Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Saturday and a full fun day meeting Sherri at Starbucks and Nicole at the Escape

It is the Second Saturday of November and I have a full fun day. I did get up and go to the gym for an hour, yes my gym is still torn up with a remodel. I got home just before noon and had a couple things to do before I could start my day as Susan. Now normally I go to Starbucks to work on my blog which I need to do as I am 3 behind but better than that Sheri is going to be in town this afternoon to pick her wife up at the airport so she is going to meet me at the Starbucks at Cascade station at 2pm, and Nicole is in town this evening so we are going to meet at the Escape at 5:30pm.

I started getting ready at 12:30pm so it would be a little bit of a rush but I still took time to enjoy doing my makeup. I did try something new today though, I did my brick red lipstick which is a matte color and I love but after it dried I put a couple taps of the brush I used to do my highlighter on my lips and it did give it just a little shimmer although it doesn’t show up that well in the pictures. I also had to pick an outfit that was casual enough for daytime at Starbucks but dressy enough for the evening at the Escape as I didn’t want to have to run home and change. I picked my casual blue dress with a hem that comes just below my knees and of course my ankle boots. I was all ready by 1:30 and on my way.

I got to Cascade Station and being a nice day, sunny and about 50 out the shopping center was really busy and the parking lot full. I ended up parking on the street just down from Starbucks. I got to Starbucks just before 2 and went in and they were also busy, there was one table open in the middle with 2 chairs so I put my computer on it to be safe and then got in line which had 6 people in front of me. I ordered my drink and then went and stood to wait for it, the lady standing next to me complimented me on my ankle boots so I thanked her, we actually talked briefly about them as it turns out she had a pair similar to mine but they wore out and she needs to find another pair. I sat down at the table with my drink and started on my blog from Last Sunday. It was about 15 minutes later when Sheri arrived. Now I have met her as her male self before, she got her drink and sat down and we started talking.

Her wife’s flight gets in about 3:30 so we had over an hour to talk. It was so nice to spend the time talking with Sheri and it did make my trip to Starbucks more fun as I have said before as Susan I am way more social. We sat and talked about a lot of different things and just had a wonderful time. It is amazing how fast the time went by and yes even though she was male mode she was still Sherri to me. It was about 3:40 when Sherri had to leave to go pick her wife up but it really was such a wonderful afternoon and I am so happy Sherri was able to come a little early and spend some time with me. Sherri joined our group a little over a year ago and has become a good friend. It is funny as I have more and closer friends as Susa then I do as my male self.

After Sherri left I went back to working on my blogs, I spent a little over an hour here working on my blogs and got Last Sunday’s blog done and posted and Mondays blog done and started on Wednesday nights blog but it was after 5 and I wanted to be to the Escape by 5:30 so I packed up and left. Now there was one thing I forgot and that was a sweater or coat and as the sun was going down by now it was getting a little cold outside but I hoped it would be warm at the Escape. I got to the Escape about 5:20 and got the last parking spot in the lot and went in. I went up to the bar and ordered dinner, their burger basket which is really good and got my drink and sat down at a table.

Greer was actually there so she joined me, it was nice to see her out again. She is also one of our newer members to the group. About the tine my food came out Nicole arrived so we were up to 3 of us. Nicole lives up by Seattle but gets down here every once in a while but this weekend her wife and her came down and yes Nicole got to come out for the evening, it was nice to see her again. We got talking and I still haven’t gone through the clothes she brought me a month ago. Well Nicole and Greer ordered dinner and we al sat and ate as we waited for others to show up. Michelle was the next to show up followed by Jan & Lynn who actually got here earlier then normal as they were at a meeting for the Esprit, they are on the planning committee for that event. We all sat and talked and had a good time.

Karaoke started about 7:30 and it got loud so was a little harder to talk. Greer called it a night but it as great she could make it out with us. It was about 5 minutes after she left Alex showed up and she is our newest member. She joined 10 days ago and this was her first time out with our group so it was nice to talk with her but with the music it was hard to hear everything. It seems she use to dress as female but for the last 20 years had stopped, well she is recently single again and the urge came back and she decided to start again. Now we may stop dressing at times in our lives but the need and desire never goes away. I did enjoy talking to her and getting to know her better although it would have been nicer over dinner where it was quieter as I said it was really hard to hear everything she said but hopefully she will make some of our dinners.

It was about 8:30 when Lauri showed up which is early for her as it is usually 9 or 9:30 when she arrives, I always joke she is our late-night girl. It was really nice to see her again as the last few time I have been here she wasn’t. before COVID-19 I was coming here every Saturday night but now it is more hit or miss. I used to post every week I would be here to get girls to come out and now I only go if others say they will be there. Nicole and I talked about this and I may start going more and see if I can get a regular group going here again but the problem is I like to get there early as in between 5:30 and 6 and most of the girls don’t show up till 7 or later and although I am fine going to Starbucks by myself somehow sitting in a bar by myself is not the same thing. Any ways something to think about in the future.

The singing was good and there were a lot of songs I knew which is always nice but it did seem like they had the volume up louder this week then normal as it really was hard to talk. It was also really crowded which was nice to see. I know a lot of businesses were really impacted over the last couple years with the shutdowns and COVID restrictions and a lot didn’t survive. Well a young man came over to talk with us, his name was Johnny and he thought we were all beautiful and wanted to talk with us. We talked for a little bit and then he went and got his husband and brought him over to meet us. They were both really nice although his husband was a little more quiet but we had a nice time talking with them.

The night went by way to fast and soon it was after 11pm, yes I had been here for almost 6 hours and it didn’t seem possible. Well I paid my bill and said my goodbyes and called it a night. It was such a fun day. Now I am looking forward to a little Susan time Sunday afternoon as I really do need to catch up on my blogs. It was almost midnight when I got home.

Thanks for reading my blog and sharing this part of my life with me.

November 15, 2022 - Posted by | Escape Bar & Grill, friends, Starbucks | , , , , ,

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