Susanmillers Blog

My life as a heterosexual crossdresser.

Sunday and a little Susan time at Starbucks

Okay it is Sunday and even though I am getting a later start I am going to go to Starbucks for a while and get caught up on my blogs which I am so far behind on. Now if you read my blog about Saturdays dinner out with Julie and Cassandra, I mentioned the weather and although I didn’t loose power in the heavy rain, I noticed that my gutters were over flowing so Sunday that was my project and I finished cleaning my gutters about 3:30 so I figured I could still get cleaned up and be to Starbucks before 5 and still have 3 hours or so to catch up on my blogs. I had my blog from last Wednesday night’s dinner and last nights dinner out plus I figured I could get a start on todays blog at Starbucks and see if I can get them all posted by tomorrow. I actually got to Starbucks a little after 4:30 so will have a little more time. I did get a selfie in the car again.

I got something to drink and sat down at a table along the window. There was a young girl at the next table, well young to me I am guessing early 20’s and I noticed her looking at me a few times and finally she spoke up and told me how nice I looked and that she loved my boots. Of course, this made my day as how doesn’t love getting compliments. I thanked her and we chatted briefly before she went back to what she was doing, looked like school work and I went back to my blog. I finished my blog from Wednesday nights dinner and posted it and then caught up on some e-mails before starting to work on my blog from inner last night at Irving Street Kitchen. As I was sitting there, I was thinking about what to do for dinner and I remembered I brought home left overs from dinner last night as Julie and Cassandra didn’t want them so I decided that is what I will have for dinner. None of us are big on left overs and I know for me if I don’t wat them tonight, I will never eat them. So that is the plan. Of course, that means I won’t stay here as late as I don’t want to get home and eat them at 9 so I decided I would only stay here till 7 but that still gives me 2 ½ hours here at Starbucks and that is fine. I remember the first times I would go to Starbucks I would drive across town so I wouldn’t run into anyone. I would spend an hour getting ready, drive 30 minutes and get there about 7:30 and of course they closed at 8:30 so I was there only an hour before driving 30 minutes back home and then the time to clean up and remove all traces of Susan.

I stayed here till 7:30 before leaving before going home and heating up the left overs from last night for dinner. It was a quick but fun and relaxing afternoon out at Starbucks.

Thanks for reading and be sure and read my most recent blog to see what is new in my life.

October 5, 2019 - Posted by | Starbucks | , , , , , , , , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. […] to do my blog for last Wednesday night’s dinner at Rock Bottom. I posted my blog from last Sunday at Starbucks this morning. It is hard to find the time to do these as I have just been busy the last few months […]

    Pingback by Saturday night at the Escape first Saturday in October « Susanmillers Blog | October 7, 2019 | Reply

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