and I gave Sherri a ride but not back to where she was staying, here is the funny thing. She has gotten to know the couple that run the Airbnb she usually stays at but she was not able to stay their this time but they knew she was in town and called her and invited her over for a while after dinner to visit, how cool is that. So after that she will take a Lyft back to where she is staying. It only took about 5 minutes to get there and the 3 of us talked the whole way. We dropped Sherri off and for the next month or so she will be really busy and probably not make it back to town for dinner. I drove Julie home and dropped her off. It is always sad to see the evening come to an end but I look forward to the weekend and next week’s dinner when I will see my friends again.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

July 16, 2023 Posted by | Dinner out, who song & larry | , , , , , | 1 Comment